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Ok this is a pretty crazy suggestion I'm just gonna throw it out there for discussion. I wish I suggested this when the server came out but I wasnt there then.
So my suggestion is to make it so you can trade resources/items/ or even gold for SKILL.
Like trade in 5000 Sulfur Ash to get 90 to 100 magery. Or XX amount of iron ingots to get GM blacksmithing.
The idea behind this is to eliminate AFK macroing. AFK macroing I personally think does nothing to better the server. You are just AFK with ur macro and not contributing anything to the server. Your time would be better spent hunting or doing something more active.
This will hopefully cut down on the time to get GM scribe/smithy/ alch all those crafting skills and stuff. And when I say time I mean AFK Time... The time and effort of grinding for the supplies will still be there. You will have to be online and active to get those supplies. Maybe even increase ammount of supplies/ items it takes to get GM skills. Like right now it takes 5k SA to get GM magery maybe make it 10k and eliminate the macro..
So the biggest problem with doing this now is that too many ppl have already GMed lots of skills and it wont be fair to them. I think you can compensate them some how or make the resources to get GM Skills harder which would even out the AFK macroing time.
The problem right now is that its kind of hard to PVP. Its easy to get PVP skills but the items seems tough. Liek 10 gh pots or 10 mana pots are being sold for 3k and 10 fs scrolls or whatever is being sold for high prices. This is not even close to how mcuh u need to duel or gank and its soo expensive... The very few ppl who have these GM skills will control the economy for such a long time until more ppl GM these skills. And the only thing thats in the way of more ppl doing it is AFK macroing time. If you eliminate that everything will be better...
This is just an idea that I had. I know a lot of ppl will be pissed the **** out about this so I don't blaime u. If i macroed all the skills with AFK time and shit right now I'd be mad also..
And I kno some will say this exists with Nickels, but I dont think so. nickels are too rare and hard to get it would be easier just to macro AFK. the big picture is to get rid of being away from UO and getting better at UO by being away!
Just something to think about. Maybe we can change this suggestion into something thats workable for new players or something..
(This post was last modified: 06-10-2011, 11:48 PM by
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When I said gold for skills I mean for skills that you cant really trade in supplies for like provocation or anatomy or something like that.
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I agree with the ends of this suggestion, not so much the means. Don't get me wrong it's a really good idea because it would ease the transition from newb char-> pvp, but it would suck badly to be the guy who spent all that time macroing afk, AND all the time to gather the resources, just so that the system could be changed and all his hard work kaput... I don't know if this would be the best route to take to suit those trying to pvp, there are other options IMO...
Possibly making newt eyes and regs cheaper..? Or making mana pots, gh pots, and PvP scrolls drops off of certain mobs? What about a camp with a bunch of NPC's who drop a full warpack and are relatively tough to take down? I don't know, just throwing ideas out there... It would have to be well thought out and discussed by both staff/players, but I definitely think that scrolls and pots should be MUCH easier to attain... I want to open a body and be stoked to loot ITEMS, not consumables. A full regbag with 20 manas, 15 gh pots, 5 invis potions, and enough scrolls should not be more expensive/harder to get then the items you are wearing...
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what the **** would pvp be if you didn't have to care if you died, just kill a stupid mob to restock, get your lame ass over to a shitty server that stocks your bags full of non drop items
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Well I agree with some of what you said, but i have a few issues with this... For the moment i'll just say that the staff here have said many times that they want skill gain for crafts to be difficult and take a long time and they have their reasons for this (some i agree with, some i do not) You will notice that you cannot turn in nickels for any of the crafting skills and that is the reason for it.
Instead of resources we should be able to use nickels for skills(as we already do but in a wider sense). I think that we should be able to use nickels for most skills.. yes even crafts but with them taking more than other skills. You are right that there are not enough nickels around to make this actually work. Which is why there should be automated events every day or two (both pve and pvp) that give out nickels. Right now the only time we can get them are gm held events and those are far and few between from what i've seen. There should be an automated monster bash every second day at a certain time and an automated pvp match every other day.
