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A theory on the vet -> noob fairness gap

Lindenwood, gtfo of my thread. I won't be addressing you anymore in here, so return the favor and peruse some other threads.

Let's just wait and hear what the staff does, and we'll go from there.

Smurtle Wrote:It wasn't an exaggerated number, honestly. It's an easily feasible, attainable, highly reachable number you first used. And, going from that "case point" of 2000 skills, I made the point that by giving anything to anyone starting fresh wouldn't flood the UO world with 2000+ skilled characters. So, by debate standards, your idea that you proposed, with the skill gain rate as it is, would almost make impossible for people to be running around with 2000 is skill points by the end of the next two weeks, even when a lot cannot leave their computer on all day long(which is what everyone is so scared of, when it obviously won't be the case). I've had my macro on for about ten hours now and hiding isn't GMed yet, it's at 80. Don't try to sell shit to a toilet.
Actually I wasn't talking about giving out money or items from the start. I was replying to all of you who keep saying things like "I macroed all night and my skill STILL isn't GMed!" You guys want most of the skills to be GM-able in under a day. If it were made like that, it would be VERY easy to get to a 2000 point skillset in a short time.

Smurtle Wrote:I am right when I assume most want to PvP. Via RP or just straight "you're a ******, die" way. UO was built around the ability to fight others and delve into a realm of fantasy. Fighting, be it fantasy (RP) or "real" (PvPers) exists. To not prepare for that is stupidity and to assume everyone isn't here for that is also stupid.

Now, now. I know you're rolling your eyes and pissing in your seat because you can't wait to start slamming your keyboard with a violent urge to retort with a never ending generic barrage of internet sarcasm and formulated wit, but truthfully think about it. PvP is one of the foundations of UO. Plain and simple. You mine, you get attacked- egads you have to heal or fight off someone. That's PvP. Everyone is entitled to it, not everyone wants it, but everyone will do it. Even PvM is still in raw essence "player versus player." In this case, computer player.
You actually just misunderstood me. You are very right that most everyone will PvP or will face attacks at some point or another. However, you made a short list of the bare-essentials required for PvP, and then implied that is all anyone would ever want. MOST people on this server are not here to get 800 skill points and do nothing but fight. MOST people play UO because they not only want to fight, but because they want to do EVERYTHING else that can be done in this game. Again, like I said, assuming that everyone is like you and will want to do NOTHING but PvP is nothing short of ridiculous.

Smurtle Wrote:I understand the need to throw out random spurts of insult in a "debate" overcomes your rationale which you do have. By the way, insulting isn't debating! It's just petty and makes you look even more like a douche bag.
You MUST be talking about Kano, because that is exactly what I called him out for! In fact, he even admitted he was guilty of it!

Smurtle Wrote:I'm sorry your thread was ruined Kano. Lindenwood is from a different shard and expects different things. It's that cut and dry. Talk to the gamemasters or admins. He's here to argue why you shouldn't instead of collaborating on something positive.
No no no no! YOU are from a different shard. I am from the set of shards that were what most of this shard's style is based on. I play this server because I know it was built around the playstyle I enjoy. Obviously many others enjoyed it because there were three iterations of Imagine Nation that lasted for what, 5 years? And now there are consistantly almost 200 people online at any given time, so it sound like alot of others like it too, no?

The cut and dried difference IS our playstyles. Your playstyles are different than mine. I don't care. However, this shard was built around a certain playstyle that I (and again, MANY others) happen to like. To come in and try to force your own style on EVERYONE else is just selfish and rude. If you don't like this shard, why don't you just go to a different one? There are plenty out there that start you out with 5 GM skills, so you can get right in on the action. However, this isn't one of them, and is not going to become one.

If you are going to say that the reason you stay here is because the overall experience of the shard, even to you, is better than most others, then I could do nothing but agree. So, if you want to stay here, sure you can suggest changes, but don't be upset when they aren't accepted in an instant. The best thing for you to do would be to simply adapt to the differences and acknowledge that not everything can be based around what YOU want.

Here come the analogies.

-Would you go into a hip-hop dance club and demand that they start playing rock? That is basically what you are doing here. Sure, there might be some people that would like to listed to a bit of rock with you, but the majority of people there are there because the club was built around a specific style, that they happen to be in to. They would also tell you that there are plenty of other places that will play rock, and to either try to enjoy yourself at the hip-hop club, or go somewhere else.

