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WOP spam

Are you guys ever going to put a limit on how much you can use WOP? I mean its pretty ridiculous that i fought some guy spamming with the WOP in a dungeon and i couldnt even see a monsters name when it appeared in my jounral because they guy was spamming about 15 WOPs a second..... It also lags up my machine because so much stuff is going through that area... Maybe only a couple WOPs per second or some kind of limit.

I dont mind learning to deal with WOP, but like i said its kinda ridiculous right now.

I think I saw replies in another thread they were going to look at it and probably add some kind of delay. Might take a little while to figure out exactly how they want to do it. Give em some time.

WOP spam is ridiculous. It is an unnecessary distraction, and just causes lag. It doesn't really show or dictate any level of skill. How can it be considered a necessary part of PvP? I am asking a serious question because apart from the excuse "It adds an extra element to PvP" (which is stupid) I cant see a reason. Sometimes "an extra element" is the worst thing that can be added to a situation. Can someone please explain, without acting as if i insulted their mothers and being generally over defensive as these forums seem to get, what the use of WOP is? and why it is even in this server?

social_fuzz Wrote:WOP spam is ridiculous. It is an unnecessary distraction, and just causes lag. It doesn't really show or dictate any level of skill. How can it be considered a necessary part of PvP? I am asking a serious question because apart from the excuse "It adds an extra element to PvP" (which is stupid) I cant see a reason. Sometimes "an extra element" is the worst thing that can be added to a situation. Can someone please explain, without acting as if i insulted their mothers and being generally over defensive as these forums seem to get, what the use of WOP is? and why it is even in this server?

Cause its XUO and XUO PVP IS THE SHIT!!!! YOU CANT take our PVP AWAY FROM USSSS (not....)

I couldnt agree with you any more, its such a PITA and noobish thing to do. Even having WOP w/o spam is just ridiculous in my opinion. But yeah i would love to hear some legit reasons why WOP should be as abused as it is.

We will not die this way , this is absolution
Death claims us no more
Do not grief, end the suffering
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I hate spam and likely always will, but as for a compromise, I think at the very least fake WOP should be only used to trick your opponent, not completely hide their spell. I keep hearing that it is used to "trick" your opponent, but all I see is it being used to hide the spell.

So, when your hit your opponent down to low(ish) HP, you say ".WOP Kal Vas Flam" one time, and it is up to him to decide if it is real or not. If its real and he thinks its fake, he has to be real lucky for his bandage to give him a decent health boost. If its fake and he thinks its real, hes just wasted a bit of mana trying to heal. Same effect.

Hell, like I said before, even removing all words of power completely (real ones too) would have the same effect. Some subtle clues would have to be added to make it so ganking isn't simply a matter of getting 3 people to silently FS, but would be doable and I think far better.

But, for clarification, Im talking like a 2-3sec delay for .WOP text. Although, people would probably then start spamming regular text and keep abusing whatever bugs they are now to get around the built-in speech delay.

Eh, who am I kidding. Not even sure why I spent the time to make this post.

the spamming is amazingly retarded. Its being used not to confuse an opponent but to simply remove any chance of reply. So basically its like playing a game on the playstation and sticking in an action replay , skipping to the last boss using an IDKFA cheat and finishing the game. Then telling mummy 'look mummy I won the internet!! now go get me a new xmas present!' . Boring as hell. Ive pvp'd in ultima before and it was a frenetic chase involving timing and teamwork. It really made me shake with excitement and have a real buzz. As I've seen it so far it involves having 3 hotkeys and a stack of scrolls. Boooriiing.

LOL idkfa! iddqd! damn i dont know how i remember that. But yeah, pvp is extremely boring with constant spam. Probably going to kill the server in the long run.

We will not die this way , this is absolution
Death claims us no more
Do not grief, end the suffering
We will live, live eternal

I dont get why people complain about spam so much,

Who cares if it fills up your journal, jesus

(Btw i dont have a wop spam)

[Image: untitled1copyyb3.png]

I dont see the reason for the command. I'm not complaining about the spam or anything but hell, think about it. If you get caught with a couple of pks around you, there is not going to be a surprise. One of the following spells will be cast, harm, FS, lightning, paralyze or recall....5 spells. 4 of them that are more then likely going to end up to your untimely death. If and when I start fighting, I will not use a wop macro simply because there is no real point in it.

The thing is the wop spam is bound to the macro so if they hti fs macro it will auto send out a spam,

If you mean like people that hit a button and its a non stop spam i think it is stupid and pointless but w/e no one has died form seeing someone spam power words.

[Image: untitled1copyyb3.png]

I dont mind it in PVP... its when some retard is in brit bank constantly doing it because... i dont care if his 'a' key is his FS macro is damn annoying!

Saintful Sinner, The Ministry

How does it hide you spell? Like i said in previous post. I will heal when my life goes down, not when I see WOP Kal Vas Flam. It is pointless. First things first....odds are you are going to be damaged so you will auto heal with aids, then if it gets serious you will use a spell or pot. If you say WOP Kal Vas Flam and nothing happens well then I just healed... If you something does happen well odds are i am going to have just enough that i don't die from your flamestrike. There really is no point everyone keeps themselves above 40 hp pvping cause well that spell will kill you! Spamming WOP is doing nothing!

I'm that Crazy Muthaf*cka named Ice Cube!

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