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Bump, New day need new votes Smile

smoke Wrote:Bump, New day need new votes Smile

Keep up the spirit i have knowticed alot more votes going in lately thats a very good thing : ) Keep up the good work Lets Become Number OnE -.-

Thanks for voting guys Smile

EMV Top shards just restarted were number 2, keep voting Smile

Did you see the number one shard has 60 votes just from today compared to our 6? wow they are hopping.

Dont get discouraged we can do this we just gotta keep deticated : )

Darklink Wrote:Did you see the number one shard has 60 votes just from today compared to our 6? wow they are hopping.

I'm calling hax on that... we have 6 votes and 60 online... that would mean that they'd need roughly 600 people online to have the same number of click-throughs.

Also, I hate those top shard sites because they don't tell you anything really ABOUT the shard, just tells you who can get the most votes from their members or through proxy votes.

Actually after you vote on that site it doesn't redirect you to the top UO shards section. That top site (which now has 110 votes) is a browser game. Chances are that the game also rewards you for voting, seems to be the new trend to get popular these days.

Anyway, if you click their top UO sites, we are number 1. Go us!

Comon people, vote vote vote new day new votes!

smoke Wrote:Comon people, vote vote vote new day new votes!

I agree with smoke ^^

Nemesis Wrote:I agree with smoke ^^

Are we losing the spirit on our voting or something ? Come on now i see us losing spots we shoudnt be losing position we should gaining. Guys Lets all take time to vote for the shard only takes us a few moments right ? It allso helps us have more fun because we gain more people in our wonderfull world with that said keep it in mind. = D

Thank you all for your time .


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