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"Hardcore" PvP?

SombraX Wrote:That happens because we are full of noobs, if people who knew how to PvP appeared this would change. Every time I see anyone outside of a guarded area they start to run like hell and recall. No one dares to fight if they are in inferior numbers, just think about it.

And again, I understand what ganking is and how it works. My problem is that nobody else wants to fight with armors or weapons, and will not fight at all without having a majority, or with numbers on each side so large that it doesn't really matter (4 v 4 or higher).

This won't happen, because IN won't get anything significant out of this, but I bet if scrolls were completely wiped, or made actually difficult to get (I remember on IN, it was eventually made so that you could only buy scrolls from a vendor, but each vendor only carried like two), then people would fight the "real" way, and scrolls would be used like they should, for finishing, instead of for the entire battle.


I say that because that is really the only way to fix it. IN went through a phase like this for a little bit, but the changes were made pretty quickly, and pretty much everyone agreed it was better, or at least just adapted.

SombraX Wrote:Barricades? Cmon man that's running not fighting.
So you'd prefer to just stand in one place, run a couple of macros and hope for the best? What the hell?

Blocking line of sight, using your surroundings to your advantage is in my mind what makes a great PvP'er, not who has the biggest pile of FS scrolls. The people I've come across so far have been pretty much one trick ponies - FS, last spell at last target ad nauseam. I would've expected more from people coming from a shard that was supposed to be known for it's excellent fighters.

[Image: sig.png]
First Ray of the New Rising Sun

Light Wrote:using lots of different fighting styles and techniques is in my mind what makes a great PvP'er, not who has the biggest pile of FS scrolls. The people I've come across so far have been pretty much one trick ponies - FS, last spell at last target ad nauseum. I would've expected more from people coming from a shard that was supposed to be known for it's excellent fighters.

Fixed to match what Im thinking. Along with some italics for effect.

armor does make a difference elven bows arnt nearly as effective against armor and a shield as they are against someone naked.

iv pvpd both solo and in groups (actually we lost 2v4, was alot of fun) the pvp really isnt that bad but as its been said many times people dont yet have the resources to do it properly. wait til the pvp has actually started properly before making pre judgements.

what you have seen so far is only a fraction of it.

Disclaimer: First of all, I haven't played UO for several years. I started back in 2000, and played for 3+ years, so I suppose I was a seasoned player in my day, but in terms of the new system of PvP, I have no idea how things are run, but I can see by posts that it is very different than what I am used to. Second of all, I'm simply browsing free servers in search of one that will match my gaming style, so I'm even less familiar with how things are run on this server.

That being said, back when I played, leaving town with a nice set of armor was always a risk. Always. Either you took the risk, or you didn't. You either learned how to fight your way through, or you didn't.

There will always be people who enjoy PvP simply for the feeling of dominating someone else, and not for the challenge of the fight. I, myself, prefer the latter, but hey, to each his own. UO is a game, and it has a responsibility to cater to both sides of the spectrum. Ganking will always exist. Not everyone wants to fight fair. Hell, I've done it, and it can be fun, but those times, for me, are few and far between.

So, in terms of ganking, either put up or shut up. Find out how to beat it. Do what I did. Live to fight another day, get some friends, and repay the favor. Or, fight back. If you die, you die. It is a game after all, and life will go on. At least you can say you stood and fought when the numbers were against you, right?

I'm not sure show this server is set up, but I've come to understand that there are seperate facets now, so you can choose if you want to take the risk or not. If this server doesn't have them, then oh well. Adapt, or find one that does, and play there.

To me, ganking is not PvP. It is, but I do not measure someone's PvP skills by how many friends they have (or don't have). To truely judge someones skill at fighting another human being, circumstances must be the same on both sides. If they're not, then it is no measure of how good they are. If the underdog wins, then they're just that much better. If the one with the upper hand wins, well congradulations to you and the 4 other friends you had with you.

Well, this is just my viewpoint, and it is a perspective that comes from a very out-dated idea of UO. Take it for a grain of sand.

And I noticed all the neon items in the game now.
I have to admit, I think it looks a tad rediculous.

Anyone know of a server that has taken out armor that makes you look like you lived in Chernobyl in '86?

You seem to have not been there when me and Voodoo went up against That green skinned alien, Okan, Deimos, and like 4 others.

We kind of killed them all sept Okan and one that ran away. and yea it was 2 v6 or 7 the other guys on the brit side of the bridge just ran out to loot.

[Image: untitled1copyyb3.png]

Nemo Wrote:You seem to have not been there when me and Voodoo went up against That green skinned alien, Okan, Deimos, and like 4 others.

