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Another idea for ganking

Ganking on INX is really fun and let me make it clear that i "dont want" to, and this DOES NOT take anything away from XUO pvp or gameplay when putting forward this idea. Note that this tweak would only affect naked players running around ganking with no armor. There are benefits to this which i will explain.

I think most players who are used to xuo pvp are programmed to fight in a certain way when ganking. I think we can all agree that right now the spells used in ganking are more or less fs, lightning, paralyze, harm, magic reflect.

And i think we can all agree that most of the time we all gank naked with regs, scrolls, pots, and maybe melee weapon such as bard or bow.

But having played IN1, i would like to put this idea forward for discussion. On IN1 we had also used spells like explosion and energy bolt which did significant damage to opponent who wore no armor and i think if this can be tweaked it would create more variety in ganking.

Right now explosion varies alot in damage as well as energy bolt, sometimes doing alot of damage and sometimes doing less.

Perhaps staff have not looked into this in maybe tweaking the damage so that:

1) explode and eb would do more damage to nakeds, and less to those wearing armor.
2) the damage dealt would be permanent (from what i see it varies alot, but this might be due to resisting spells too)
3) maybe implement explode/energy bolts scrolls


I believe this would encourage many things,

1) encourage gankers to wear armor when ganking, instead of running around naked, hence increase chances of better loot
2) therefore this would also affect the economy, utilising more skills like blacksmithing and mining. there would be higher demand for armor, not just for the sake of duelling but for ganking too, hence putting more emphasise on the need for crafters ingame.
3) also this adds variety to ganking nakeds, not just the one style of harm fs with perfect timing. note that explosion deals damage to people standing next to target too, not just the target itself.

from what i see right now, armor doesn't serve its purpose enough in pvp overall. they should at least have some use in fights other than duels. like i said this doesnt affect xuo pvp in anyway. its just a minor tweak that would add value to many aspects of inx as a whole. im not sure what would need to be done in terms of balance on how much mana it takes to cast these spells or damage but im sure staff can decide on that.

this is open for discussion, i hope to hear some comments from staff to


This is actually a pretty good idea since it would only effect world PVP. The increased damage to players with no armor wouldn't effect tourneys since everyone's wearing armor. Just make sure that it's balanced to do crappy damage to a tourney geared player.

I think that a variation between world PVP and tourney PVP would be nice since it might encourage people to do world PVP for a change if tourneys get boring or are unavailabe.

i've just been told that this acutally has already been implemented back in december or so.

i guess no one uses exp or eb spells in pvp thats all.

Yep I've been wondering this myself. Why everyone uses FS on naked players when they can use explosion which deals more damage, takes less mana and less time to cast.

oh really?! This is interesting.

naa, fs deals more damage, 46;p explosion and energy bolt deals 45 dmg, i know there are no difference at all , but 2 harm and two fs can kill player, and 2harm + 2 EB cant) Well, i know they takes less mana, but anyway im too lazy to make scrolls or even add a script)

all ppl arent naked Big Grin

[Image: ginzodium.jpg]
holding hands <3

Not I! I rock out with my **** out.

I thought we already implemented something like this a long time ago.

It was tweaked earlier. I think problem is that damage is not constant like it is with FS. With FS you know it's going to be 46 damage on opponent that has GM resist so you plan your strategy with that. With EB you don't know know what damage you'll be doing to your opponent when he has almost no armor. It's just not a viable strategy because you have to rely on luck for it to work. Everyone just rather uses FS because you know exactly how much bang for your buck are you getting when you cast it.

Ganking with gear would be a loot more fun for the looter, and it would put a spin on economy. At the end of the day, someone needs to make that armor.

Think that this is a good idea, and that it would be nice to have in, but it's hard to balance. I do however not think that increasing the "naked" spells would but our ganking in a bad direction.

Yes like some people have already said in this thread we've added this ages ago. Hardly anybody uses it, which is sad, but they are really really good. I used to 1-man-kill naked people by just spamming a few ebolts in a row, cause they take so low mana and does about as much dmg as a flamestrike, but I suppose ppl prefer to have a hard time. No need to change anything when it comes to this tho, they are SO good vs naked people already, all we need to change is to make the players realize just how good they are so that they'll start making the scrolls.


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