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Silver coins items

Could we get more item we can buy with silver coins, Like colored lanterns , secure personal Chest , Deco items for house. Maybe other player can make some suggestions.

I added a random lantern deed which will give you a lantern of a random color when you use it. There won't be secure personal chests guild boxes are already too safe for my liking Tongue
As for deco, there are lots of craftable deco items and I don't want to take away from crafters but I will go through some items that aren't craftable and possibly add them sometime.

*This would encourage people to trash there junk rather than horde it*

That is good that way there is less things for the server to mantain and less lag Smile

soMa Wrote:*This would encourage people to trash there junk rather than horde it*
Exactly why I had this implemented. Tongue It's also a fast/easy way to hunt for a long time without getting overweight. I'll be adding a bunch of figurines now that the reward vendors copy custom strings though. Smile Soon, you can have your very own Shade doll! that you can point to in court to say where Shade touched you.

I thought of something else what about a silver coin slot machine in the casino so we could gamble with the silver coins but have it pay out in gold.

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