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Anti Macro Gump.

Not sure if this has been mentioned before or if the staff knew this, but when the forums are down and we get the anti macro gump ingame we cant make it go away because it wont load the page. It showed up to me today and i had to die to get rid of it ;P

[Image: Kandorin%20Banner.jpg]
Holy Marquess, The Ministry

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Today morning the webpage was down and the staff announced in-game to dont macro harverst skill until it has been fixed. Big Grin

I prefer Alzheimer than Parkinson. Better forget to pay the beer than pour it all.

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[Image: Love_Tent_Map.jpg]

In Front Minoc MINES! In the TENT!

Accepting Carpentry orders!

actually the forums werent down. but the domain name. The anti macro gump will get pointed to the ip instead of the domain soon

I get an invalid web page now from anti-maacro... i think the ones that worked to day was with wrong time, it was counting down from 80 sec not 180.

I wish someone can tell me if i am able to harvest or not.

I'm on top of it!

It could have been a temporary glitch with the DNS, because I just tested and it worked fine. This should be resolved after next reboot though since I point to the webserver IP instead of

About the delay, I don't know why it counts from 85 or so seconds instead of 180. You still have 180 seconds to respond though before you are killed. Maybe Maka knows more about this (he's the one who created the script).

Time issue has been fixed.

I still having the wrong page problem.

I'm on top of it!

Try updating the page or clearing your cache. Since you can access the forums you should be able to access that site, so it's kinda weird.

Taran Wrote:Try updating the page or clearing your cache. Since you can access the forums you should be able to access that site, so it's kinda weird.

I did everything you said but... it still boring me!

I took a screen of the web page:

[Image: LbumSemTTulo#5253117135387646802]

If the image doesnt work, here is the link to it:

I'm on top of it!

Have you tried accessing the same link all along or have you gotten a new anti-macro gump which you can't access?

That message should only come up if your character has no gump ingame.

Any new gump I get, this message appear.

I'm on top of it!

Well, if it still happens after server reboot tomorrow let me know.

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