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The "I Remember..." Thread

Tiesto Wrote:i remenber Sengirs incident with his gm.

HHAHA that was funny wasnt it . Thank god i made the game a little bit more fun than it was before the incident

[Image: dextermorgancq0.jpg]

I remember ...

... Silverymoon IN

... Crowns Nest

... Mt Kendal and all the fights

... TRU did IT !! Wink

... Vesper

... DoD, CoD, Obscurum

... The Library of Ancient Knowledge

... Celestia

... KM, JT, Arya, Kryssi, Loviatar, Jaquelawalawalalwla, Aed, Raven, Kaervas, Damocles, Naxatilor, Skorpion, Onix, Karma, Adrianna, Canaris, Coran, and many many others, so many to write all names down.

... The attacks and raids against DoD and me sitting quietly in the middle of the fights talking to Coran or other Sin members without receiving a single hit or entering into a fight.

... Not having gm'ed one single skill and having joy just by roleplaying.

... The Bookeeper, and the roleplaying selection I did on several players to become a part of IN1

... The DRAMA !! Wink

... When people called me Forum Nazi !! for moderating the IN Forums ...

and now that I remember all these good things, I have to tell you that Rackull is no more, my ICQ and MSN are closed for good, if someone want's to contact me, please email me at rackull[at]phantasya[dot]com.

A new project is at hands and a new me is behind it.

Dramatic Wrote:HHAHA that was funny wasnt it . Thank god i made the game a little bit more fun than it was before the incident

Not funny at all, :confused:

I'm not going to write my I remeber.. maybe another day or later its too loooong Smile, anyway this is a good topic.

Pum Pum Plaka Plaka

Don't you know I'm Loco?

Tiesto Wrote:-after quitting xuo joined a shard named ''noir genre'' owner by Hate
-i remenber when an admin named se7en had some issues with hate.
-i remenber when ng was shut down idk why.

Se7eN could not stop cheating so we had to either let him cheat or fire him and change host, since he could access the server computer manually (and because of that could bring it down). He also banned my scripter (who later became my co-admin), because my scripter told him to stop cheating.

That's why we made NG Reborn, because all the cheats by Se7eN, his brother and their friends could not be stopped as long as Se7eN was an Admin, and since he was the "host" we pretty much had to bring it down.

The reason to why we rescripted NG was however because we wanted to make the scripts even better, and the server even more secure (now with LiL and stuff). Plus we could not get rid of all the cheats Se7eN and his friends had created - without whiping all the items in the world - so we figured we might as well start from scratch with new scripts and a new worldfile.

Anyways NG Reborn got just as popular as the first one - plus we did not have any cheating GMs on it that could not be stopped - so I'm happy that we did what we had to do :]

Oh well, enough talk about NG Reborn, but yeah - I guess that's something that "I remember" too, so it may not have been off topic after all! Wink


Rackull Wrote:... The DRAMA !! Wink

That about sums it up. Subjects and people changed all the time but the drama was always there.

I remember... being banned from OSI. Finding out about player ran shards. Trying only a few before stumbling onto IN. Getting jailed for something my rl friend did by Shinare, even though I had nothing to do with it in game, only had knowledge of it from what he told me over the phone. I remember IN being like a damn soap opera. I remember the masses hating me and trying to kill me. Fighting 5+ on 1, or on ocassion 5+ v 2 if OnE was with me. I remember going against everything I have ever stood for and rp'd being order. I remember being order made me sick. I remember the unique tournies and events that have yet to be outdone, in my mind, by any other shard. Most importantly though, I remember the shard being like a neighborhood, how everyone could put anything aside and get along when it was needed to be. How people always listened to staff, more so then any other shard I have seen anyways, and events went smooth. I remember getting my house robbed through a bug and again by an account hack. I remember countless people which I love and want to touch but they prolly all hate me. I remember the last day I played on IN. I remember jumping from shard to shard, staffing here and there. I remember quitting this game 100 damn times and always coming back.
I remember waiting for this shard to open forever now.
I remember checking it too often sometimes in hopes for good news.
I remember that always being a let down.
I remember the word 'soon' being used out of context way too much.
I remember IN vs XUO arguements when this forum first came up.
I remember an orgy to end all orgies that ended the hate and started the love... or was that a dream?
I remember moving recently and getting frustrated from my cable lines being cut and not being able to check up on things. I remember arguing for hours with them to fix it. I remember it taking fkn 3 weeks to lay 200 feet of cable lines.
I remember replying to an 'I remember' thread.
I remember ....

