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telepad to vendor mall

would it be too much to install a telepad from the pits to the vendor mall so that a newbe like me could buy a few essentials like a recall scrool or a mark scrool.

[Image: frank_frazetta_thesilverwarrior1.jpg]
CRY HAVOC!!! and let slip the DOGS OF WAR!!

I dont actually think there are even any venders in there yet.... :|

However I do agree with this statement, regardless if there are vendors there or not. Having a recall rune to the market place should probably be changed to a tele so new players can search for goods.

or you can run there with a horse.
Oh i know how about make it a guarded area too!!
wait wait how about make it so that everything there is free for new players too so they can have a good start

aim: umba111
yahoo: deadbi_misociety44
msn: [email protected]

Kyo Wrote:or you can run there with a horse.
Oh i know how about make it a guarded area too!!
wait wait how about make it so that everything there is free for new players too so they can have a good start

Wasn't aware it was somewhere you can run too. I'm sure new players are going to know this. That's right, new players can read ignorant players, such as yourself, stupid can I be....

It is so unfortunate on how many players here care more about themselves and looking "cool" then the community and assisting new players.

its right outside of vespern. go there yourselfs bums mowhaha! Big Grin

first it needs to be fixed tough :eek:

[Image: ginzodium.jpg]
holding hands <3

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