11-29-2007, 08:48 AM
Personally i think Mining and Lumberjacking are way to hard... and also Stealth (from 70 to 100)
Saintful Sinner, The Ministry
Shadok Wrote:Then make items other players wanna buy. I know players that makes quite a nice profit without being GM in there craft. I really don't see a problem in that. The house vendors are great for selling what items you can make with your craft skills. Also some skills are perfect for player to player trades. We have a really nice trading forum for that. As said i really can't see the problem in that. Except that peopel wanna be abel to make money standing afk in a guarded town making items to a vendor and wake up x amount og GP's richer.
Love Wrote:Shadok why donôt you let people make the list they want? ìì Staff will decide.As far as i saw they just said economy and well frankely that can be a very large and overall thing they want change (though they did't say in which way they wanted it to be moved) or it can be a very specifik thing they want changed. So yes i ask cause you can't say fix the economy and belive evryone understand what they want fixed when there are alot of different views on how it should be.
Donôt do another complaining post, OMG
Smurtle Wrote:Honestly, Shadok, you have to be blind. Because the statement was made that skill gain should be a bit easier so that they can see some gain, any gain, for the thousands they'd spend and the hours and hours of macroing, doesn't mean everything is fine.
Smurtle Wrote:Maybe on your end where your transfered skills come into play, or the people you know who make and get all this money.I did't get any crafting skills with me, i am fine with training alchemy and drinking the pot, it's slow as hell and cost a nice amount of money but i manage, i can make pots and yes i have some frinds that can make me scrolls or other things that i need. Thats called a guild.
Love Wrote:Shadok why donôt you let people make the list they want? ìì Staff will decide.They can make the lists as they want. But i don't see how it can help if you don't specify what you want changed about a subject on a list.
Donôt do another complaining post, OMG
Duke Wrote:Right now the shard has the worst economy and the circulation of gold comes only from the people who hunt. What shards have you been playing on? You are suppose to be able to craft items and sell to npcs for a reasonable price. There is no, go to sleep and wake up richer because they use resources you gather. Are you telling me that you think a gm blacksmith, carp or bowcrafter should be able to do NOTHING with ingots and logs other then make a loss or sell to players who are training the same skill? So maybe your guild has made some decent money so far, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that there are problems with the economy. Stop be so selfish and prosper while everyone else struggles. I'm probably richer then people in your guild and I still say there is a problem.Aye right now the economy sucks thats true. But let's make the list of crafting skills with free resources.
Kitiara Wrote:Economy of the serverExactly how would you like the economy to change?
Kitiara Wrote:give more info about skillsWhat info would you want on skills?
Kyo Wrote:Roleplay EventsThere will be more roleplay events soon. I know Calabose and Minax will want to host events when (if?) they become GMs. In the meantime they can get help from other staff members to help them out with their ideas.
Love Wrote:Adjust SKILLS as they were in Sphere in every aspectExactly what aspects? I think most skills are very "Sphereish" already. About failrates, I know I changed the failrates for blacksmithing. What else do you think should be changed?
Tabion Wrote:1. Make everything sphere styleCare to ellaborate? I thought most stuff was Sphere style already...
2. Make everything else sphere style
Tabion Wrote:Make armor and weapons more usefulI'm not touching PvP, and I don't think Maka will either. Maybe some tweaks, but that's about it.
Tabion Wrote:Fix hiding(to work correctly)! Fix Stealing!! Fix tracking to work like sphereHiding and stealing is on our to-do list. Tracking already works like Sphere unless you meant the menu?
Kano Wrote:Fix armor ratings.I agree, plate should defenitely be more protective than leather. At least regular leather. I'll look into this
Kano Wrote:Fix skill gainHonestly, I don't think it needs fixing.
Tabion Wrote:Yeah I meant the tracking menuI like the sphere one better!
As for making everything like sphere... its just a bunch of barely noticeable differences, ie: evs, hiding, crafting (fail rates still seem based on 120/powerscroll junk, minus alch, or maybe they are just unusually high), being able to lj a yew tree in like 4 spots, the way mobs agro is almost a total opposite, think you could cook individually, taming, etc. None of it is really important that I can think of but I just run into things daily and think its not sphere, unfortunately I forget half of it immediately.
As for mobs that drop too little: Elder Vampires or Altegaes (I think) are pretty much pointless to kill. They don't drop a vampire heart for starters and only drop 400ish gold. In comparison to normal vampires, which you can just sit back and ev if you want, this is unbalanced as vampires drop double the gold. Can't think of any specific other monsters right now, that one just stands out in my mind but I will go hunt around the world later.
As for people who think EVERYTHING drops crap loot, try killing things 5 or 6 times before complaining. Some things don't drop the same stuff every time and you may just be unlucky.