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Bringing Back RP

Just having a look at the top 100 serverlist, i think the reason why Grimmwold is no.1 is because they are a strict RP shard. RP enables everyone to at least act more maturely ingame, and create a more positive experience for everyone around them.

I suggest we bring back RP and more and more people should do so, it will eliminate all the trash talk you get ingame..."stfu noob" etc etc. Not saying everyone has to, I know we've trash talked here and there but i am going to try to get my guild [Immortal] guild to start getting into character as the undead race and this would create a better environment for other players around old or new to the server.

Server is growing everyday (now we have about 45 playerbase which was about 25 last week) and the pvp system and armor/weapon system is great. Lets try and help out new players into the shard and keep INX up long as possible.

Also we're no.4 so lets all keep voting guys!, just remember the more players there are the more pvp action and shard won't be as boring day in day out


I have yet to run accross any of the "STFU Noob" guys that everyone keeps talking about. But truth be told, if you try to force a 1337 dUd3 to roleplay, he'd probably either quit or have his brain explode from trying to capitalize and use punctuation.

Not saying everyone must roleplay... Im just encouraging those who might be interested in giving it a go to do so. Brings something unique to the shard, you got different races etc and that was what made IN1 quite successful.


I agree with OKAN, RPing is the key to a strong uo player base(especially on a free server). It brings the long term players in that enjoy to interact with one another by trading, alliances and all that fun communicational nerdy stuff. (haha no offense, I RP for the hell of it) And when you get hardcore RPer's that are taking their time to work on the INX enviroment you also get the l33t players. They're corrupt ways, rude slang, down right annoying reasons of playing actually make UO.. UO. Understand what im getting at? There's always going to be the ******* players and mature players. The thing is, the more mature players the more unmature players. Everything contributes together.. Anyways.. enforcing RP might bring those long term players back... and eventually the long term L33ters that we all know and love... good luck enforcing RP.. lol.

I got a couple Ideas i'll spit out.. past uo experiences.
  • RP items. (worthless armor or weapons with cool ass names, blood stains in a vampire guild hall, decorations)
  • Guild Colors and Guild item Stones. (Classifies each other and creates DRAMA!)
  • Organized RP events ( player submitted RP event watched over by GM's and maybe for an item or forshadowing an upcoming event?)
  • RP guild stones. (certian resources, a huge RP story, Player in Game RP)
  • RP tags (Above player names)

All those little things make you want to play longer... just couple idea's... i just hate seeing people running around with nice colored clothing... shiny shit... all for no reason... but i look at things from the RP view..

Well, enforcing RP isn't going to happen. But I do encourage it, and I'd be more than happy if more people did it.
We already reward roleplayers with special items, you can read more about that on our website. I haven't really thought of the RP tags idea though, maybe that's worth looking into. Then the roleplayers would know who to interact with and who not to.

yea the RP tags were alright.. players would apply for them on the forums.. and they would get approved if they had a good RP story to stick to.. Than RPers could attend to RP events and get unique RP items and solid opportunities to RP without being Ganked...

I suggested this like the first week server was up, but people (as in people that would RP) thought it was discriminating to some extend.

maka Wrote:I suggested this like the first week server was up, but people (as in people that would RP) thought it was discriminating to some extend.

Honestly, I think most of the elitists will look at the [RP] tag, and see this:

[Image: 486d.jpg]

People that are good or "elitist" as you say won't kill those guys I think, just the retard ones will do it though, so the term is the "retardeds" Tongue

But I think most of our players would respect it or atleast don't see them as an easy kill

Pum Pum Plaka Plaka

Don't you know I'm Loco?

Deja vu? This reminds me of the old convos on this topic.

For those who may have missed out on what was going on last time the shard was up let me clue some people in. Basically a few people made sure that rpers were annoyed to death, mocked, stalked and ridiculed. This was not something I experienced too often but it did happen more then once to me and a couple of my members left because they didn't want to put up with little kids while trying to have fun in their own way.
I brought this up because I want anyone who might rp to know that this type of behavior (as far as I remember) is harassment and is not allowed. Of course some people don't like telling on players and just split because they can't have fun. I don't want to hear from anyone that rpers should be able to work around *******s and ignore childish remarks because in all honesty it gets old quick and regardless of how it phases a person, people realize that they can go elsewhere to rp and actually have fun. I know for me, it is no fun rping if only 3 other people on the shard are doing so as well.
I would love to see IN:X have a decent RP community and I would be willing to help with it but I don't know if it will happen. Maybe with this new start it is possible now, at least I am hoping.
As for RP tags... I have to agree with Sindern in a sense but its no different then how some of us rpers have different skin and looks. From what I remember Rpers always got targeted first on here anyway (at least I did when I was with someone). Maybe because people thought they could somehow get like a daemon skull or a vampire shroud or maybe they just hated us because they felt like we had special treatment.
Anyways I guess I need to stop typing already. I hope to see more RP here because that will make me be around more.
Good luck to anyone who gives it a shot. Just remember it isn't for everyone but it adds a different kind of experience to the shard that can be quite fun.

[Image: mariozl3.png]

Thing that is missing is written rules, and I just spoke to taran yesterday, and we kind of came to the conclusion those rules were needed. If they were written, they are known, and also to be followed.

This should hopefully help out RP a lot, and also the general atmosphere of the server.

I'd personally like to see more RP about this place. I might even dabble in it with another character since I have time off this summer. Written blocks of rules are exactly what it needs.

We have written rules for PvP, where, when, what not to wall, etc. RP seems to be on a good faith basis. Most do follow it, the real dedicated people from IN.

But, rules for all, or order for none.

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