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Guide to Blacksmithy

Guide to Blacksmithy

So you think you have what it takes to become a master smith? Well first of all I will warn you that it takes A LOT of effort (or gold) to get GM Blacksmith. I assume you have done a bit of mining so far and I can tell you that mining is 3-4 times faster if you use all the iron you mine to raise bs. Since I’m not GM yet this will be a guess but having to use 200k iron seems like a low shot to GM smith.

That said let’s get into the gritty stuff.
The most efficient way to raise bs is making daggers. They cost 3 iron each. Starting out at 40 bs you will be having a return of between 3 and 4 gp per ingot if you sell all your daggers to NPC’s. You get 3.3 gp for a normal dagger and 4 gp for an exceptional dagger in a per ingot pricing. Since your chance to make exceptional items increase with your skill you will get more and more money back for your ingot investment. It will however never get anywhere near the price for buying ingots from other players where the price varies around 8 gp per ingot.
There may be items that give you a better return in gold but the increase in ingots needed makes it not worth it.
If you mine your own iron it will still be a fair return in gold compared to time spent. Won’t get rich in a few days but it all adds up.

Why would you even start with blacksmithy? Well you get to make the best armors and the best weapons on the shard. Need any more reason than that? *grins*

So if you are willing to spend a few weeks in the mines for the iron and then another two weeks making daggers go for it!

Locking your mining skill at around 60% can be a good choice if you want to mine mostly iron. It has the significant downside of you not getting the higher end valuable ores and since you can make daggers from any type(although it takes higher bs depending on the type) i see little reason to actually lock your mining skill.

You can smelt daggers which gives you a return of 1 iron per dagger(no matter which type its made from). This can reduce the amount of ingots needed to raise your blacksmith by ALOT. But downside is no gold from selling the daggers. I do however feel smelting is worth it unless you really need the gold.

Another tip. If you are mining your own iron lock your mining skill around ~60% so you can mine more iron than other ingots that you won't use now or mine with several characters.

well there is a trade off to locking your skill at 60 you will hit gm smith with no high end ingots then spend another 2-3 weeks trying to get them id just gm mining then start another char and gm it again then again untill you gm smithing that way you will have atleast a few suits worth of higher end ingots. Thats the problem with buying ingots as well in my opinion it's not worth it to buy them because the price is to high to counter the lack of high end ingots you don't get from mining your self.

Ive heard it's roughly 400k iron ingots to gm blacksmithing.

I gmed one char now i locked another in 60 for my mining biatx

Well you can make daggers from more than just iron. I doubt it's worth it to lock your mining since you will miss out on a lot of high end ores.

Edit: Guess I should have added that to the guide. Well consider it added with this post Smile

as a i said only lock a the skill on a second char the other one is gmed and as all kind of ores

Well look at the ar right ? allot of the ar is a little better than iron and not by much so id just use it to gm black smithing because you prolly can't make money selling it and you as the gm smith will prolly wear better ar because you can just mine it again and its free.
Personally for me id rather it take longer to gm black smithing and have more higher end ingots then to speed it up because iron is easy to get the higher stuff is much much harder to find once you are gm just my person pref.

I thought I'd add that if you want pure skill gain and do not care about the gold, you can also work smelting into your macro.

Daggers cost 3 Ingots, Smelting a dagger gives one ingot.
So, every 3 daggers you make, you can make one extra.
9 ingots is essentially 12 ingots. A 33% increase!

so the required ingots to gm bs diminish by 33%?

That is correct.

Morwen Wrote:so the required ingots to gm bs diminish by 33%?

Start with 100 ingots. Make 33 daggers + 1 spare ingot. Turn 33 daggers into 33 ingots + 1. Then make another 11 daggers which turn into 11 ingots + 1. The make 4 daggers. 4 ingots and then 1 dagger.
So instead of 33 daggers you end up with 49 daggers made.
An increase of 48%.

Obviously this means that you won't get any gold from selling daggers but I guess it's worth it if you don't need the gold.

Thats the way to go for me Smile

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