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Website - Anything being done?

Hi All,

I think something needs to be done about the website. We aren't going to attract new players with a website like it is now.. Is anything being done?


Khal Drogo

To be totally honest with you, nearly every time I go to work on it I get errors from the host we are using and by the time it finally starts working correctly I'm too annoyed to be bothered and go chain smoke instead.

Figured I would see how it was running today and shocker, can't even get to the administrator page:
MySQL server has gone away SQL=INSERT INTO `jos_session` (`session_id`, `client_id`, `time`) VALUES ('c1bfe0f60b49077f36c258b86021aeb1', 0, 1304862308)

We need to find a new host.. or Eru needs to sleep with his boss and get us a nice free one.

If we all vote everyday that will help bring people, Also Im passing the word around and we should be have atleast a couple more people join soon.

Also hanging around brit helps.


Shade Wrote:We need to find a new host.. or Eru needs to sleep with his boss and get us a nice free one.

Done and done. I just have to wait till I get through training to apply for it, so we'll be on a nice, working host in within a couple weeks.

ewwwwww eruuuuu joomla???

i know i'm lazy also but damn lol

(Technical standpoint fyi b4 i start getting flammed for uo stuff)

Shade and Taran wanted Joomla. I wanted a more manly site made only with notepad.exe amd the caffeine laden tears of a thousand sleepless nights, but what can I say? I'm a pleaser.

Plus, it's easier to get a site up fast with Joomla and it does generate code that I can reuse later.

I've managed to secure a new host and will start migrating stuff over to the new server over the next few days in what limited free time I have.

This new host should be much more reliable and won't keep giving us busy errors or timeouts.


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