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my first complaint :)

hah taran is emo that explains woman like mood swings,, um ive been nothing but positive so far(not bringing shard down not calling people down all that shit) but now i know the real PROBLEM WITH SHARD, dosnt emo stand for something about emotions and that crap, taran feels sad shard suffers, taran feels happy shard is happy, taran gets angry taran does what taran wants cause taran is like woman and does irrational things based on feelings even if taran regrets 2 min later. lol i hope all attention deprived, cowardly, whining, ball less, emos out there slits there wrists lol actually thats the cowardly, attention grabbing way to do it, grow a pair an jump of a building, or grow a real big pair and try attempting life without the thought poor me emmbedded in your brain, dump the self pity the pride the ego and do the job you said you would regardless of how 13 yr old whiners make you feel

just remember the world doesnt give a shit about you, your problems, or your feelings, once you realise this youll be much happier cause youll stop depending on the rest of us for pity or approval or w/e the **** gets you hard. after this realization youll be better person

anyone that fakes any pity or general caring is full of shit and has there own agenda ahead of them wether it be making themselves feel good or actually getting something out of it, i mean think about it when was the last time you generally cared when someone told you some problem they were having or what they were feeling, lol unless of course what they were telling you negativily affected you

ya i know my spelling sux balls i used wrong words in some places oh well im lazy and i dont give a ****

Your officially a ****ign *******. Its pricks like you who screw round on the shard and **** it up. Go **** yourself..

Maybe Taran just gave up because the mass amount of idiots infiltrating said IN world [NOT centralizing ANY group other then the group of IDIOTS] and he just doesn't care because an overwhelming majority of people here are god damn retarded.

~Zorus, Tallmen, Garm, Syn, Senteil, etc IN1
~Seven Locks, Syn IN:R

~Admin Syn, Damien, Mary Jane - ONO
~Syn, some other random names - XUO
~Syn, Dodge Omni Turbo, Mary Jane - Navid1aUO

EVE Name: Slaquer ...sold my old account ;/

I and the Whole staff team will do everything posible to fix what we have to fix in the shortest amount of time. so trust in uss, thats all we want now. I myself will start working right away on everything i got planned (non-scripting) on the shard.

Thanks, once again, for those who are giving uss their support with this decision. and yes, Believe in uss Wink

I want to but it is hard :[

Without forums and such its gonna be really hard to gauge what's going on [if anything] with the development of the shard.

~Zorus, Tallmen, Garm, Syn, Senteil, etc IN1
~Seven Locks, Syn IN:R

~Admin Syn, Damien, Mary Jane - ONO
~Syn, some other random names - XUO
~Syn, Dodge Omni Turbo, Mary Jane - Navid1aUO

EVE Name: Slaquer ...sold my old account ;/

changelogs will be posted on the website per usual, of course.

Yankovic - "... Oh Nasir, sorry, you are teh greatest. I'm a fool, you were right all the time. please forgive me. ..." (possibly out of context)

Well, yes hes not right at all, cos Taran REALLY did great work, and thanks for that man! No offence, please, but he made some right points in hes post. Cos for sure, if u are MAN u must do what u have to do, all what u promiced to ... If u are man of your word, i mean. And no matter how people act, there always will be part of shard who's crying and dislike something. U WONT BE GOOD TO EVERYONE! Right thing is just continue working and proove ur words. ALL i mean, like it was when merging happend , as maka wrote at "The Merge" on main page. Cos we all have seen Taran said he will do all to make people stay, even change pvp! Man, about which part of people u talkin ? U will loose loads if u touch pvp, last active players i mean. Maka wouldnt let changed, everyone whos played xuo will agree with that. Cos for everyone from our old shard main part of merging was PVP, and we all play just because of that, ask anyone... So if u change it wont be merge anymore, it will be IMAGINE NATION, or some kind of new shard. U has brought people on that server by merging of two shards, so do what u have promiced to. IMHO otherwise u makin us feel like someone just stolled our old shard and put us on random OSI serverSad U act like everyone who dislike our merge can come and change that all...:/
P.S. Im sorry for my english, but i hope u understood me...

Gang-Bang Wrote:Well, yes hes not right at all, cos Taran REALLY did great work, and thanks for that man! No offence, please, but he made some right points in hes post. Cos for sure, if u are MAN u must do what u have to do, all what u promiced to ... If u are man of your word, i mean. And no matter how people act, there always will be part of shard who's crying and dislike something. U WONT BE GOOD TO EVERYONE! Right thing is just continue working and proove ur words. ALL i mean, like it was when merging happend , as maka wrote at "The Merge" on main page. Cos we all have seen Taran said he will do all to make people stay, even change pvp! Man, about which part of people u talkin ? U will loose loads if u touch pvp, last active players i mean. Maka wouldnt let changed, everyone whos played xuo will agree with that. Cos for everyone from our old shard main part of merging was PVP, and we all play just because of that, ask anyone... So if u change it wont be merge anymore, it will be IMAGINE NATION, or some kind of new shard. U has brought people on that server by merging of two shards, so do what u have promiced to. IMHO otherwise u makin us feel like someone just stolled our old shard and put us on random OSI serverSad U act like everyone who dislike our merge can come and change that all...:/
P.S. Im sorry for my english, but i hope u understood me...

