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A theory on the vet -> noob fairness gap

I think Lindenwood summed everything up thats been spoken about. Im surprised there isnt much GM response in this thread. I guess they just dont know what else to say. Seems theres nothing left to be said. Oh wait....I got a few things Wink

Perhaps giving full or near full skills out to ppl who were on the prior shards was too much. why not cut em down to 75-80, so a little work (not a lot) has to be done for the vets. I don't say that because my character is a newb, but I say that to give balance to the shard. I wont be PvPing for awhile, just getting reaquainted with UO and training, so whether players have GM everything or nothing, they aren't affecting my current play style. I am just stating this for the sake of the shard and no reason other.

Its the 3rd day of opening and you can already buy practically anything. Don't people miss that feeling of freshness? Theres absolutely no freshness on this shard. I am very appreciative of the GMs for putting this whole thing together, but I think they should have ignored those crying about them losing their skills because to be honest, the shard would be better off in the long run. Our economy will be unbalanced, PVP will be one sided for the longest time while the new chars have to catch up, and it may even discourage new players from coming if they know half the shard already has 3000 + skills. I know when I was looking for a new shard, I looked for Brand Spanking New shards that were starting to grow because you could grow with the players and the shard.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna cry and quit if things stay the same they are, but I fear for the shard in the long run if things continue as they are. If things stay like this for a year and are fine, then Im sure everythign will be ok because thats about how much time people will need to catch up to these guys.

I personally think a clean slate would been the best way to go. Yeah maybe 30 - 40 people would have quit, but think of how many new players would have come to the shard. People are talking like its too latte to do anything but A) the shard is still in Beta and B) its been 3 damn days

u cant just cut someone like that once uve given them the skills Undecided

[Image: untitled1copyyb3.png]

Given them the skills for what? 3 days? sure you can, but I can guarantee you its not going to happen. It would make too many little boys cry

Shadok Wrote:Kano
All those skill gains your posting there seems quite fine.
Aye healing looks slow, but how many bandages did you use, i think thats the real question, not a question about how many houers you spend macroing.
There is a big difference if your char starts to heal when you get down to 60HP's or if your char heals when he get's down to 80HP's or at 99HP's (evrytime he gets hit)
I bet if you set up a macro to heal your char at once you get hurt, you will see a great increase in your healing skill. While your other skills won't increase as much.

Shadok, you are making the incorrect assumption that I don't know how to macro. I could probably write a pvp macro, that would be more effective than you actually playing. That said, if you think those rates are good, you are on crack cocaine. What if I told you I've only used about 750 bandages to get from 50 healing to 70 where I am now? You know you can wash the bandages? I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't know, because you don't need to macro healing for long amounts of time - so it actually doesn't matter to you at all how the gain rates are, am I right?

If you think someone should put in around 250 hours of game time to GM a pivotal skill in the game, once again, crack cocaine.

A Point that bACoustic brought up is that this game is so old, that I'm sure everyone who is on IN-X has played before, and has GMed skills before, if not on UOX or wahtever old shard this was (Don't know or really care), or some other shard. We've all done the work at some point to GM everything, but only a certain few who were "in the right place at the right time" get a paved road to easy street. That should not have been the case IMO. But since it is, the newer players should be compensated in such a way that we can get to their level. I don't think giving players more starting gold is a solution at all, rather letting them get some important skills up quickly would be nice.

Notice I haven't said anything about the craft skills. They might as well be impossible to get, because by the time a new player gets to GM Craft, the world will be stocked full of all the GM Crafted items that the vets have already made. I don't think I'm even going to bother getting a craft skill up for that matter, but damn it, let us get some PvP skills going without macroing for a damn eternity!!! Macroing is teh lame!!! I wanna play the friggin game!

lol That was my take on it. Suspend the craft skill transfer, or not have it, or if you keep it, drop it to 85 at least.

