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Economy - How to Fix Discussion

Vendor scale

Arrows = 5 gp each (max per vendor 200 on a random timer scale set for 15-40 minute timer.

This promotes player run resources

Not everyone wants to go out and make their own arrows.

Feathers = 3 gp each (Max of 15 to reduce vendor run economy With random timer of 15-40 minutes)

Shafts = 3 gp each (Same)

Ingots = 8 gp (Max is 10-15 and restock is 15-40 minutes random restock timer

Potions = should not be sold by vendors.

Scrolls = 5-25 gp depending on the scroll. Only level 1 scrolls should be sold by vendors with a max of 5 for each vendor and a random restock timer of 5-10 minutes. All other scrolls should be dropped by monsters like they currently are now. (This incorporates more player run economy for scrolls and prevents flooding.(It also raises the price of a full spellbook, which is good, 15k just isnt enough to pay for 64 kickass spells) (All level 1 scrolls should begin dropping with intermediate-medium hard monsters to prevent flooding of scrolls. Only level 9-10 monsters should drop 8 level scrolls. (Refer to level 10 in my above statements)

Blank Scrolls = 10 gp per (Max of 10 sold per vendor with a random restock timer of 15-50 minutes) This prevents vendor camping and encourages player run economy.

Regants = Same price 4-5 gp (Max should be 150 for each reg with a random restock timer of 20-60 minutes. Monsters should be adjusted to drop more regs, there should also be reg spawns throughout the world, a small amount per spawn, say maybe 3-4 each spawn, and they must be spread out very far from each other, but within reasonable distance. This improves player run reg distribution. (You should change the reg bag from how it is currently 3100 gp per on the stone to 3000 and place 60-70 of each reg in that bag. Remove all the alchemy units and bandages, as bandages are way to easy to obtain with other methods.

These are some ideas of changes that could be made to help some of the eco.


Continued. Now think about those example prices. You're probably thinking, well the shard is somewhat player run already, TRUE, BUT it is still very easy to flood the eco with resources, and this is due to afk macro's and too easy skillgain. Smurtle I agree with you, mining took TONS upon TONS of time to gm before, and It was extremely extremely rare to see anyone with sapphire or daemon ingot suits, BUT you did see them after a long long time. And they weren't worried about going outside to pvp in them. So obviously some aspects of PVP from IN1 mattered if it encouraged higher AR rating to survive in a pvp battle.\

Now with those example prices, the skills should follow:

Bowfletching should be at least 1/3 harder Since I do not know the reps from start to finish, I suggest maybe 10k-25k more repititions, maybe more.

Mining should be at least 1 to 2x harder (This really needs to be changed. It is bad that we already see rare ingots.(This is somewhat due to transfers aswell, this put us in a real bind with rares.) At minimum 20k-50k repititions more

Blacksmithing should be a tad harder .5 times harder maybe more. This reduces flooding of all ingots. Again, it should take 1 hour to 1.5 hours to obtain 1000-1100 ingots, and the weight of the ingots should be heavy. This makes it take longer for the economy to get back up to speed with the extended timeframe of ingots mined to ingots sold. maybe 20k max more repititions.

Scribing should stay how it is, but it should take a tad more resources to create them.

Some more re elaborated ideas just with a tad more depth

Ye really are blasted arent ye ?

Ye say we be fickle, and aye tis we be. Fer sure.

I just be sayin if it wasnt fer us then there wouldnt be a shard at all ya
damned ungrateful whelp. aye you galen.
Ye be talking about real life an how tha world would be.

But then think, ye was borned and yer parents determinded how yer life
would start, if they be rich, ye would have a greater chance to succed. If they were poor ye might not succed, or be tempted tha quick riches by committing crimes.

Some be born rich and turn out tha be nothing

Some are born poor but they becomes legends

Ye are what ye do, and ya dont deserve what ya dont earn.
We played, we earned. An if all be startin from scratch ye be sayin
tha all be equal in tha world.

Think again ya dafted gold hungry landlubber

Yar a Pirate I be, if ye be wishin
then ye can come plunder with me
[Image: cantindye8.jpg]

Tinkering should use more resources. Maybe tin ore, firebrick, stone, marble, mortar, thread, etc. Limiting decoration skills to a few pieces of resource doesn't help much. But the idea that one decoration skill should be linked to another is a good idea, that should not change.

Carpentry the same way. It should require tinkering to put together boxes, (nails)(or ingots that are used during this process to create them.)

Map making could play a role with tracking. The more map making skill you have, the better your tracking abilities become, (better knowledge of the terrain)

Item identification could be used with special weapons. Special loot dropped could be unidentified until you sucessfully identify it, the higher arms lore you have with item identification, the higher chance you have of obtaining that special drop at its highest structure.

Example: Someone who has GM item identification can identify all items marked unidentified. But the item will only hold a minimum durability, attack, damage, etc. With arms lore gmed aswell, this will allow for a higher durability rating, etc.

Begging should just be disabled. There will never be a successful use for it unless its for a quest.

Lock picking could be used in dungeons aswell. Instead of just using it for treasure or for looting houses, say trying to pick a door that has no switch and must use lockpicking to proceed further into the dungeon, depending upon the level of the dungeon, it could take anywhere from 50-100 lockpicks, thus giving lockpicks a substantial value. Though when using the skill on doors, it would use the required amount (IF) you have the required skill to attempt it.

More to come.