I know we have the deathmatch system and its great fun and would work well for this, but I very rarely see anyone in there. Probably because there is no reward and people aren't sure what time its at. This could easily be fixed by putting in a reward of nickels to the top 1-3 players after every deathmatch. And to eliminate abusing this system we could put in a counter system so that if there are under x amount of players entered then no reward is given.
Also, loot bags giving scrolls + pots is a terrible idea, what would be the point of spending 50+ hours macroing alch/inscrip? That market would be completely destroyed. If you want pots, post in my POTS TO ORDER post in the trading section and order some.
Anyway to summarize: I dont like trading resources for skills, but the idea is good and should be put to use for nickels + nickels should be made a bit more common)
(This post was last modified: 06-11-2011, 12:35 AM by
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I'm a little upset that there wasn't a more appropriate option for me to select in the poll. Something like, "No because Shade already said that he would not make crafting any easier"
Anyway, let me just say that I will not allow craft skills or provocation to be easily obtainable. Craft skills aren't for everyone to gm and honestly, I really want to make them harder but I won't for now. If everyone can easily obtain craft skills there is no need for vendors or trade and then people just log on to do what they do and log off. As for prov, the only way I would allow this to be easier to obtain is if it was made less effective. For those of you who have been using it correctly and skillfully, I am sure you would agree with this.
Now I really hate to say this but... people who afk macro actually do help the server. Truth is, if people have nothing to macro they tend to just close the game when they are done playing, this of course drops the player count. While I understand thats kind of lame to want people to afk when they can to raise the player count, it is so new players can at least see that others are on and actually interested in this shard. Obviously people can't play 24/7 so being afk and macroing does contribute to some extent.
Ok, I have to ask, why do you need GM scribe and alch? People sell pots and scrolls all over the place. You don't need these skills to pvp or pvm. Don't get me wrong, if you want to gm those skills to help stimulate the economy thats great (though pots are all over the damn place) but please don't make it sound like you have to macro all the time because you haven't gm'd these skills yet.
Oh and since nickels were mentioned, let me just say that there are lots in the world and specifically to you Red, don't whine about there not being enough when you refuse to participate in events that give them out.. "But Shade you never said nickels were in some of the prizes!" I shouldn't have to bribe you to play. They weren't added so everyone would have thousands though, they are a special currency designed to show appreciation to donors as well as being a prize for events that lets players choose what they want instead of simply stating "congrats, have some gold".
However, the idea of buying nickels has been tossed around on the staff team. Where you could simply go to the casino and trade your gold for nickels. Now I am split between this idea personally, while I wouldn't mind it being added as it would be a great goldsink, I wouldn't want to shortchange people who have nickels and wish to sell them. So the idea is to watch the market a little while longer and observe what people are willing to buy and sell nickels for. I have already seen some trades and have a rough idea but gathering more info never hurts. Anyways with a source to buy nickels, without cheating those who already have nickels for sale, is likely a future option.
On an end note, I'd like to make a comment about events. Someone on the forums has already said this but you guys really need to participate in events regardless of being ready or wanting to or whatever. I'm not saying events are some sort of requirement but you know how many times we, the staff team, have tried to host and only had one or two players show up while we can see 5 or so more running around and chatting elsewhere in the world. Those of you who remember when I would host on INX know that I typically had several events and games in a row. I did this when there was enough people to show up. I always tried to do something simple that anyone could do first to try and draw out everyone possible for the next events. Here I can't do that because I say "time for an event" and people literally say "if its not this Im not coming" or "I dont do that event" and there goes my motivation to host more as well as the number of people I can count on for a following event.
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Wow shade, once again very defensive. I was not whining about anything, in fact i was trying to support you. Something that i guess i'm not going to do in the future if thats the way it is going to be. But i guess agreeing with one of the points being made in this thread means i am whining. Sorry for not participating in your "hide and seek" events, can't say they interest me much.