-Some people like driving pure-bred racing cars, with only the bare essentials. Your short list of PvP-only skills is basically like the tires, suspension, engine, drivetrain, drivers seat, and windshield. That is fine that you might like something like that, it's your personal preference and doesn't affect me. However, MOST people like cars with all those things, but also climate control, a radio, windshield wipers, a quiet exhaust system, soft seats, and maybe even a sunroof for the nice days. To assume everyone wants to drive the same type of car as you do would be foolish, would it not?

BTW, after about 700-800 total Nightshade, I am now at 59.8 magery. That is 5+ points up from the 54.X I started with yesterday. My healing is also now 63.6 ater probably about 400-500 heal attempts, which is 3.5 points up from where I started yesterday.

My suggestion to you guys is to make sure you eat. I know on IN that staying full made a noticable difference in skillgain, and I know the developers of this shard were going for a more "realistic feel." I have been doing my best to eat a muffin or two every time I check my macro, so that might also have something to do with it.

But, here is where Im at now.

~800 casts = Magery 55 > 60, and meditation from mid 40s to 80.
~500 heal attempts = healing 60.1 > 63.6.

This took me probably about 8-10 hours of actual macroing, which will easily fit within the hours of sleep + school/work that most people face.

BTW, I noticed that with my meditation much higher now, I typically sit there "at peace" for a good 10-15 seconds of my macro (I had to allow plenty of time to meditate back to 100 mana). So, after a day of macroing, that time could then be cut in half, and it would get even easier.

Kano, you posted this thread in a public forum, hoping for debate. I am and have been simply debating. Also, you yourself played as large a role in turning this from a "civil" debate to a bully/flame fest as anyone, so nobody has any right or real reason to blame me for it (other than the fact that I disagreed with some of your opinions). So no, I will not "gtfo." Though actually, because of how far this thread has fallen from being useful, and how accurately it could now be described as nothing more than mudslingling, there isn't much left to be said here. The last several posts between you, smurtle, and I have been almost entirely mudslinging, which is exactly what I meant when I said it is now 100% politics (which is almost nothing more than who can present themselves as having the best character, not who makes and supports the best points).


Ah, heh. Magery is at 60 now! So Ive gained a little over 5 points since I started!

800 regs for 5+ points is not bad at all!

Lindenwood Wrote:~800 casts = Magery 55 > 60, and meditation from mid 40s to 80.
~500 heal attempts = healing 60.1 > 63.6.

I just can not seem to reproduce your experiences with the skill gain.

For me it has been....

More than 2500 casts
magery 50.2 --> 58.5

And meditation 50 --> 68.8 no idea how many reps on this, but it does not gain slow in my opinion.

I heal after every cast + more, so it should be about 2800 or more bandages, not counting hunting
healing 45 --> 56.8

Note these are not 100% accurate. Some of it was done before the new skill gain algo, and I have noticed a slight increase in my gains since then. The next time I have enough enough gold to buy supplies I will post an accurate account of my repetitions and gains.

And no, spending 50k, 100k, 200k, whatever the amount will be, does not give me a sense of accomplishment or satisfaction. Neither does spending a month of nights of macroing. Im sleeping.... how will that make you proud lol. 2 or 3 weeks of collecting money and macroing with the amount of time I have available would be great. No one is asking for 1 night for these skills. Just a reasonable amount of time. I really feel sorry for the people who actually want to play and dont macro and still want to do the highest tier of gameplay. I know the shard was designed for macroers, but I feel just a couple of skills are possible to be able to be made accessible for everyone, especially the ESSENTIAL ONES required for all aspects of the game(except I guess resource farming in a guarded area?).

I guess everyone has said enough about this crap now. I will try to only post accurate skill gain reports now...

Oh and about eating...
"My suggestion to you guys is to make sure you eat. I know on IN that staying full made a noticable difference in skillgain, and I know the developers of this shard were going for a more "realistic feel." I have been doing my best to eat a muffin or two every time I check my macro, so that might also have something to do with it."
I think I heard from staff that it doesnt do anything. I could be wrong though.

seriously lol @ lindenwood. Is eh still defneding himself with his esxamples of the skill gain AT ~50 SKILL. lol herally just doesn't get it?

Hey i thought i told you oto get the **** out, amirite?

By the way, just read the sticky posted by maka and I can't help but feel responsible. I've been doing a lot of "repeating myself" recently, and mianly it is because I've had nothing to do ingame since I'm macroing, so i just troll the boards and irc, lol. I k now you'll get it right. GL sirs.

I think the staff have already acknowledged that it may be a good idea to raise the starting gold for each account. As far as i know they're planning on doing this, but they're busy so you have to give them time.

