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"Hardcore" PvP?

Is this really the "Hardcore PvP" that all you guys kept talking about? So far, all Ive ever seen has basically been a battle of who can gather up the most friends and run around naked with a bag of regs and bandages. Ive yet to be involved in, or even SEEN a fight in which weapons were really used. Ive yet to be involved in, or even SEEN a fight that couldn't be described as "cast all the spells you can, then run if it doesn't work." Ive yet to see a fair fight that involved less than 5 on each side in which one side didn't run away.

I remember when there was a conflict a few months back about how all XUO players seem to do is "gank," but at the time it was deemed that by "gank" they just meant PvP in large groups, while the INers use the term "gank" to describe when multiple people cast a string of spells on one target to kill them as fast as possible. So far though, all I have seen anyone do is much more accurately described by the "Original IN" definition of "gank," than the other.

Is this really it?

If so, Im really, really not impressed.

If this turns into a flame war its getting locked...

So before anyone replies think about what your going to say!

Saintful Sinner, The Ministry

I expect a flame war. No thread in this forum can not become a flame war if it has more than 10 replies. However, I am just hoping that within the flames, someone will enlighten me.

I'd say that people target who ever they can target when so few is out of town. Don't expect good fights while people are macroing.

I have, on the other hand seem some really good fights, where a few people went against a bigger group. It has happen that they recall or run later on, but I assume it is due to resource deficiency. No one wants to really die when they have a total of 5 fs scrolls.

On the other hand I do not think that most groups will try to overpower people by share number, but those who really enjoy ganking, and see it as a sport, wont.

Were you saying that 5 FS scrolls was alot? Or that it is far to few to be useful in this style of PvP? I hope it wasn't the latter, but if it was, that is exactly what I mean.

This is a snip from another post, but I remember when...
1) It was useful, but not required, to use higher level armors.
2) It was useful, but not required, to carry a decent range weapon.
3) It was useful, but not required, to carry a few of each kind of potion.
4) It was useful, but not required, to have a good melee setup.
5) It was useful, but not required, to carry some scrolls.
6) It was useful, but not required, to be GM healing.

That definately does not seem to be the case here. So far it seems that items 1, 2, 4, and 6 have been omitted. I suppose if more people will hang around longer than their mana lasts, the other factors could come back in to play, but will that happen?

I am skeptical that it will change much. If "normal" PvP was really their style then they would be out there in cheap, pieced-together suits of armor, and store-bought weapons, along with their scrolls and regs and bandages, like the rest of us. Nobody has shown any desire to do that, so it just seems like it will continue to inflate as people gain money and skill, and we wont see anything but big ganking squads around.

Lindenwood Wrote:Is this really the "Hardcore PvP" that all you guys kept talking about? So far, all Ive ever seen has basically been a battle of who can gather up the most friends and run around naked with a bag of regs and bandages. Ive yet to be involved in, or even SEEN a fight in which weapons were really used. Ive yet to be involved in, or even SEEN a fight that couldn't be described as "cast all the spells you can, then run if it doesn't work." Ive yet to see a fair fight that involved less than 5 on each side in which one side didn't run away.

I remember when there was a conflict a few months back about how all XUO players seem to do is "gank," but at the time it was deemed that by "gank" they just meant PvP in large groups, while the INers use the term "gank" to describe when multiple people cast a string of spells on one target to kill them as fast as possible. So far though, all I have seen anyone do is much more accurately described by the "Original IN" definition of "gank," than the other.

Is this really it?

If so, Im really, really not impressed.

Hey bud, i say you just give it a try.. it takes some time to get used to, im sure you'll get to love it.. i've decided not to criticise any of IN's parts, they seem to be fun according to the RPing and PvM, im down wih this merge, lets make the shard grow, enough complaining. Lets say things that can better the shard, pvp is xuo style, pvm is IN style, lets all get used to it and enjoy this beautiful shard that all the staff members created Big Grin

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

1, 2 and 4 are not REQUIRED in ganking, but good to have, it all depends on the people you play with. You will almost always have the upper hand with a bow and armor. You will almost never use a melee weapon when ganking. INX PvP will always be about skill, so if they are better than you, they can still beat your ass being naked.