They're going to inevitably have the market advantage for a while and eventually it won't be worth it to make things and I'm pissy and stingy enough to not buy it- kill for it I will, however.Big Grin

I'm working on non-combat skills currently and have two of them GMed and it's taking a hell of a long time, to be honest.

I just hate people saying "this isn't carebear." I know it's not, so if they can stick to their guns, I say drop the craft transfers. I don't care about combats, you'll just die anyway.Wink

so we have ~190 players online and about 10 always writing about the skillgain. On the first day it was really hard to gain skills, now its fixed and is good. Will take about 2-3 weeks to get pvp skills, prolly magery +1 week to finish from 80-85 ( you can cast fs scrolls lol ). Sounds good. If not, go to the server which gives all the GM skills at start, will be the same if we made skillgain faster here.
Its only me not seeing the problem if someone's GM BS already? Who cares, armor will cost cheap anyways. Go mine, pay 500gp and any bs will craft an armor. On IN1 i gm'ed bs when there was like 50 GM BS. Didnt care at all. Talking about economy is a joke. Since when someone cares ? Check with the elvens bows, at first it cost like 3k, now people sell for 600gp. Later people will give it away. I find it better to have crafters already, because stuff will go cheaper much faster. No monopoly ! lol.
... cant write more, pk on bridge :lol:, just play the damn game.

Again Kano has a bunch of valid points, "macroing is teh lame!!!" +1. As I said before everyones done their time, some of us five times over :o , but that is irrelevant to the shard we play on now. IMO the economy is destined to suck at this rate, where Vets control or soon will control 90% of the market. I remember the OSI days where GMing a crafting skill was huge, just to see your name behind it, "Crafted By", there is less of a sensation for me when I see within 3 days people running around in items "Crafted By Vet #1, Vet #2, Vet #3, so on and so forth". Makes me think whats the point in GMing a craft, who is going to care, who is going to buy it unless I undercut Vets who have been making this stuff for the past 6 months at a low cost. MY 0.02 on crafting. Imbal.

Combat skills, IMO still need minor tweaks, I am not anxious to see my macros for magery and archery. Looks and sounds like it is not going to be pleasing, or affordable. I am happy with my fencing even though its taking longer than GM's/Devs stated (I am not lashing out, I appreciate the great GM's/Devs I have come in contact with, within my 4 day stint on a new shard) Its proven to take me about 3 days to FULLY GM my fencing. Thats not so bad, other people are on the same page, so I can't complain too hard. Really I do not foresee skills taken away from Vets, or cash. Its not reasonable, there will be a fight over it. I do think that a boost with the gains would be nice. Again, we are not asking for handouts, I have done my time and will do it again, BUT I would rather not try and swim upstream versus the Vets who hold the power in the market, thats IMbal. I forget who mentioned it (great idea, sorry I am bad with names!), but an OSI week long newbie status with new algo's would be ideal IMO. Not only for the noobs we have now, (at the start of the server where they can have 100 skill pts spread out between 3 skills), but the future of IN-X. That way a noob can pop on and know the noobie status gives him time to macro, and bring up some essential skills to get him started on his journey to being an efficient and worthwhile citizen of our community. IF they want to piss that free week of better gains away, be my guest, thats their choice.
Once again my 0.02


Kano Wrote:Shadok, you are making the incorrect assumption that I don't know how to macro. I could probably write a pvp macro, that would be more effective than you actually playing. That said, if you think those rates are good, you are on crack cocaine. What if I told you I've only used about 750 bandages to get from 50 healing to 70 where I am now? You know you can wash the bandages? I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't know, because you don't need to macro healing for long amounts of time - so it actually doesn't matter to you at all how the gain rates are, am I right?
Yep your totaly correct i have no idear about this game that i have played for 6 years.
I am a noob
Seriously, the point about how many bandages you used, is not how many you wasted, but how many times you used the skill healing.
If you gain lets say 1,0 in sword and 0,1% in healing while sparring. There is a quite good reason to it.
You proberly used your sword skills to hit your sparing partner 10 times more often than you used your healing skill to hit your self with
Another of your assumption is that i have all my skills GM'ed is far from true, currently i am training magery and healing. and i can tell you after i have used 700 bandages, which i am going to wash, thank you werry much i really did't knew I could do that (This said with a great chance that you will miss the ironi) i have gained 0,9 healing and is currently at 80,2% in healing.
Heck it don't take long to use 700 bandages. you do the math 700 bandages x the delay 2,5 sec = 1750 sec or 29 min.
I fail to see healing as a hard skill to GM if you can gain around 2,0% of healing a houer
So the next time you wanna badmouth me and my knoweledge about UO and the rate we gain these skill in, please put some correct facts on the table, and introduce it in a decent fashion way.