Here's another thread i made in hopes of helping out the staff and making the players more happy. -->

[Image: Cole_Green.JPG]

Kano Wrote:seriously lol @ lindenwood. Is eh still defneding himself with his esxamples of the skill gain AT ~50 SKILL. lol herally just doesn't get it?
It is REALLY difficult to debate with somebody who is truely not capable of understanding. For the second time, I was not posting that to YOU. I have complete apathy toward you. Im not sure how many times Ive said this, but I was posting it for others who were concerned with difficult skill gain even at low levels. I am saying that it is actually quite easy to get skill up to reasonable levels so that you may have a chance of survival. And why would you think that me posting that is "defending myself?"

You lost this debate already, but you can't seem to get that. Your pride is hurt, so you feel you have to keep swinging and swinging, even though your target is standing on the other side of the room, shaking his head.

Kano Wrote:Hey i thought i told you oto get the **** out, amirite?
Hmm... and I guess you thereafter forgot how to read? I already explained why I have no obligation to leave, and why you have zero right to tell me to "leave" your thread, especially when I have added more to the debate than most, in your thread that actually requested it.

And Kano, Im sorry it took you so long to get it. I put it as simply as I could; "stop complaining, we get it," but I guess that message didn't get through. It is sad that even the shard owner basically has to come in and tell you the same thing before you will listen. Man, I bet your parents had (are having?) a hard time raising you.

Lindenwood, you are the man. How did you know my dad just got done beating me?

I can't wait for 2 months from now when you have 75 magery and you think it will be 'adequate' to step onto my turf. Also, if you think I lost the debate, you got some bomb ass shit, because the point of the thread was to focus the staff on the skill gain, which they have. But thanks anyway for trying.

Kano Wrote:I can't wait for 2 months from now when you have 75 magery and you think it will be 'adequate' to step onto my turf.
Do you really think it will take me two months to GM magery? If I do actually try, it will almost surely be done before december. And, even with the skills I have now, Id bet you'd be suprised how hard it will be to kill me after I get used to this PvP system (which seems to be mostly spamming and scrolling...).

Kano Wrote:Also, if you think I lost the debate, you got some bomb ass shit, because the point of the thread was to focus the staff on the skill gain, which they have. But thanks anyway for trying.
Hah. The point of the thread was far different than the points you were trying to debate. Sure, the point of the thread was to get the GM's attention. But the points you have ben trying to debate have been that everyone should think and play like you, and that the shard should change to how you like it. I provided more counterpoints to your demands than you could argue with, therefore you lost.

Tell me this, though. If you didn't lose, why have the last four of your posts been essentially cursing me out, and telling me Im stupid or high, or telling me that you are going to own me in the game in two months? It sure sounds to me like you've run out of points to argue. In debate, that means you lost.

But, since I am the only one still trying to do anything but flame in this thread, I guess it can be closed. The GMs already got your point (as I told you days ago), so there is no more reason for you to be posting here.

lol @ this thread

2 months to GM mage that's stupid, it was like that on INR but it is not here. My buddy has 84 mage and he got on here about 4 days ago with 73. Another friend of mine has 80+ alchemy now, from 40 [Ace], this to me is insane now there will be alchs running all about and no one will make money, but oh well. You guys need to stop *****ing and learn to macro, you guys got what you wanted anyways, magery is 25% faster now. So start a new thread and ***** about some other skill you think takes to long, how about resist? omg dude guess what, from 80 it took me 9 hours to gm swords...start a thread about that, its wayyy to slow.

~Zorus, Tallmen, Garm, Syn, Senteil, etc IN1
~Seven Locks, Syn IN:R

~Admin Syn, Damien, Mary Jane - ONO
~Syn, some other random names - XUO
~Syn, Dodge Omni Turbo, Mary Jane - Navid1aUO

EVE Name: Slaquer ...sold my old account ;/

No need for everyone to be a cry-baby about it. We think Magery was too slow, so does the Admin. Now is fixed, if I recall I didn't suggest the skill-gain be adjusted on any other skills, did I?


Yea, I actually think its good after talking to an old friend about it...a lot of people don't have time anymore for stuff like that. Anyway, glad ya guys will be pvping faster, I just hope this doesnt extend to other skills, especially crafts.

~Zorus, Tallmen, Garm, Syn, Senteil, etc IN1
~Seven Locks, Syn IN:R

~Admin Syn, Damien, Mary Jane - ONO
~Syn, some other random names - XUO
~Syn, Dodge Omni Turbo, Mary Jane - Navid1aUO

EVE Name: Slaquer ...sold my old account ;/

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