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Player Vendors Cost.

The player vendors cost way to much for you to keep your items on them. They charge so much that half of your profit is going towards them. I believe the system currently works by how much u set the prices, and on a ratio? the vendor asks for a certain amount. I think thats wrong to be honest.

I need to put 10 on my vendor so he can just be there for 2 earth days, im spending a shitload just on him being there., that should be cut down by half or more, cause on xuo( if thats where u got the system from, which i believe it is since we used it, not so sure bout in), I dont recall prices being so high....

Please change this ASAP i mean how can you do business when the vendors costing u a leg and an arm.



Well, you could be competative like diego. His character opens a portal to his shop/s all day long in britain. I am positive he is making a killing if he can just waste those regs all day long Tongue

Diego is going 2 die tonight.

Yeah i noticed the prices are a bit steep to... but my vender is selling stuff so he keeps getting paid... i think its also the more weight he has on him the more he charges. I have the vender script around here somewhere ill check it out tonight.

Saintful Sinner, The Ministry

Default is apparently....

The maintenance fee for a Vendor starts with 20 gp per 8 hours playing time. The minimum fee per real day is therefor 60 gp.

The more items you have for sale on your Vendor, the higher the maintenance fee will be.

For each 500 gp worth of merchandise the Vendor will charge 1 gp maintenance fee per 8 hours. (Example: With a base fee of 20 gp and 5500 gp of merchandise for sale the Vendor will charge 20 + ((5500-500)/500) = 30 gp per 8 hours).
If the vendor's owner is a murderer, the rent will be calculated as: rent = rent * number of owner's murder counts.

Saintful Sinner, The Ministry

LOL so if u have like 100 kcs it costs a fortune. I think change it so u hire the vendor by the amount of time and make it independent of the number of items you put on it. No one will sell expensive items on them because it costs way too much.

Whattttt!?! Why the hell should my kill counts interfeer with my selling price. That god damn retarded.

That's like demoting pvp, " if you're a pker ill charge you more"

It should be equal no matter if you're a pker or not, that just might explain why I need to put 10k just to have him up for 2 days.

Change this dude, its straight up retarded. Honestly, why in the hell should my KILL counts, have anything to do with my VENDOR!?

I see no relation.



murderers are unreliable and extremely criminal.. for some guy to work for you he needs hazard pay and the rest of the money goes to the families of the people you have killed

No one KNOWS its your vendor.

Not fair, does not make sense.

If you want this to happen Allow people to roleplay seeing Silver restock it and then bringing it to the council and askin the murderer to remove it or somesuch crap.

But as it is now, it makes no sense on an RP level, or any level.

p!nk dr@g0n Wrote:murderers are unreliable and extremely criminal.. for some guy to work for you he needs hazard pay and the rest of the money goes to the families of the people you have killed

honestly please... that makes no sense...

Working for a PK'er, what type of RPing is that.

As Allanon said you cant tell whether its pker or not, and this player vendor should be equal to all whether you're a pker or not. If you continue to make vendors this way, you're demoting pvp, which im sure is not the shards intention. It should be the same price whether you're a pker or not, it's a vendor for players to sell their items, their personal char shouldn't have to account for increase in payables to vendors.



I always thought player vendors were meant to make money, not make stuff harder on you.

[Image: sigpic786_3.gif]

Sidelichus Wrote:I always thought player vendors were meant to make money, not make stuff harder on you.

Well if u sell stuff then they arent Tongue but if u dont... then... Tongue

But yeah i agree... might just wanna make the deed more expensive (say 10k) and not have them charge u anything. Smile

Saintful Sinner, The Ministry

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