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Changes Needed Now!

Ok well, i know this issue has been brought up before but it is starting to become a very big issue in this community. The fact that IN:X has barely no active staff in ANY timezone at this point is dissapointing. I have been trying my best to look past this but everyday it gets alittle worse and it seems that it is not going to be solved any time soon. Within' the past 7 days, i have been playing at all hours of the day and have been looking and what is going on when with the help of some other players....

We came to this conclusion.

GM Hate was active, helped, opened duel arena, hosted tour when he could and PVP school

GM Odium hosted 1 tour.. only time i saw him

No one else.

In My Timezone. I have not seen a staffmember... and neither have the other players that play at this time. We are an active timezone but also need to be supplied with things to do. We CANNOT be expected to GANK 24 hours a day because that is just ridiculous and gank is starting to get too repetitive.

This is seriouse, i had nothing to do today so i played Uo, i saw GM Hate, he hosted 1 tour, opened arena and we did not see any other staff, it's been like this for the past 7-8 days. The non active staff has been this way for weeks. I'm not trying to create a flaming post but seriously, hire someone, even a noob, i really don't care at this point. Get someone that can make tours, quests ect. and help players because, as a PVP i think im helping the new players out when they logg on more than the staff is. I have players that PM me in-game to heklp them because they are not able to reach an active GM for hours. If this shard is expected to grow in playerbase.. it has to have "life".. and that is something we lack here on IN:X.

AND, aside from that, only opening the duel arena for 2 hours a day??? LOL that made me laugh seriously.. we already have NO tours and NO quests or ANYTHING and even our duel arena time gets decreased haha! Makes ABSOLUTLY no sense!



Scarecrow [Prototype].

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

what i can say... Kick ginz.. kick muto.. and kick tiesto " because tiesto find u abuse or break rules.. probabli jail u 1 week 1week= is ABUSE man.. is long.. what ican say.. Add new staffmembers.. uhmm WarMachine for Admin...
Scarecrow agree Smile yes?

Peace . xDDDD

and i remember in Tusxuo have all day open duels for loot Smile and allways open duels for money Smile and plx fix BUG LOOT! ....and add Staff members! why alik is not in in-x Staff ... and.. why WarMachine is not gm? Smile is cool uhahahaha

Batista RULES
Misterio ownz u Papito Smile

Peace . xDDDD

Scare hit it right on the head.. Ive noticed this alot lately and have been meaning to post about it.. everyone I know in my timezone struggles with this problem.. honestly its a HUGE problem.. if it keeps up I hate to say it but the shard will die.. its not a matter of if it will or not, its a matter of when.. if the staff seriously want to keep IN-X running.. a few things need to be done.. double the staff literally.. hire like 5 people.. open duels stones for more than 2 hours a day.. the reason I say this is because the staff dont see what we see.. I get into duel pits and see 10 or 12 people in there which is insane to see.. the second the duels pits are taken away 8 - 10 of those people log off or go afk.. because they know its the only thing to do. In the past week Ive only seen 1 or 2 tournies.. Im not trying to flame like scare said either but honestly its sad to see 250+ players when I started and now were lucky if we hit 100...... thats more than half the shard gone in the last 6 months.. thats crazy. I promise you if you hire more staff, people will come back and heres an idea.. if you really want to bring it back to life.. give everyone 1 crafting skill of their choice 100% gmed.. because we all know how ridiculous skill gain is for those, I think that could draw some people back to our shard along with many more events/tournies being hosted. Just a very long thought.. but im telling you if something doesnt happen soon this shard is toast..


I lol at everyone saying the staff is doing all they can and to give them more time to fix things. Merely editing scripts such as sell prices or loot drops seem to be too difficult for staff (which involves changing numbers), let alone fixing problems that require coding. Development of the shard is the same if not WORST then that of INR. Even after everyone asked for more staff you werent able to hire any. Is finding staff that hard a task.
oh heres a hint hire someone who's online more then 1 hour a week. Or even better is on uo 24/7.

where is the Autoquest?"there have no Autoquest Sad and is great for make money take items.. gank.. etc..etc... this server need new & active staff.. and New great ideas.. and give back.. the good ideas of old TusXuo ... please old players help in-x server is decay... Sad and new player affort ideas ideas.