With all due respect..
He's right..
Nothing else to add to that. Short, Sweet and Right To The Point.


Scarecrow [Prototype].

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

Turmoil Wrote:[Image: baww.png]

Turmoil Wrote:just remember the world doesnt give a shit about you, your problems, or your feelings, once you realise this youll be much happier cause youll stop depending on the rest of us for pity or approval or w/e the **** gets you hard. after this realization youll be better person

Most admins/staffmembers from IN-X does actually care A LOT about other peoples feelings. Keep in mind that all the work we do is for you guys. I can't speak for the others, but what makes me want to do all this work for free is the gratitude of the players who appreciates what I do for them. If I would not care about them being happy or sad I would most likely quit before I even got started.

There's three types of staffmembers:
  • The ones that wants to be a staffmember so that they can cheat for their friends and their mortal.
  • The ones that wants to "have power" and wants people to look up to them.
  • And last but not least, the people that CARES ABOUT OTHERS above themselves, the ones that works for two rewards only: to see the players happy and to see the shard grow.
The first type of staffmembers is usually the ones you see at less serious sphere-shards, because there the logs aren't as good and it's quite easy to cheat if you do it the right way. However here at RunUO the logs are very good and it's very hard to get away with cheating against them, so even if we'd hire somebody with these intentions he'd get banned before he can say "wopidoo!".

The second type of staffmembers is usually the ones that logs on a lot but does not really host anything or answer any pages, but instead just stands in pits talking to the players, and "teleporting around" to show their powers.

The third type - well what can I say - these staffmembers actually puts others in front of themselves, and spends lots and lots of their sparetime with only two rewards: to see the players happy and to see the shard grow. These staffmembers are hard to find, but they're the ones you'd want to have at the shard you're playing at. These are the ones that I believe works/worked at IN-X, at least some of them..

I don't think Tarans decission to shut IN-X down at this point was the best one, but I don't think he did it because "he got hurt", but instead because he wanted to "save IN-X" in his own way - and make it better - and this is his way of doing that. Nobody whose scripted hours and hours for a shard full of complaining players is somebody that does not care about others - and I'm very happy about that - because if he, Coldrake and Maka would not have cared about others, IN-X would never have existed in the first place.

I'd also like to point out that everybody at IN-X isn't complaining, but the ones you see at the forum usually does. The "happy ones" usually doesn't say that they're happy as much as the unhappy/upset ones say that they're unhappy/upset.

I'm sure Tarans decission to shut IN-X down (even if so only temporary) upset a lot of you - and for good reasons - but if you really want IN-X to live on then I'd say don't try to make him "stop caring about others", because when that happens IN-X will never ever have any chance of returning..


Hate Wrote:The third type - well what can I say - these staffmembers actually puts others in front of themselves, and spends lots and lots of their sparetime with only two rewards: to see the players happy and to see the shard grow. These staffmembers are hard to find, but they're the ones you'd want to have at the shard you're playing at. These are the ones that I believe works/worked at IN-X, at least some of them..

I don't think Tarans decission to shut IN-X down at this point was the best one, but I don't think he did it because "he got hurt", but instead because he wanted to "save IN-X" in his own way - and make it better - and this is his way of doing that. Nobody whose scripted hours and hours for a shard full of complaining players is somebody that does not care about others - and I'm very happy about that - because if he, Coldrake and Maka would not have cared about others, IN-X would never have existed in the first place.

I'm sure Tarans decission to shut IN-X down (even if so only temporary) upset a lot of you - and for good reasons - but if you really want IN-X to live on then I'd say don't try to make him "stop caring about others", because when that happens IN-X will never ever have any chance of returning..


I'm glad someone finally put this into words. Taran put a lot of time into this project and if everyone complains about his tornequit-style protection of the shard, then he might just say "effit, it cost a lot of time, but it's not worth pursuing any longer." We may lose the arm in time, but give the man some time to install a prosthetic. If we stick behind him and the other staff, he will do the things he says he's wanted to do. There's only so much shit someone can take without profit and I think that if we don't back off and give the devs some time to think and implement their plan, they may just give up and move on with their lives.

I want IN:X to return in a more brilliant form, so I'm going to sit here, troll, and tell everyone to relax. Things will be back to normal if we just leave Taran alone to fix his sick child.


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