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A few role playing ideas for the staff

Ship wars.

Custom Ships with cannon's mounted to them, bola balls or cannon balls as ammunition. (Or you could even go more diverse, when using certain items they may slow down the other's boat, stop it, turn it, etc. Or it could decorate their boat for several hours with blood if they happen to survive. Endless possibilities)

The ships have Hp's depending on their size, etc. But smaller ships deserve a hint more of speed and maybe more angles to shoot with, whil the bigger ships have less speed and less angles to fire with, but more cannons or more power.

When the ship sinks, you are either captured by the enemy (A gump shows with the option to prison them or let them drown) or left to drown. Drowning includes being sent to the pits with nothing on, loss of ship, loss of items, etc.

These are just a few possibilities.

Craftable cannons/cannon balls
Craftable Grappling Hooks
Craftable Charge mines made from explosion potions
Craftable Sail insignias

Again, endless possibilities.

Next Idea

Race guides on the home page with a list and explanation of all available races. This would be extremely helpful for all role players wishing to know who is what and how to interact with them in the several possibilities. Their background, bio, etc.

Next idea

Monster raids on cities, not just britain either, that gets repetative after a while using the same town. Monsters come to the town, the guards fear for their lives, the monsters get inside the town and start destroying items. (Decoration is used for a period of time to display the aftereffects of the damage. Perhaps a time delay on the decoration spawner during the attack or an if else statement regarding if monsters die before time limit, spawn decoration 1, 2, 3 etc. else if they do not die by the time the deco spawner is finished, have them remove themselves from town until next command)

Then you could add in another plot, such as a town crier or doomsayer crying aloud about how the monsters stole his children/family or criers doing this act. You must find them and bring back the prisoners for the reward and post the head from the leader of the attack on a britain pole for the top reward. (all other participants get a smaller reward)

Next idea

Lava pies

How the hell can you not implement lava pies. Those things rocked.

Next idea

Elements, I remember a quest from IN1 Shard which entailed finding some element balls and returning them to a GM for the reward.

Next idea

More decoration. We definently need more decoration than what we already have. Having the standard armoir is just... plane ridiculous. I have seen all the other spawned items in the game secretly, we really should use them. It brings more diversity to our shard's elements, including cultural diversity. Not all cultures enjoy medieval designed plane cabinets and dressers. There were infact plenty of other cultures besides england during medieval times. Its just people only recognize Europe for it.

Just some ideas. I will have more, but I want to play UO.

You mention lava pies, but... how can you forget GROG? :eek:

"He's fire and ice and rage
He's like the night, and a storm in the heart of the Sun
He's ancient and forever
Burning in the center of time
He can see the turn of the Universe"

Bahh I forgot about grogs. I remember having a few during the wedding reception of I think it was nauric? or cloud 9? I dont remember. I was at the wedding too though!

I believe it was the last wedding on IN1 shard.

I was GROG champ for awhile on IN Big Grin

But I like your idea's. But don't think it's gonna happend for a long time.

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-> Mark Forums Read <-

Yeah by the time it would be done, it wouldn't matter anyways, for the 20 or so people still PvP-ing here Sad
Hope I'll be proven wrong though..

"He's fire and ice and rage
He's like the night, and a storm in the heart of the Sun
He's ancient and forever
Burning in the center of time
He can see the turn of the Universe"

Nice ideas Galen, I especially like the boat idea. I wouldn't mind trying that out, reminding me of Age of Empires. Don't forget tho fellows, shard is still in De-Bug mode/Beta. I'm sure once their done, they will be great things you can do. -Aeorox

You can also make some player made events Smile

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-> Mark Forums Read <-

the russian roulette grog is ingame a quest or somthign like that has to be added for it tough. first leave beta!

[Image: ginzodium.jpg]
holding hands <3

Ok let me clarify one thing, the "russian rulette grog" thing is NOT the old IN1 grog. That one was "craftable" I suppose (at least by the Crows Nest Inn staff) and not event-only. Also not instakill, but did random damage on you along with the visual effect of an FS, or at random occasions no damage at all. Thus the current (though only existing as an idea) grog with the nothing/instakill effect is not THE grog.
Though the instakill effect might have the roleplay reason of the fact that without Jebediah, noone is able to brew the right mixture of grog any more in Britannia Big Grin

"He's fire and ice and rage
He's like the night, and a storm in the heart of the Sun
He's ancient and forever
Burning in the center of time
He can see the turn of the Universe"

Update for Ship Wars

Magic cannot be used or should not. We already have a boring PVP style based on Magic, lets not do this with ship wars please.

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