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Cyn [Templar] = Scammer

Do not trust this guy, do not try to trade with him.

I just traded my house on an island to him for 30k+a bunch of deeded regs, then, he tried to gank me with a guildmate but the deeds were blessed, thank god.

Do not deal with this scammer.

Thats why its best to always deal with the Ministry. We're all Honest. (And we usually give alittle extra too ;-) )

I am The Good Father Juan.
Qui Tac Concentrat * Those who are silent, agree
All are born to observe order, But few are born to establish it.

Fear is not knowing what is, it is wondering what for.

[Image: meph28lu.jpg]

I am a fair and honest trader, in my defense i can not control what my guild members may do. They may have murderer tendencies

Yeah right..
Thats why you told me "He is my body guard" before we started the trade?
This is why he griefed me for 20 minutes after the trade and then he paged a GM to get -his- regs back?


no he was their to protect me, incase you went nuts. But i couldnt control if he went after you. I didnt pull the trigger nor encourage it so dont blame me.

not trying to be mean or anything, but it is true, that you canot control what your guild mates do but if you were going to trade something i think you should have told you guildmates not to get inviolved ( If you were really interested on trading) its kinda sad to get a bad reputation for 30 miserable K's Rolleyes ;p

Cyn Wrote:no he was their to protect me, incase you went nuts. But i couldnt control if he went after you. I didnt pull the trigger nor encourage it so dont blame me.

Then, why didnt you heal me? I was on foot, trying to heal myself and you were following me and your guildmate who was killing me, then, when I died, you asked him to give you your reg deeds back (lol?)

Tiesto is right.. you just ruined your reputation for a tiny 30k and some regs =) GG!

Have to admit, that doesn't look/sound good for empire. Of course empire isn't empire anymore really.

I know Cyn and he is an honest guy, can't speak for everyone in templars though. The fact is it should have been handled better and since it wasn't templars now has a bad reputation... to some degree.

I can't help but feel like the person that attacked asked you beforehand though if it was okay. Obviously you didn't care much but whatever.

Anyway, templars/empire aren't all bad guys so don't think they are all like this. Just be careful when dealing with them or anyone. Being evil is part of the game and that's all there is to it really. This won't prevent me from doing business with them in the future (if I was going to) but I never trust anyone to begin with, just be more careful.

[Image: mariozl3.png]

i should of had those deeds there no supose to be blessed and its not my fault that you cant heal out of a one man dump.

If you ever need an honest trader from Empire. I will definently be one of those people. I don't enjoy scamming another individual nor would I enjoy being scammed. Trading is trading. Its a two way street. Not a freakin semi truck in the wrong lane....Your lane.....

Templar and Empire arent allies atm... nor are we associating with each other in any major way. So please dont group us together. All of the empire traders are 100% legit and dont do this kinda thing. Wink

Saintful Sinner, The Ministry

So clearly he was scamming. Good to know a name. But kinda stupid on your part that you fell for the old "body guard" trick. Lucky for you they were blessed Tongue

We will not die this way , this is absolution
Death claims us no more
Do not grief, end the suffering
We will live, live eternal

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