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About PvP and bla bla

if u give recall regs and a rune u dont deserve to be called PK.
A PK kills u, res u ,reskill u as many times as possible kills ur ride and make fun of u. Thats the way a real PK should act !! :E :E :E

I disagree, that is no pk that is just a noobipk.
A real pk can discern people's reaction and make them learn from it.
If one scolds you or acts like his rl world has gone up into flames..
You ruin him/her.
If one pleads for mercy, you hand him/her mercy and may gain from that.

And if you dont gain from it you just betray him/her and ruin him/her anyway.

[Image: sigpic786_3.gif]

You have imagination RP. We have XUO pvp...

Too much people play in this shard for this pvp..

IF the people kill u,dont cry...You must learn it..Cool

BrandeM Wrote:You have imagination RP. We have XUO pvp...

Please everyone stop saying that. It is so not true it's not even funny.


Can someone tell me?

The majority of IN:R Did NOT RP, WOW Can you believe that?

Regardless of that, You make your own Roleplay. Bret I understand your young and probably won't get what I am saying, but surprisingly there are 20 yr olds here who say the same crap as you.

I can go onto any shard and roleplay however I want, and no one can stop me. Do you understand that?

Roleplay is what you make of it, This pvp is not something we can control but merely make suggestions on.

EDIT-Sorry BrandeM, not Bret, but if he could type in the forum I am sure he would say the same thing.

What? Shut up. Honestly. Let someone else better acquainted with knowledge defend. :/

maxkicker Wrote:i would kill anyones ride stupid enough to mention "dont kill ride" before ive even thought about it

but that doesn't even mater because i dont think any 5 year olds play uo
and me killing there ride shouldn't be the end of someones world
imo thats the sick part here and its sad that some of you don't see a problem with that
so call me a douche bag if you want. im just happy that my world doesn't revolve around uo in such a way im crying behind a computer screen because someone killed my ride or going to work still angry because ole fido was murdered by some duech bag

on tus xuo a gm stole about 80 rare rides from me that i stole from a guy i was pking and he was dumb enough to run in his house "gms friend"
about half came from that......i didnt cry,quit,complain or shoot up a school
it's just a game kids

ps. i hate saying this because it almost looks like a flip flop but i never said i kill everyones ride i pk
i know its a pain in the ass to be a new player and have just enough money to buy a ride and explore faster "you can tell those ppl apart from the rest"
the way some of you react to getting you ride killed is just to much for me to pass up
and im still laughing at some of you

Don't really know what you're saying, so I translated this on google's Lebanese translator:


Smurtle yet again, way to be constructive.

I'm very good at roleplaying, if I want to do it anyway.

So I guess I am aquainted with knowledge you ****ing prick, ship out dude and get off the forums you are the epitome of worthless.

Kano, Nice.

Kano Wrote:Don't really know what you're saying, so I translated this on google's Lebanese translator:

ill try and put in simple for you

i am man, i PLAY uo and dont cry about uo items

you are kid, you LIVE in uo but suck at it therefore maxkicker kills your rides

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