We kind of killed them all sept Okan and one that ran away. and yea it was 2 v6 or 7 the other guys on the brit side of the bridge just ran out to loot.


"Went up against?" I was one of the others, and all I saw was a few people sitting at the guarded end of brit bridge, and once or twice they would all run out and try to gank one person, then run back. None of them had armor on (or, what they had on was for show, not protection). Before that, it was reversed. You and your friends were all criminal, and would hang out a little West of the Casino. Occasionally, you'd run back toward the brit bridge, and either gank somebody, or run away when you saw more than two people there.

And I know people are broke now, but it is very obvious the style of play they are going for. Many people have macroed magery and inscription and alchemy specifically so they can run around without using any melees or magics. There has been plenty of time to try to get a nice PvP setup going (I could piece together probably 10-15 sets of ~30AR armor suits with what is in my bank), and some store-bought weapons (which are suprisingly effecting) or even ruin weapons, and actually try to fight people. Nobody has many such efforts to try to anything but get to where they can use scrolls.

ANd im not complaining about ganking itself. I am asking if all there really is to this PvP system IS ganking?

It's really annoying to kept being shoved over one and the same line. First of all, ganking is 2v1, 2v2, 2v3, 3v3 (etc), no matter if you are on the side with the higher or lower numbers. Ganking is group fights, don't make it anything else. Second of all, there is quite a lot of XUO crews that did ganking in uneven ods, both being the under and overpowered crew. People don't have resources right now so they have to go with regular FS and possibly light scrolls, that's one of the factors to why you see more uneven groups then on a regular basis.

I always run around with my friend, meaning we are 2. We always attack, no matter the opponents. Sometimes we give a single man a break, if the gear isn't to good. But then again, we often attack 2v3(v4,v5,v6), and this doesn't apply to IN players, cause we have not come against you guys before, this applies to XUO players. We attack GOOD people in larger numbers. So seriously, quit saying that ganking doesn't require skill, cause good ganking does.

There are a few crews that love ganking when they are in the fewer numbers, but don't expect this to be the general case, how could it be? It would be like saying that you love to PvP vs the shards top PvPer for full loot, all the time. You don't like it cause it is not beneficial to you, even if you "enjoy a challenge". Most ganks will always be a large group looking for their optimal target, a single player hunting.

And seriously, it's all about resources? No, it's not, though you most likely need a few pots and scrolls to win. As I've been told by many, IN1 PvP was item based(as in armor and weapon). Now that, to me, is ALL about resources. XUO PvP is based on items that everyone can get without huge problems. You can actually win an event if you have a force bard and a decent armor, could you do that on IN1? You might not have needed fs scrolls or pots, but that is obtained by going to destard, kill dragons for an hour, and you are set for about 20 fights if you buy it for some one else.

Now, I'll end this of by saying that PvP is a little about you, but all about your opponent. Here is a few examples:

Do you understand what if means that I loose a little HP and then take a bandage? Am I pre-casting a XUO scroll? Am I making you think that I'm pre-casting an XUO scroll while I'm casting a nos? Might I actually be reflecting, waiting for you light to come, so I can nos you right back?

What does it mean if you hit me and I press XUO right at the time you do? Did I screw up, or did I press the XUO to make it look like I screwed up? Why would I want that, might I be casting a reflect scroll (would you have thought about that?)? Am I healing, or am I in fact doing a low HP nos fs on you, cause you are are in fact on 91-92 HP, meaning that 2FS will kill you?

Whats happening during a dump, where you are trying to kill me, and I'm always just managing to survive? You figure a few FSes will kill me, so you hit a few XUO ones. What you don't think about, is that when you are fsing me you are loosing HP to save mana. I in the mean time, am just using regular heal, without any problem at all surviving, letting you think that I am dead. I got 25 HP left, so you figure that your last fs will kill me and that you are on the safe side. .3 secs before your fs hits me, I take a pot and survive, you are thinking damn, I didn't expect that. Now, .1 sec after that, you are dead, I was nosing you while drinking my pot at the last sec to make you think that I was dead.

I'm using a fast weapon, and when I hit you, I obviously hit my fake spam macro. And since my spam macro is hiding my spell you can't see what I'm casting, right? I might not even be casting. Now, if I didn't say that the easiest way to determine if someone is casting while using a fast weapon, is to about estimate when they should hit you, would you have thought about it?