I completely 100% agree with Galens.
His ideas are brilliant and he is 100% on the RIGHT TRACK.
The shard should, restart and everyone should have 0 on ALL skills INCLUDING the "auto skills" [the 2 skills you get to 50].
The reason for this is : everyone has to work extremely hard for everything.
there aren't many people who are patient enough to work that hard for a skill, thus making it extremely useful to have wasted so many hours on that skill. Because you're one of the people who used time on it and you're one of the only people who actually "sell" the product.
And I completely agree with the monster/drops and everything, cause then it makes a more community wise playerbase.
You go hunt the scrolls and go pay an inscripter to make the scrolls for you, etc.
Of course we're going to lose a lot of player, but it HAS to be done.
We might lose the "vets who don't have time to play UO [why would you even play if you don't have time?] but we will also attract the NEW players. Oh this shard everyone started at 0 cool, I'll go give it a try.

Why did XUO die? Cause everything was handed off easy and the people who left didn't care, they didn't ever work for their stuff.
But if you work let's say 200 hours on GM mining, you're not going to leave the shard, believe me Smile.
Anyhow, I seriously think everything should be reset to 0. Sure we wasted 1 month of our lives, but we wasted it cause we had one month to waste..

This is all bullshit, if it turns to be something like this, I'll just stop playing UO and I'll play WoW.

Quote:Why did XUO die? Cause everything was handed off easy and the people who left didn't care, they didn't ever work for their stuff.
But if you work let's say 200 hours on GM mining, you're not going to leave the shard, believe me .
Anyhow, I seriously think everything should be reset to 0. Sure we wasted 1 month of our lives, but we wasted it cause we had one month to waste..

XUO have not died because everything was too easy, it died because it became incredibly boring and Sphere sucks.

I came back on INX because I wanted to PvP and I wanted to remember old memories about UO.

Old memories of UO. First time I logged on I ran out of east brittain following the roads. Saw a lot of Goats and Hinds. Then a guy call Ozrd the Orc (yes 12 years later I still remember him) killed me with a demon. And he actually took all my clothes. Luckily my mates had been playing beta they turned up and the murderer scarpered. They gave me a sewing kit and a blessed katana. 2 months later we were at the ophidian camp with me provoking stuf, matt killing stuf nad luke maging stuff. And we spent ages on a boat with me watching re-runs of Knightrider on channel 5 (they were poor back then) and matt fishing up SoS's. That was AMAZING adventure. That ruled so much. That is why I've personally given up being the 1st reputation status in WoW-EU to play UO again. The adventure. And until I stand a chance vs 2 opponents I'll recall spam. I resent parting gear with them. If the game were to tie in the PvP with the PvM it would seriously own. Make the PK's work for their money and vice versa make the PvM work for it too. And this isnt a 2nd life thing. Just a few hours a week and you could take part. Tieieng the two together will solve it all.

Galens nice post but it seems me that u want that 1/2 of the server went out and only in people will stay so i dont really think u are going at the right way...(ironic)

so if u do that, the problem is that everybody will go out, im sure the first days 50 peoples 1 month 100 or more people thats for sure.

200 hours for macroing mining its ilogical lol if u mine 2 hours a day u will need 100 days 3 months to reach gm mining lol...
well if u do 4 hours mining lol its 50 days...

I suppose, and i repeat I SUPPOSE, that people that wants harder things its 1 because they dont have life outside uo, and they only can play uo, or they like so much uo and wants to suffer for getting things.

of course there should be rewards to people that play a lot, of course u dont have to present skills.

You said: MAKE inscribe harder? LOL the most important PVP skill and u want it harder? interesting. 600k spent smoke to increase from 65-92. i think 600 k is just too much to increase the Scribe

Tailoring more harder? Just for a ****ing shit TUB? Omg u dont have any **** profit selling badanas, or those things ¬¬ its not like mining that u can mine everywhere in the mines and always. u have to look for the wool and the fields, if someone did it before u reach the fields u get 0 wool so... iron is easier to get than wool ¬.¬

you said just with a few scrolls u can kill me, come on just try to kill me with 5 scrolls, You said armor arent needed, of course they arent needed if some people gank you, but on 1 on 1 u need armor ¬¬.

The first problem is the objects that they give and the skills to vet people
a static house is equal to 700k? more or less so with those 700k i can gm scribe so it affects the economy.

In my opinion there should be a Poll in which most part of the players should have to vote: if u think taht some skills should be lowered the skill gain or increase it. Just close the inscriptions of the forums and then from uo client send a message to vote. so we will hear all the people
Let open the poll for X days and if the votes doenst coincide just because there are some people with more accounts in forums than one. just make the people say who they are in forums and ingame.

Thats the way to hear all the server not the 20 always people answering this threads.

Other thing im not complaining or whining just giving my point of view, i think the server now its hard enough.

See u have fun

i do not think any skill should be tweaked the more they are right now

I dont think the skill gap 'per se' should be different. I think the interraction should be. The PvP people who are skilled at their things should be tied in with the PvM pewople who are skilled at their things. So far theres 2 very different classes of people here. And as usual I prefer to surf the grey area. But if there were a mutual dependance it would serve the whole population the best. The PVP'ers could go to a dungeon for a coupla hours per week and farm money to buy armour from the PvM'ers. And maybe sink some prey. And the PvM'ers would take advantage of the cheap scrolls and potions available from the PvP'ers. Not to mention the house additions and rares available. If we can get the two communitties to interract, this server is onto a winner.

I am positive I replied in another post changing my opinion that scribing should not take longer, but it should take more ingredients, or different ingredients.

Tailoring, I also believe I stated that there should be a profit gained from training it, I may be wrong, but if I didn't post it, I apologize, it was 1:00 Am when I started typing those two first posts.

Forget it stupid idea.

Saintful Sinner, The Ministry

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