P.S if you want more than 2 people to show up to your events, maybe let people know in advance so that they can try to be there instead of macroing 24/7 to gain their craft skills like you want them to do.
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Short of being defensive about craft skills, I am merely stating how I feel and see things. Can't really see what else I was being defensive about though maybe commenting on my views is in itself defensive in the fact that I am defending my own views by talking about about them.. or something.
I didn't intend to offend you with a single word, my bad for assuming you on the forums and you in game would have the same reaction. I often forget that players who like to joke around with and poke fun at staff don't like staff joking around with and poking fun at players. Seriously though, sorry if that came off offensive, it wasn't my intentions.
As for you not participating.. I don't mean directly. You could simply hunt down those who are looking for the treasure, making it a more active event. You could even ask to guard the treasure if you want. You could go into black guard mode and fight off people from getting it for a bit.
Like I said, the more active people I see the more likely I will host more. Its pretty discouraging to see few people show up for something and even worse to have to cancel it when you have those eager people waiting for 10 or more minutes while you try to convince players to show up.
Well about letting people know in advance about events.. Everyone on the staff team besides myself has a life and they can't always come running regardless. The main issue here is that nobody wants to make a promise they can't keep. We host when we have time, when we see active players and when we can. I agree it would be nice if we could give some more notice but, speaking for myself, I rather not then disappoint players by not being able to when I said I would.
I wouldn't mind stating a schedule for events but from experience as soon as one is missed people start picking apart problems with events. Not like it is out of the question, just whats the better choice, scheduled events with a possible letdown which could result in other negative effects or to simply host when we definitely can which would only include the players on at that time?
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Fear, **** off... You're welcome to state your opinion but all I've ever seen from you is douche bagginess and childlike comments... If you don't like it, say so! Don't be an ******* for no reason, unless you're just that kind of person in real life, who nobody likes... Shade, I understand the points you made but that doesn't change the fact that mana pots are being sold at 3k for a stack of 10. Really? 3k for 5 minutes worth of mana pots? All I'm saying is that a nice warpack with scrolls and pots should NOT be more expensive then decent armor and weapon... Shade I don't understand why you take it personally as an insult that some players would like to see cheaper PvP consumables, it's just our opinion... Nobody is trying to force anything, just suggesting... And again, Fear, I hope you get a kick out of being a douche bag in a video game/online forum. Careful who you **** with in real life.
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This is why 90% of the events that I host are Automated through Spawners. The plan is to eventually build up a big supply of pre-made events, then have them occur randomly throughout the day. That way, people can come and participate or the event can sit there and rot.
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(Hunter/Slayer for example)
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And as far as events go, I think the population is too low/sporadic to have scheduled events. If there are a lot of players active, and staff online, then that's when an event should be held. There is a problem though because people are still too busy macroing to want to participate in events. And like you stated, people have lives... That's the only reason I suggested some means of being able to more easily attain pots/scrolls... I wasn't saying make them give aways, just easier to get or cheaper to buy.
Oh and again Fear, "what the **** would pvp be if you didn't have to care if you died, just kill a stupid mob to restock, get your lame ass over to a shitty server that stocks your bags full of non drop items". I don't care if I die no matter what, because it's a video game. And as I said it was an IDEA, and I stated that the mobs would be TOUGH to take down... A mere suggestion Fear. It seems like you're just a god damned e-warrior who bashes on anything he can see. Maybe you should change your guild name to [Trolls]. I can guarentee that I've played shards where you wouldn't even be able to get a foothold because they are that difficult... I spent literally 4 years creating a character with all GM skills, a shard with an average of 400+ at ALL TIMES. So maybe you should put a sock in it because you have no idea who you're talking to/what you're talking about. Grow a pair.
(This post was last modified: 06-11-2011, 12:31 PM by
Habibi Jones.)
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Yay to events when ever I'm log in nay to more easily obtainable nickels and I support obtaining skills for lots of nickels that way the time you spend in events compensates the time you haven't been macroing afk imho...