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Skillgain... Blacksmith / Inscription / Carpentry

omg i just tried to start mining yesterday and now dont think its a good idea..

Welcome to crafting. This is why I didn't think craft skills shouldn't have been transfered- mostly because a few, including myself, aren't gonna bother because it's just too time consuming under such short-time schedules that we have- because now it seems a bit unbalanced in the world of crafting. But, ah well.

So, it appears the ones able to have it near GM will dominate, but eh, doesn't matter. They'll die anyway.Tongue

Smoke how many scrolls do you think youve made to go from what you started with to what you are now?

It just seems ridiculous that people will go a whole night of macroing without .1 gain?!?? I mean at the slowest you should see .5 - 1 points at 90+ per full night of macroing. That horrendous rate combined with the cost of a blank and the regs adds up. I'd have to agree with Smurtle, I just don't see it happening for the average-above average player.

If the average player could GM inscription, it wouldn't be worth it.

It's not a matter of level of player. Anyone can buy things and set a simple macro. .1 of skill gain for a massive amount of product and money, from 90? I can see 99.9 but not from 90.

Allanon Wrote:If the average player could GM inscription, it wouldn't be worth it.

What does that mean? Only if you play UO for 5+ hours a day for 5+ days a week for 3-4 months straight to get the gold and vast amount of regs and blanks to MACRO, should you be able to GM Inscription? That's bullshit. Some people want to actually play the game, not do 'work' so they can leave they're computer robotically making scrolls night after night for months.

It should be achievable. Just because your boyfriend has it doesn't mean the players trying to get their crafts up shouldn't be discouraged to do so because the gain is like buggy slow.

Crafting should be accessible to casual players who enjoy doing it, and not have to macro for a month to be proficient in carp/smith/scribe. It only serves to create a monopoly for those who have spend the awful amount of time and energy and funds to achieve GM craft. And since a few are able to have character transfers of crafters, they hold the chips.. (scrolls)(bows) :evil:

As is, its not worth it to train unless you can put in the "work". but many play the game to get away from "work" It is silly to expect someone to run through fire fields for 20 hours to gm resist, silly to expect the weeks of commitment to gain GM craft.

Many players only get the chance to play for 1-3 hours, and usually not every day. If you want a vibrant growing economy and community were people actually compete on a crafting level as well as a PvP level. Then the skills are going to have to gain a bit faster, so those of us who have academic/work related commitments can actually be a part of the community and not just lame ducks for weeks on end.

I think skillgain is fine. Yeah its slow, but so what? since there is no skill cap you have all the time in the world to master your skills. We dont wawnt a world overrun with carps and alchys (which inevitably it will). I stopped playing on IN1 because I was bored. I GM'd pretty much everything there was to master (except taming, too much work). You want it all until you have, then you have nothing left to accomplish. I dont know but you, but I look forward to waking up, or coming home from work and seeing my skill progression. Let the skills be as they are, they are fine, if not too fast.

Horacio Wrote:I think skillgain is fine. Yeah its slow, but so what? since there is no skill cap you have all the time in the world to master your skills. We dont wawnt a world overrun with carps and alchys (which inevitably it will). I stopped playing on IN1 because I was bored. I GM'd pretty much everything there was to master (except taming, too much work). You want it all until you have, then you have nothing left to accomplish. I dont know but you, but I look forward to waking up, or coming home from work and seeing my skill progression. Let the skills be as they are, they are fine, if not too fast.

Im wondering, do you have a new character? or have you imported your GM character from your old shard?

Brand Spanking new and Proud of it. I miss that fresh feelin. So dont think Im just attacking the skillgain because I already have everything mastered, because I dont!

The only other thing I wanted to mention however, is I have the opportunity to macro afk about 22hours a day (spend the other 2 playing), and thats where I have the advantage. I know a lot of people share a PC, or have bandwidth limits or what have you. See, theres a point to use, but I still think skillgain is fine

That is one of the main points i have a problem with. No shit to you because your able to macro. Its just I, and im sure many others, are unable to do the 22/7 macro method. We will all get the skills in the end anyways, its just how much time are those in control of the server going to make "Us" macro to achieve this. It seems pointless. No one is there when your macroing the hell out of alchemy, so that player may as well not be there, they wont speak back =) Its the casual player i feel for, not you lucky son of a koala bear who has the ability to macro during the day and night. :p SYMPATHY ADMINS! SYMPATHY!

When concerning the skill gain rate of the crafting skills, an economical question is going to be proposed: will it ruin the economy?

I don't think a rate increase will harm the economy at all. With the pushing of more armors from more and more people it's going to create a better market, whether cheaper or not will be determined by the individuals' price setting, but that aside, there will actually be competition.

Quite frankly, he is right. The scholastic endeavors and the work commitments by most of us will keep a plethora of people from actually concentrating on the skills.

By taking months to master a skill is considered noteworthy? Or is it considered foolish because someone would waste so much time on something so frivolous when they could be out actually interacting and fighting, or questing in the game?

Just because something is hard doesn't make it fun, nor does it make it worth it. The road less traveled is a nice idea, but this is a game and the people with transfered skills are going to dominate in the craft department. That's just the way it is. The economy isn't so much an economy anymore, more like a "dictatorship" with a few at the helm of the craft leadership position.

When you really look at it, is a slightly faster skill gain that much harder? Magery was reworked because of the amount it took and the incredible amount of time it consumed. We lived through it and the economy isn't affected, however; the PvP has increased and so has the interaction of players. I've seen a lot more people in the world now.

Havnig things challenging is nice, but when it's so monotonous that it becomes work then it loses the purpose behind the challenge.

Remember- just because it's hard doesn't make it better.

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