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It's that time of the day again Big Grin Vote you lazy bumsWink

Im proud to announce that well we have moved up a few spots on the top list today ! That is very awsome all thank you for voting . We could make this shard number one where it should be if we vote like this every day = D . Lets make it a goal InX Number OnE - 1 first place for sure Smile
thank you all


Keep it up guys, great work Big Grin

Guess what guys and gals .... Im a Gm yeah thats right Grand master Voter and you can be one to by just taking a few momnets out of your day to vote for the shard Smile thank you for your time and keep up the great voting

Nemesis Wrote:Guess what guys and gals .... Im a Gm yeah thats right Grand master Voter and you can be one to by just taking a few momnets out of your day to vote for the shard Smile thank you for your time and keep up the great voting

He already won one Hued and Named Cursor...comons vote and win yours also... I'm near to get mine!

Sorry i havnt posted on our voting thread past few days havnt been online much but hey any ways figured it was time to make sure every one is still in the voting mode Smile thank you for your time and happy voting ^^

Bump, vote

Im very proud to see the positions we are gaining keep up the wonderfull work every one very kool -.-

GG, *bump*

It's fun, I promise!

Whats up every one is every one still voting every day %^^% im sure we are Smile hehe keep up the good voting all thank you `

Figured i would update the voting thread : ) and stop in to see that every one is still doing a wonderfull job at voting and of course you are Keep up the good work all *** Smile

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