05-10-2007, 11:24 PM
Nasir Wrote:Don't be a jerk Magus. The rules will hardly be different than any other Imagine Nation, if not more lax.Then don't bring stuff like that up then in that way :/
Pande Wrote:if you want to say "i hate pande" sure you can say that, but maybe a nice player will gank you for itor some other reason
I hate Pande :/
Pande Wrote:your little ice cream anecdote is a completely different story seeing how its the guy's job to make me an icecream.
That comment made me hate you even more :/ See, If you don't like being a GM where PEOPLE will ask you to do stuff, You might want to quit that right now you see, cause People will ask you to do stuff, even if you dont get paid, cause you put yourselves in that position, OH so you don't get paid.. BU HU! QUIT BEING A GM.. What the hell is wrong with you people? Do you even know what being a GM means? YOU ARE NOT A PLAYER ANYMORE! Get that through youre head, I'm sorry.. But that's how it is.. If you sign up for the kind of resposibility you have, You knew from the start, you wouldn't get paid, people would ask you to do things, they ask of you to listen to them.. And they will keep doing it as long as you are a GM Get it? You did the exact same when you are a player. Yes you did, don't fuck with me.. you did. period.
Pande Wrote:i used to work at mcdonalds as a cashier and if i had an asshole customer, i still had to serve him because it was my job. i also worked in the kitchen, and if someone ordered a big mac with no oignions, lettuce, or pickles, but with ketchup and mayonaise, id make it for him cause thats what he ordered and its my job to do it, i couldn't say "no, im too f***ing lazy, make it yourself"You know what Fine, Can I be a gm to, I mean, it's just a title nothing more right.. I don't really have any resposibilites or what so ever, I mean I wont get paid, so why should I listen to anyone or do anything? right.. AWESOME way of looking at things, Oh please make me a GM now.. Pretty please with sugar on top.
Pande Wrote:last time i checked our devs are not payed an hourly wage or on a salary so maybe when they are, they MIGHT script your every request, but we will still determine if its worth doing or not.Once again.. You knew exactly what you were getting in to.. If you hate it that much, why are you still a GM...
Pande Wrote:you are the owner of a company and someone comes to you and says i will pay you 1,000$ to do this for me. then you get another person who says i wil pay you 10,000$ to do this for me. now your company only has enough ressources to do one, which would you do?
Are you serious? Seriously.. wtf..