Silverwolf Wrote:I mean it's ridiculous who in their right mind would spend 400k a ride wow.
Pretty much everyone that played on IN and earned decent money.
Silverwolf Wrote:The only true way to ride a nice ride would be to "stay safe" and RP/PVE... You have to make it in a neutural prospective where everyone can enjoy a ride and with pvp'ers you know your rides going to die.
If you have PVP skills and you aren't a *****. I know many people who used to ride with
only mustangs and rarely regular rides (i.e. Rineheart, but he had everything, Kamal when PVPing, Redorb etc.), and they were this hard to tame back then. They aren't as rare as you think.
Silverwolf Wrote:...the best part about your character is your ride, just like IRL is your shoes.
Ok so if it's the best part of your char, then everyone should just have as much as they want, just like IRL with your shoes, because
everyone loves having great shoes, I mean they are 10-20 dollars IRL just like rides are 10-20k IG...especially the best shoes, for $25. NO. Black people (a sarcastic stereotype) and wiggers (not sarcasm and a true stereotype) care about their shoes. If the good shoes IRL were 10-20 dollars and everyone had them, they wouldn't be the good shoes...because everyone has them.
Silverwolf Wrote:Thats what I believe. A good armor/clothing match isnt good without the ride, makes your quality of appearence cut in half.
Which is why when you don't have a ride, people know you are either poor and lazy IG, are very busy IRL, or just don't care about all that.
Silverwolf Wrote:Everything on this server is just a shitload to buy. I mean you can't really enjoy many things on this server unless you got shit load of cash to purchase it. There must be a balance, it's as if everything has a monopoly (in a sense).
Hey it's just like IRL!! You can't enjoy anything unless you are ignorant and think that only money will fund your entertainment and it
is just the same! I mean, IRL, everything should be handed to me with little or no work anyway...
Silverwolf Wrote:So Lindenwood you big fu<king douche bag. You honestly want to start with me?
It's the first month, I think you can pretty well determine/predict what can happen in a year, now cant you, you stu pid fu<k. I don't give a fu<k about how it was on IN, because this isnt IN. Who the fu<k says IN's system of rides is right?
Oh, his bad, I think he was under the impression that all the deco was taken from IN...? Do mustangs count as deco? I mean shoes are technically dont
have to have them.
Silverwolf Wrote:[SIZE="6"]THIS ISNT IN OR XUO[/SIZE]
WHOA WHOA Lindenwood you idiot!!! Don't step on people's shoes, jesus!
Silverwolf Wrote:Get used to some motherfu<king change you dumb a ss. Your all worked up about how a shard you used to play had shit, no one cares what it was where you played.
Oh yea I doubt anyone cares about the old IN...OOohh, so
that's why we have over 200 people online and maybe half or more of those from IN...
Silverwolf Wrote:That being said, After a month of playing/hunting. I can tell you that hunting is a bit<h compared to these prices your putting up.
Dude I agree, when I can make 10k in 10 minutes that's...120k every two hours - HOLY SH*T!!! I have to spend more than an HOUR to make good money?!?! WHAT THE F**K?!?! DIS IS REDIBULOUS, I QUIT!
[quote=Silverwolf]You honestly can't make this game into WOW. You think everyone has hours to hunt just to get a few things such as a mount.
Wiggers play WOW?
Silverwolf Wrote:I don't know what it is with you IN:R's, not trying to make conflict, but you guys where the type who played your server 5-6 hours daily because from what it seems to me you guys worked WAY too hard for your stuff... It's unnecessary, and the age group on this server has many things to do aside from ultima online. I'm not saying that since some people dont want to hunt/gather resources make shit easier, all i'm saying is the range of players playing, age range, and peoples responsibilities, I don't think people have enough time with the system we have going.
Please PLEASE make it easier for us people who don't know how to set up macros. I don't have time to come home and spend all my time training taming by hand 
[quote=Silverwolf]Especially with a mount costing 20-100k <--- fu<king ridiculous
Attention all tamers: raise prices to
below 20k or
above 100k, anything in between is simply unacceptable.
AptaR Wrote:-Agreed. Why do the IN people feel like everything must be so hard to achieve. Why cant i pimp a nice ride with some armor im gonna wear. Like silver said its like wearing a fresh pair of kicks. Tamers will make enough money when they sell rides for 5k each. They cant honestly think they deserve 50k for a ride.
Dude for real...lets see, 5k X 1 ride every two days....
Yea man that's overkill IMO, I say take it down to 3k.
You can
smell the sarcasm