All of them are a "must" in 1v1, besides the bow I'd say. Then again, there is maybe 1-3 people on the server that actually can win a 1v1 event without any armor. Now, if that is good or bad I don't know. It requires practice in that play style, and you need to be a really good PvPer, but it is possible to pull it off. Doesn't make armor and weapon obsolete, but those 3 people can still do it.

I'll quote Chris Rock here, "Just cause you can be a single mom doesn't make it a good ****ing idea". Hope you get the point.

maka Wrote:1, 2 and 4 are not REQUIRED in ganking, but good to have, it all depends on the people you play with. You will almost always have the upper hand with a bow and armor. You will almost never use a melee weapon when ganking. INX PvP will always be about skill, so if they are better than you, they can still beat your ass being naked.

All of them are a "must" in 1v1, besides the bow I'd say. Then again, there is maybe 1-3 people on the server that actually can win a 1v1 event without any armor. Now, if that is good or bad I don't know. It requires practice in that play style, and you need to be a really good PvPer, but it is possible to pull it off. Doesn't make armor and weapon obsolete, but those 3 people can still do it.

I'll quote Chris Rock here, "Just cause you can be a single mom doesn't make it a good ****ing idea". Hope you get the point.

Good post Maka, couldn't have put it better myself.

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

As I am unaware of the current status of pvp since I decided that I will wait til some type of filter is in place, there is not much I can comment about this. but since it was brought up I was wondering something...
Before the merge, how often did the typical pvpers from xuo where armor?
Were melee weapons really weak?
How often did single pk's go out for a kill? Or was it always group style?
Was there ever a filter in xuo history?

Just some questions to help me get an understanding of the pvp a little better and to see where some of you are coming from.

Oh and one more thing... who are those 3 players so I can avoid them for a little while when I start pvping :p
actually just curious who the best were on xuo because I know who the best was on inx and if I see those people fight, well it is something I want to watch.

[Image: mariozl3.png]

Tabion Wrote:As I am unaware of the current status of pvp since I decided that I will wait til some type of filter is in place, there is not much I can comment about this. but since it was brought up I was wondering something...
Before the merge, how often did the typical pvpers from xuo where armor?
Were melee weapons really weak?
How often did single pk's go out for a kill? Or was it always group style?
Was there ever a filter in xuo history?

Just some questions to help me get an understanding of the pvp a little better and to see where some of you are coming from.

Oh and one more thing... who are those 3 players so I can avoid them for a little while when I start pvping :p
actually just curious who the best were on xuo because I know who the best was on inx and if I see those people fight, well it is something I want to watch.

- We used to wear armor in open duels /hunting / tournaments, but not in ganking. The reason we didnt wear armor in ganking its because when you're facing a group of..lets say..5 enemies..ur lifebar can go down from full to zero really fast, so fast that you wont even notice till your screen goes black :p, but that doesnt mean everyone kept their armors in their fact there were some ppl who had the guts to use armor while ganking even knowing that they would most likely lose the entire set.

- No, melee weapons were not any weak, but there were only some type of weapons wich were the most used around. example > ( battle axe when it comes to speed & slowly burn the mana out of ur opponent , and bardiche when its all about raw hits )

- Just because pk is generally about teamplay doesnt mean it cant be done solo. There are many ways to be your own " one man army" just be being in the right moment at the right place . example> ( some people from different crews are fighting each others and you start taking people down as their life bars decrease)

-Im not sure what kind of filter you're talking about..obscenity filter maybe?

- No idea who you're talking about

- The " who were the best people around on xuo topic" has been brought up several months ago in the forums and as far as i remember it ended up being a lame discussion over who you liked the most , skills aside. I can assure you the best xuo pvpers ( im not saying good pvpers, im talking about the TOP PVPERS ) are actually nice people and helpful in every aspect of the game.

[Image: dextermorgancq0.jpg]

I'd imagine your PVP would get better around the time when players can afford to lose their best weapons etc, because they have another load as back up. It will take time.

4 vs 1 = gank
4 vs 4 = fair fight

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