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A theory on the vet -> noob fairness gap

Lindenwood, quote me where i stated things should be easy...

And for the stereotype, its funny how they pop up allot on some discussions.

Keezichus Wrote:Lindenwood, quote me where i stated things should be easy...
Quote me in this thread where I said you stated things should be easy...

If you are talking about your other thread, Ill do it for you:
Lindenwood Wrote:If you make everything easy(ier), yeah you will get more people now, but what about in 6 months? A year? What will happen when everyone gets bored from the game having lost meaning?

But that was in response to you saying we should not want to make it hard. Is that not the same thing as wanting to make it easier?

Keezichus Wrote:But then i browse the forums, and i see lots of IN players saying things should be hard and a challenge. Easy for you to say with your transfers.
Ever thought of all the new people we want to get here? who dont have any skills to be transfered. Sure theyll love playing on a shard where everything is super duper hard, where they see some vets owning the economy and items.


if you want to keep this shard fun for new people youd have to give in a little on your obsession with making things hard.


However i hope you ease a little with the pressure on making things hard

He's basically throwing in other ideas that dilute his point.

He doesn't like the fact that new ideas are so strongly opposed or trashed, like the pit runes idea, because people want things to be challenging, but they get to have a house when they come onto the shard. Which is few people, but eh, he sees a rotten apple ruins the bunch. Which, in his eyes, makes everything else seem like a contradiction. In a way it is, in a way it isn't.

Promises should be kept. Ideas should be listened to. No one has to bring any animosity towards someone for presenting an idea. It should be discussed rationally and with insights from both sides to why and why not.

Damnit. I'm off this post. Hope that helped clarify what he was trying to say and hoped it was what you were trying to say Keez.

Smurtle Wrote:He's basically throwing in other ideas that dilute his point.

He doesn't like the fact that new ideas are so strongly opposed or trashed, like the pit runes idea, because people want things to be challenging, but they get to have a house when they come onto the shard. Which is few people, but eh, he sees a rotten apple ruins the bunch. Which, in his eyes, makes everything else seem like a contradiction. In a way it is, in a way it isn't.

Promises should be kept. Ideas should be listened to. No one has to bring any animosity towards someone for presenting an idea. It should be discussed rationally and with insights from both sides to why and why not.

Damnit. I'm off this post. Hope that helped clarify what he was trying to say and hoped it was what you were trying to say Keez.
Yes, it did help, and with much of it I don't disagree.

Why are we having the exact same debate in two different threads? Haha. Its seriously like "Post in one thread, then go post the same thing in the other." :pRolleyes

It's just people keep replying to this a week later. Haha.

Smurtle Wrote:It's just people keep replying to this a week later. Haha.

Locked? :eek:

nah.......... Tongue

Saintful Sinner, The Ministry

Elcid Wrote:Locked? :eek:

nah.......... Tongue

He spared us?! We're SAVED!!!

*cheers and dances*

Lindenwood Wrote:He spared us?! We're SAVED!!!

*cheers and dances*

It's not locked even though it should be, by now. Much fux to everyone bumping this thread 2 weeks later. Esp you Lindenwood... No one is forcing you to keep posting amirite? Go sketch some still life.

Kano Wrote:It's not locked even though it should be, by now. Much fux to everyone bumping this thread 2 weeks later. Esp you Lindenwood... No one is forcing you to keep posting amirite? Go sketch some still life.

Jesus Christ what the hell is your problem? You just can't stop the ignorant, childish attacks, can you?

Oh, looks like he locked the other one. Long live my awesome thread!!

A few final thoughts I've had:
Grats to the staff for listening to their player base so well
The increased magery gain was a welcome and needed tweak
The decreased reg cost was also welcome and needed
Other tweaks and fixes were also much appreciated

Actions like this was what I had hoped for when I made the thread. I tried to keep it as a level discussion (until super-reading-skills lindenbag stopped by), and I'm glad that the staff listened, tested out the problem areas, and adjusted them.

I hope they continue to find a balance in the skill gain, where newer players will be able to 'compete' with the vets and the regulars, in a reasonable amount of time. We've all played this game before, putting a lot of hours in etc. No one should be handed a complete character (cept vets obv.), but we should not have to bore over GMing the same old skills for silly long periods of time. No one has time for that shit anymore, lets get back to playing.

Kano Wrote:No one has time for that shit anymore, lets get back to playing.
More and more people every day have time for this "shit," it seems. There were almost 300 players online today.

And Locked Tongue

Saintful Sinner, The Ministry

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