i remember all the fun events we had on INR
i remember all the backstabbing that went on everywhere on INR
i remember the drama on INR forums
i remember the last days of INR we had some huge fights outside brit bridge, those were the best days.
i remember the last day of INR, feeling like a pro when m.o.b and forsaken were having the brit bridge and i ran in and took some of them out in like 5 sec and then dissapeared without trace
i remember the same day i had a little event in the arena outside brit, many people joined and we all had lot of fun, it was an all vs all bandage and weapon only event.
i remember...


Tabion Wrote:I remember the masses hating me and trying to kill me. Fighting 5+ on 1, or on ocassion 5+ v 2 if OnE was with me

Hahaha, it always happens to me too, when i join a shard no one remembers me, just some spanish people, then i kill someone and everyone is against me Big Grin

Yes nowSmile
I remember like today how i banned at IN1 (my firstAccount/TazZ)
I remember how i start kick asses with Bugbear(my2nd char)
I remember we made a guild name was Ottoman
I remember we made another guild name was Turks
I remember we made another guild name was Smooth Criminals
I remember my first Jail time at IN1
I remember we made another guild name was BLACK
I remember GMS blocked Our guild name and we changed it to KCALB
I remember we made another Guild name was ALONE
I remember we turn back to BLACK
I remember we bought a hq from Trinsic
I remember we kicked out from our hq
I remember we bugged on hq Money and take 5 m money for free
I remember we killed bojs lol i wasnt there but can remember it was 11boj
I remember when i wear my first colored armor(Rainfall gave me at Honor)
I remember how we bombed like 30 people on minoc bridge with a lama
I remember how i sweared sua sapuante and he banned me
I remember how i LOVE SHINARE all the times
I remember i drink with KM at INR my miner house
I remember how i steal KM's horse when he was busy
I remember how i lagged and died in sh (million times)
I remember how we killed Super Chicken(was a GM)good one
I remember how Guthlaf Gwhacking everyone
I remember how Tiger attack everyone in side
I remember how Jum speak all the day with adora
I remember how Makaveli play when he s Smooked/drunk
I remember all the jail walls
I remember Redorb,kerith,carding,westwood,bart and all other SIN
I remember DAD RON,Havah,and some other TRU
I remember Sari,Zordar and some other Wamps
I remember Ghudabul,Nate and some other KOS
I remember Neilas,ruM and some other KOcs
I remember Vikings
I remember MADMANS at Brit
I remember how 20 people camping near the our hq
I remember everything about IN!
i also remember my keys
wonna see? lol Tongue
missed all about IN1 like :Rainfall,proximus,ringo,calvin,elvenbane,redorb,kerith,ah yes MAKAVELİ(DURAST,FACTOR QUADOR,SCarface),KM(COLDRAKE),SHINARE(MY MOM),ADORA(MY MOM),and all other mother****ers in my mind i hope ll see them again

Greatings from Manic Of BLACK


Ahh super chiiken was the best GM ever Smile

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Aghast Wrote:Ahh Arya was the best GM ever Smile


Lol yes Was Smile
and ya i want add
I Remember Superchicken maked chicken all the players at minoc Bridge lol i was a gorilla and Ron was a Cow only all others was chicken Big Grin
ahh i miss my imagine nation i hope this shard ll good same as IN1

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