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First castle on server !!!!

Murphy Wrote:Being a douche is only valid if you are right.

Haha, that's an awesome quote.
Mind if I intellectually take property of it? :p


Jerek Stormgard ----> HE'D SLIT HIS MOMMA'S THROAT FOR A NICKEL!:icon_twisted:

Murphy Wrote:Some staff member should really look into you guys...castle already...

is someone jealous and what do you care you havent logged on in a week or two

Light Wrote:People saying that we've somehow cheated or are breaking the economy makes me chuckle. Me and Nex have been working our asses off, him doing carp while I train blacksmithy and tailoring. Is it really that hard to imagine how we might make 500k each in a month?

hmm it's funny u mention tailoring.. last time i checked tailoring is a moneyeating piece of crap skill that awards u with a tub (which is the absolute only reason anyone would ever bother to gm the skill).. so how that fits into your we-are-so-leet-making-money-on-skills-non-profitable-story i got no clue..

p!nk dr@g0n Wrote:hmm it's funny u mention tailoring.. last time i checked tailoring is a moneyeating piece of crap skill that awards u with a tub (which is the absolute only reason anyone would ever bother to gm the skill).. so how that fits into your we-are-so-leet-making-money-on-skills-non-profitable-story i got no clue..

Aye if you buy the cloth bolts. No one says thats the only way to do it

Need pots or stangs drop me a PM, i got it all.

Ingame char: Es [SIN]
ICQ: 334254966

p!nk dr@g0n Wrote:hmm it's funny u mention tailoring.. last time i checked tailoring is a moneyeating piece of crap skill that awards u with a tub (which is the absolute only reason anyone would ever bother to gm the skill).. so how that fits into your we-are-so-leet-making-money-on-skills-non-profitable-story i got no clue..

I was lucky enough to finish tailoring before the cotton fields and NPC prices were nerfed to oblivion.

[Image: sig.png]
First Ray of the New Rising Sun

Well one could easily make 40k/hour hunting and if youre 2 that would mean 80k/hour so if you really want to you can get 1 mill in 13 hours, well 2 together that is.

Thats just roughly estimated but still it wont take 6 months if you put your mind into it. Gratz to the castle.

Theres really easy ways to make cash. Mining above 70 = about 10k/hours in ingots, or make an alt like I did with 50 magery and 0 mining so you only get iron. Or lumberjacking and bowcrafting. Can sell whatever you make and the materials are free. Basically thats what people with cash now have been doing. Gathering their own resources and either cafting them and selling the product or selling the raw materials. Personally I like to mix things up a bit so in a 4 hour block I'll spend 1 hour fishing, 1 hour mining/cotton weaving/lumberjacking, then 1 hour hunting, then 1 hour crafting. Then leave an easy skill macroing like eval int or tracking. And the trick is not to spend it! Except on regs ofc. If you make 10-20k per night after 30 days thats 300-600k. Easy to have a castle in a month plus spare cash to decorate or have a party. Its just dividing your time and having a bit of discipline with your funds.

People can make money afk with tailoring. I think Gold is a resource, and that should be AFK Resource Gathering.

LoonDawg Wrote:How do people make so much money? I've always sucked at making money, and its no fun. How do people make good money? It would be nice to have a little extra so I could buy a house or something. I have to hunt for a bit to make a couple thousand to macro tailoring, but Im not really sure how to make money doing that either. Any help would be great, plz.

You can PM if you don't want to tell everyone, and Im not asking for your personal secrets, just a way to make some money.

Easy. Walk to a mine. Take a pick axe and double click it, set a macro, make a macro to mine. Do that 34238492348902384902849023849023849023849023489023489023489023849 times.

See those trees? Chop them 9342390829048294823908 times.

Now, make 34908234908234908290234890 items from each. Sell them.

That's really all it is.

Smurtle Wrote:Easy. Walk to a mine. Take a pick axe and double click it, set a macro, make a macro to mine. Do that 34238492348902384902849023849023849023849023489023489023489023849 times.

See those trees? Chop them 9342390829048294823908 times.

Now, make 34908234908234908290234890 items from each. Sell them.

That's really all it is.

Sounds like fun! ;p

I've always believed in "do what is fun above making money". But of course try to find things that are fun that you STILL make money while doing ;p

I usually win pvp duels in the open duel pits for cash, that's a good and fun way if you're good at pvp. Other fun ways to gather cash and still have fun to me is: ganking people for gear and selling it, having "tourney gear duels" against people, or looting somebodys house ;p (but I'd probably feel bad if I looted somebodys house so I choose not to). I guess "hunting monsters for cash" could be fun if you like to do that, I for one do not ;p

The only time I really need cash is when I have to macro my skills, I've never cared much for castles or any such things. I usually have friends who would invite me to their castles instead, but it's not necissary to me at all, I could just as well just live in a 1 roomer and be just as happy (as long as I can't be housekilled in it).

Anyways that's how I feel about all that ^^

- Ztoke

Allanon Wrote:People can make money afk with tailoring. I think Gold is a resource, and that should be AFK Resource Gathering.

Yeah, you're dumb.

Gold is the product of resource gathering and crafting. Gold, or money, is a resource to buy goods to craft. You can't just gather gold coins out of ground like mining ore.

I don't see the gold mines where I mine gold coins. Hm. Maybe you know something the rest of the shard doesn't.

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