Can you determine when someone is casting a regular reflect, cause they are expecting you to attack them? Remember, they are spamming, and normally, people don't use regular reflect. How do you know that he is casting such an unusual spell? When I fight, that reflect wont stay on longer than .2 secs, cause I've timed my spell to remove it. They have not only lost mana, but their combat time that they would have gained.

Can you determine how much HP a person "exactly" has by looking at their HP bar and the HP loss of every damaging spell?

Can YOU beat someone naked with your 4 friends if the other 2 guys have an elven and an armor?

When you are healing, do you walk towards your opponent, so that he can hit you, or do you walk away so that he cant?

What's the right thing to do at 45 HP? Scroll, pot, or regular heal?

What's the right thing to do at 92HP? That might not seem as a dangerous number, but you will def end up dead cause you didn't think it was.

64 is quite innocent too, what will you do?

Ultimately, these are only some thing that will bust a player, there is a 100 more and all of use use different ones. The base of XUO PvP is reading though, that is where the SKILL is. How good you read your opponent, and how fast you recognize patterns, will be what lands you on the top 10 PvP ladder.

Point is though, if you don't understand the PvP, there is no way to trick you. You can't really lie to someone that doesn't understand English, as he will be completely unaware of what you are trying to telling him. Only way to beat someone that doesn't analyze his opponent is by grunt force, kal vas flam, kal vas flam, por ort grav. On those people, you got other tricks, 5FS FTW.

pvp was pretty intense this morning after that one undead event :lol:

Maka, I already said we have been using two definitions of "gank," and I thought I was clear which one I was using. Everything you just described was more what I (we?) would call PvP, and I think most everyone would agree that it sounds interesting. Still, not suprisingly, it is almost entirely scroll-based.

INs PvP was definitely not only item-based. Scrolls weren't necessary, but they were still used quite often. Every feature of PvP was used. Here, even under the circumstances you described, it is based only on a few parts of PvP.

To add to that, there were also people the consistantly fought in 10k worth of equipment in a world where 40k was the norm and 100k was uncommon. They were good enough to take the beating and still win. Our PvP was also about reading people, but also about staying calm. Lets say you are both low HP, and you try to FS me down. You drink a mana potion, and right before your last FS hits, I drink an invis potion. Then, at the bottom left of your screen, you see Kal Vas Flam, and when I cast me second one, you are screwed because you can't drink a heal pot, and your heal is coming too late.

But then, what if you started whailing on your GH scrolls, and managed to survive?

We had just as many tricks, but like I said they also involved using shields, bandages, and also risking more expensive equipment for the advantage it will give.

But eh. I guess ill just start running around naked with some axe. Maybe a bow. When people start fighting back with weapons, ill start wearing armor again.

But, I won't be able to do much without scrolls, so ill have to work on that I suppose.

Ganking will always typically be naked, if someone doesn't have a bow cause then you are forced to kind of equip armor. It is also "status" to gank with armor and nice weapons, me and my friend always went around in black rock, death rock and all other high end armors. Reason why we did it was cause we auto mined, could that be the reason to why you remember such things too?

Bandages are always used, both in ganking and in 1v1.

Invis is a great spell, both in 2v2 and gank, one of the best 2v2ers according to me had some decent tactics with it. We will not add invis pots, as we think they are over powered. It's a cheap way out, as detect takes 2.5 secs.

About the equipment man, really, try to check a real tour when they come, or a real 1v1 when it occur. Equipment does matter, who ever told you anything else, doesn't know what they are talking about. Try it yourself and be the judge. A lot of people use shields, war forks, hammer picks, 2 handed weapons and so on. Personally, I think that XUO has a good balanced weapon system, where every weapon have some kind of "niche", be it to drain mana, do big hits and fs, keep you safe cause of fast hitting (and them aiding) or anything else. I made the system, so I might be biased, but I made it from what I think is good.

Also, mind you telling me some of these tricks? Cause I cannot see the advancement level, but that might be cause I've never stayed on a shard that had spams long enough to be the judge.

I like the XUO pvp system 1v1, is pretty fun, the group fights are always gonna be the same thing, but it can be fun and you just gotta know to heal your buddies, its also fun cause you can trick people in group fights too. An Mani one, have like 3 ppl fs and one light to take off reflect on another guy etc.

~Zorus, Tallmen, Garm, Syn, Senteil, etc IN1
~Seven Locks, Syn IN:R

~Admin Syn, Damien, Mary Jane - ONO
~Syn, some other random names - XUO
~Syn, Dodge Omni Turbo, Mary Jane - Navid1aUO

EVE Name: Slaquer ...sold my old account ;/

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