Need pots or stangs drop me a PM, i got it all.

Ingame char: Es [SIN]
ICQ: 334254966

Everyone who "has stuff" now didn't when they started. They were also a "noob" and they also started with crap. Some people had friends to help them along, some made friends, and some did it on their own.

I also agree with Skorp and the author of this thread in that 500 gp is rediculous. Let all new players start with 5-10k so they can train up the necessary skills and at least get going.

Edit: for the record i have 5k and crap skills.

[Image: Cole_Green.JPG]

It's not a real big deal I guess just some were a bit distressed at the fact of 500gps and nothing else aside that except know-how, along with the poor chance of competing against the veterans in crafts.

Doesn't matter really. Just more shit to loot.

Ahh! I have stumbled across another thought. What if NPC mage trainers could train magery from 0-75 (or 80 maybe) instead of just 0-30ish? Lets say the full effect 0-75 would cost 3k? That way, people would have a survivable amount of magery, still have to build their own spellbooks, and have to pay for it somewhat. Yet it will not put a stranglehold on macroing Magery 30ish-100. I personally would gladly pay for that, even though my balance is less than 200 gold. :lol:
Overall, I think the skill gain should definitely be boosted on magery regardless of what system is put in place, its truely too slow (from what I have seen) to advance to GM in a reasonable time-frame and still make the game worthwhile. But there is always a compromise that can be made.

Generally speaking, I work 9 hours a day, I goto the gym five days a week, a full time girlfriend :lol: ,and go to school part time. When my connection is running smoothly I have no problem macroing. (affording/aquiring the materials required to do so is a bit tedious) That is a lot of time I can macro! Some people are not as fortunate to have their own computer etc etc, whatever the circumstances may be. The fact that I have the time to do these macros is irrelevant, the fact is, people join a game to play and have fun.
Whether you are PvPing PvEing, RPing or all of the above, you come to have fun. To me, PvP and PvE both require magery, regardless of how you cut it. You need to recall to get away from PKs or you need to recall to get home and put your materials in a chest. It is possibly the most important skill in the game. So no matter what, people are eventually going to want to get it to GM, am I right? If not, please tell me why not. I am glad to have a friendly debate:p . On to my point, if this skill is the most important, for all aspects of playing the game, in MY point of view, by restricting the gains and selling reags for too much. This is only delaying the inevitable, everyone someday will GM magery. So why taint it with not even hours, but days or weeks of macroing and spending ungodly amounts of gold, when it is only delaying the what will happen anyways? Wouldn't it make more sense to keep the people happy? (once again, im not asking for everyone who makes a charachter to start at GM magery, no handouts) But by easing up on the skill gain and reagent cost, more people can have fun sooner, without ruining the idea of work ethic. And isn't that the idea, fun, while still working for something, you are not spending countless hours to get something thats essential to existence. You can still take time to GM every other skill in the game, let alone crafting (forever and a day).
Another thing, lets be honest with ourselves, we talk a LOT about working for skills, really earning them. If I am macroing while I am at work, the gym, and school, how is that earning my skills? All it does is show my patience. I am not really doing more than waiting for something that will come no matter what.

As always just my 0.02.

Thanks again,


I love it when people get it

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