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heck it ain't that tough.
Rember you can macro all that you want.
I just spend 1-1ý houer paininting a room in my appartment, while sparring with another guy. I gained a total of 5,0% skill poins in sword, tactics and parrying.
These skills are in the 80's. So come on, it ain't hard, now that i have finished painting that room, i can go to a dungeon, have fun while i am killing some monsters and getting money to buy regs and bandages for some more training. While i go and do something else.
Play when your at your PC and macro/train your chars when your away from it, it's quite simpel.
Need pots or stangs drop me a PM, i got it all.
Ingame char: Es [SIN]
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Okay guys, since we're talking about the rate of the gains I will post an actual report. My friend and I spent all night macroing (From 1:30 AM to 12:30 PM which is now), and here are the results.
My char who was using a skinning knife and a wooden shield(s):
Swords +9.9% (95.6) [.8%/hr]
Anat +9.0% (94.9) [.75%/hr]
Tactics +6.1% (74.1) [.5%/hr]
Healing +2.8 (70.3) [.2%/hr]
Parrying +2.4 (67.7) [.2%/hr]
Note: The Parrying figure might be a little bit off, as we started with 8 wooden shields for each of us, and fought until and beyond all of them lost durability and broke. Speaking of which the devs might want to take a look at the durability loss for shields. I seem to be destroying 7-8 shields by the time it takes me to break one weapon.
Friends char using a dagger:
Fencing: +12.8 (91.7)
Anat +10.9 (96.8)
Tactics +7.4 (74.2)
Healing +4.6 (71.0)
Parrying +3.5 (67.2)
This is pure uninterrupted macroing. The gain on swords/fencing/anat/tactics look good. They are an acceptable rate. The claim for the combat skill gains is that it will take about 1 day to GM, but in reality this is far from the case. Starting at 50 it would take (.8 skill/hr / 50 skill) about 62.5 hours to GM. Experimentally this seems like an accurate figure, as I have easily macroed combats for 40+ hours to get to where I am now. Even with this example, I feel like the rate of swords/fencing/wrestling is still fine. However, the other skills should be brought up to this rate as well. I mean seriously, healing at .2% per hour? Thats ~250 hours of STRAIGHT macroing. No one should have to macro that long for COMBAT skills!?!?!!!!!!!!!!
I still haven't macroed magery or archery for long periods of time but I feel like the gain would be just as if not more excruciating as the others.
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Kano Wrote:Okay guys, since we're talking about the rate of the gains I will post an actual report. My friend and I spent all night macroing (From 1:30 AM to 12:30 PM which is now), and here are the results.
My char who was using a skinning knife and a wooden shield(s):
Swords +9.9% (95.6) [.8%/hr]
Anat +9.0% (94.9) [.75%/hr]
Tactics +6.1% (74.1) [.5%/hr]
Healing +2.8 (70.3) [.2%/hr]
Parrying +2.4 (67.7) [.2%/hr]
Note: The Parrying figure might be a little bit off, as we started with 8 wooden shields for each of us, and fought until and beyond all of them lost durability and broke. Speaking of which the devs might want to take a look at the durability loss for shields. I seem to be destroying 7-8 shields by the time it takes me to break one weapon.
Friends char using a dagger:
Fencing: +12.8 (91.7)
Anat +10.9 (96.8)
Tactics +7.4 (74.2)
Healing +4.6 (71.0)
Parrying +3.5 (67.2)
This is pure uninterrupted macroing. The gain on swords/fencing/anat/tactics look good. They are an acceptable rate. The claim for the combat skill gains is that it will take about 1 day to GM, but in reality this is far from the case. Starting at 50 it would take (.8 skill/hr / 50 skill) about 62.5 hours to GM. Experimentally this seems like an accurate figure, as I have easily macroed combats for 40+ hours to get to where I am now. Even with this example, I feel like the rate of swords/fencing/wrestling is still fine. However, the other skills should be brought up to this rate as well. I mean seriously, healing at .2% per hour? Thats ~250 hours of STRAIGHT macroing. No one should have to macro that long for COMBAT skills!?!?!!!!!!!!!!
I still haven't macroed magery or archery for long periods of time but I feel like the gain would be just as if not more excruciating as the others.
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i did gm anatomy from 80 till 100 in like 8-11hours? by using the skill anatomy and target myself.
![[Image: ginzodium.jpg]](
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Odium Wrote:i did gm anatomy from 80 till 100 in like 8-11hours? by using the skill anatomy and target myself.
I want that u saw me it becouse i was macroing stealh 2 days and i have 90.
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stealth is not a combat imo, but i did macro it from 13-7? somthing from 04:00 till 11 or somthing.
![[Image: ginzodium.jpg]](
holding hands
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The skill gain must be increased, the shard will die if not. I don't want to macro non-stop and never achieve anything, healing is ridiculous. And from what I can tell fishing is ridiculous too Im at 62 and it literally raised .4 in one hour. thats .1 every 15 minutes it should at least .1 per 5 minutes i say. even 8.
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Thanatos Wrote:The skill gain must be increased, the shard will die if not.
Uhmm no.
Some people like me like the slow skill gain, theres like a million shards out there that gives you free skills.
I enjoy the fact that it takes alot of time to "master" a skill.
Imo it should take atleast 1 month to GM any skill, that way people would have to think about what skills they wanted thus make it more difrent from people to people instead of everyone being either GM smith or GM tailor right away.
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And u think that macroing 50+ hours for a stlelth/anatomy skills is a good system? If i cant macroing all night and only can play 2 or 3 hours day.I have to be 1 month for have stealth to 100.00?
Good system

Yes ( Irony )
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Aghast Wrote:Uhmm no.
Some people like me like the slow skill gain, theres like a million shards out there that gives you free skills.
I enjoy the fact that it takes alot of time to "master" a skill.
Imo it should take atleast 1 month to GM any skill, that way people would have to think about what skills they wanted thus make it more difrent from people to people instead of everyone being either GM smith or GM tailor right away.
How many gms have u with the importcharacter?