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Just as a suggestion. These items were on the shard I used to play on. It might help with some of the pvp debate about using magery.

Basically the idea would be to have rings that allow for faster mana/stamina/hp regeneration. There were liche ring (mana), troll ring (hp) and another that I forgot the name of. These rings of course would be very difficult to make involving the need for high alchemy, tinkering, inscription and a couple of other skills to not make them so wide spread.

Just an idea.

I actually think those are pretty neat ideas! They won't have a huge effect, and should obviously be somewhat rate (proportionally to their usefulness), but I think it would be nice to get maybe 1 stat / sec instead of 2 / sec (or whatever it is - just make it like cut the time in half). It wont be enough so that if you are dumping somebody, it will make them survive (it would add what, 3 HP to them during the dump?).

I think its a neat idea, but since it's PvP oriented I doubt it will come.

Not that bad of a suggestion but this would not happen here because it would effect the pvp.
I do like it though.

I was thinking of an idea similar but instead of boosting regen rates it would change your stats. As an example it would minus 5 str and 5 dex and give you 10 extra int. I didn't bother suggesting it though because I knew it would never be implemented.

[Image: mariozl3.png]

I thought about the consequences it would have with pvp. However 3 shards the I played/admined on, they were a big hit. Once again, it added a new strategy to pvp. I just thought it'd be a neat idea. Maybe the admins could atleast test drive it to see.

Note to future posters: Please do not make this a flame thread. I just wish to bring some ideas to this forum that I know have worked on other shards. ^_^

I think its a good idea, yeah...I wonder how long it will take someone to say "PVP WILL NOT CHANGE!!"...phhh fascists!

I think rings that dont directly effect pvp are a great idea. Even rings that maybe boost skills the way accurate weapons boost tactics. ie Magic Ring Magery [+5 Magery], Magic Ring of Alchemy [Alch +5] etc. I dont think other examples are needed. Thats one thing i always like is magic accessories. AoS got out of hand though with Fast Cast +3 Bracelets combined with Rings and crap. It was rediculous... As long as it doesnt ruin things to that extent i think it would make a good addition

Horacio Wrote:I think its a good idea, yeah...I wonder how long it will take someone to say "PVP WILL NOT CHANGE!!"...phhh fascists!

I think rings that dont directly effect pvp are a great idea. Even rings that maybe boost skills the way accurate weapons boost tactics. ie Magic Ring Magery [+5 Magery], Magic Ring of Alchemy [Alch +5] etc. I donut think other examples are needed. Thats one thing i always like is magic accessories. AoS got out of hand though with Fast Cast +3 Bracelets combined with Rings and crap. It was ridiculous... As long as it doesn't ruin things to that extent i think it would make a good addition

In reference to this. The shard I played/admined on, we had items called trinkets. Basically they would be +% skill modifiers. There would be sets of items to reach +5 in a certain skill. I think it was 5 maybe 10. Anywho, it was earrings, bracelet, necklace, and ring. Each item would give you a certain amount and they would add up. This would allow you to go past 100%, but we also had it that certain items could only be made with 100+ skill. These items, of course, were not crafted but a very rare drop on some of the hardest monsters. We had multiple sets for various skills so this allowed the availability of a complete set to be very rare.

Rather than being able to craft them what about having them as loot? Eventually (being able to gm every skill on one char) everyone could make them for themselves. If they were added as loot on some high lvl monsters would probably make them that much harder to get.

Item based pvp? no ty

I think admins should write a "Read before posting" where they should say something like... "PVP will not be changed"
Rings and stuff? What a roflcopter idea... This is NOT AOS/SE/ML.

Love Wrote:I think admins should write a "Read before posting" where they should say something like... "PVP will not be changed"
Rings and stuff? What a roflcopter idea... This is NOT AOS/SE/ML.

I think it should more accurately say "PVP will never change even if the whole damn shard wishes so or something will improve it"

Good job making a predictable and useless post. We already know this, it has been mentioned about 100 times already.

Players should be and are allowed to make suggestions regardless of what will or will not change. Just because you disagree with it does not mean a player shouldn't be allowed to mention it.

[Image: mariozl3.png]

Love Wrote:I think admins should write a "Read before posting" where they should say something like... "PVP will not be changed"
Rings and stuff? What a roflcopter idea... This is NOT AOS/SE/ML.

Last time I checked this is the suggestion forums. Why don't you go play with yourself for a while instead of making pointless posts. I did not ask for your stupid half-assed opinion. I made a serious suggestion, not based on the idea of pvp but rather for the betterof the shard.

In reference to crafting them. this is not true because not everyone can be assed to gm say alchemy, inscription and blacksmithy.

Mod's might as well lock this thread because obviously there are not too many that fancy this idea. With retards like Love this will easily turn into yet ANOTHER flame thread. Please lock it before it does...

Nostalgia Wrote:Item based pvp? no ty

It isnt now? Let me grab my 20 FS scrolls and a bag full of pots. I'm set to pvp! Weee.

I'm just making a suggestion because I think this shard needs to implement items that will push it foward, not let it stay stagnant. A shard that has the same items from the start does not grow.

My opinion is worth $2

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