Peace . xDDDD

Menace Wrote:I promise you if you hire more staff, people will come back and heres an idea.. if you really want to bring it back to life.. give everyone 1 crafting skill of their choice 100% gmed.. because we all know how ridiculous skill gain is for those, I think that could draw some people back to our shard along with many more events/tournies being hosted.

Giving every new player a GM craft skill is about the silliest thing I've ever heard and will probably hang myself if it's implemented. Sure they're hard to gain, but the profit is immense. You add that and I'll just go make 5 characters, each with a GM craft skill and destroy the market.

Aside from that, I agree with getting more *active* *page answering* staff that know how to do in-game things. What we need is the developers to be active and visible and to be making changes that are positive for the shard as a whole. I've worked hard to get where I am and I want to see the playerbase increase so we can make this thing last.


Rabbi Samild Wrote:Giving every new player a GM craft skill is about the silliest thing I've ever heard and will probably hang myself if it's implemented. Sure they're hard to gain, but the profit is immense. You add that and I'll just go make 5 characters, each with a GM craft skill and destroy the market.

Aside from that, I agree with getting more *active* *page answering* staff that know how to do in-game things. What we need is the developers to be active and visible and to be making changes that are positive for the shard as a whole. I've worked hard to get where I am and I want to see the playerbase increase so we can make this thing last.


please dont try and cut on what I said.. what your assuming is silly not what I said.. I didnt mean every character you make should get 1 gm crafting skill from now on.. but if each play had to choose one existing character to have say alchemy or inscription.. blacksmithy something like that its really not gonna hurt the market if anything it'll make it strive because the guys making pots can swap and trade/sell with the guys making scrolls and so on.. so next time think before you speak.. or ask what what I mean before calling what I have to say the "silliest thing you've ever heard"


Menace Wrote:please dont try and cut on what I said.. what your assuming is silly not what I said.. I didnt mean every character you make should get 1 gm crafting skill from now on.. but if each play had to choose one existing character to have say alchemy or inscription.. blacksmithy something like that its really not gonna hurt the market if anything it'll make it strive because the guys making pots can swap and trade/sell with the guys making scrolls and so on.. so next time think before you speak.. or ask what what I mean before calling what I have to say the "silliest thing you've ever heard"


Believe me, I cut it out because I thought that was the part that was ridiculous. And I thought long and hard before I spoke - just giving away the hardest skills would turn this into an OSI test server and I don't want to see that happen.

.set animaltaming 1000. .set blacksmithing 1000, Eff that.


That would seriously **** everyth9ing up as Rabbi said. Look what has happened with the skill bonuses from IN:R, the only ones that managed to gm these hard skills are those who didnt have to gain it. Ofcourse we all got one or maybe 2 of the hard ones gmed but not all of them. Anyhow, i bet if we had a 1 gm skill bonus 90% would chose blacksmithy and what would happen then? Economy crashes sadly once and for all.

As for the staffmember problem im not gonna comment cause i havent noticed the lack of them nor needed any help...

and this is what happens with a repetative pvp system. i hate to say it cos your all gonna freak out, but this is why alot of people have given up already, as you said in the OP, ganking gets boring.

you cant expect staff to be at your beck and call either, quests every day are just never gonna happen. the solution is go hunt, or maybe even try your hand at rp. failing that, play something else.

Ginz is on holidays now.
Vic has now Things more important to do now than UO.

Muto i have seen him hosting tourneys etc
Odium was the best and now keeps helping and hosting tourneys when he said he will stop been a staff member.
Hate is hosting tourneys and pvp school.

The rest of the staff not quite sure

Taran is supposed to be developing, Nasir Same

What i dont want is a corrupt server just only that were some people gets things by the face (for been friends with the staff) and some new staff members that they are gonna make some shit to the game as presenting things to otehr people.

I agree with that server needs changes but i dont want a corrupted server, for me it was sadly seen veterans in the game and if now there is corruption probably i will stop playing cos this will suck.

There are some things that i cant understand why people have some things now. i dont know where they got them and there is no help in forums or in the webpage where u can find this "help" to find some peculiar items or Stangs that people have.

But i dont want to complain about this cos i think staff didnt presented nothing.

probably some people misunderstood what i mean but its not what u think.
nor im flaming and those shit.

I only want that the server grow up, cos every day is less people and i dont want that.

See u around.

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