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Chaos Sheild

not really, if players quit over items then that's sad to be honest and that means they would have left someday anyways. Those people are playing uo as a pastime, not playing uo because they want to lol. they shouldn't even play then. throughout your whole time playing uo you ARE going to lose something valuable no matter what it will happen someday.

Perfect example: smoke's account got deleted and he came back with nothing and re-did all the skills 2.

anyways back to the topic of chaos sheilds, they shouldnt be bounded they are another item (wep/sheild).

It's like having an R/R bard bounded to a characted. I don't see why chaos sheilds should be bounded anyways.

Fine u might need to get the 10K fame/10 Karma to buy one but after that you should be able to use any chaos sheild/order sheild provided you are in a chaos/order guild.

In all honesty, to have/wear a chaos shield, you should be in a chaos aligned guild, and only then should you be able to wear/own one. You should only be able to wear/own an order shield if your in an order aligned guild. If you leave your chaos/order guild you should leave your shield behind for the next defender of the alignment. I could see maybe owning a chaos shield if you were an order player who killed anbd looted a chaos player, keeping it as a trophy.

I think this are how they were intended.

Epistemology Wrote:In all honesty, to have/wear a chaos shield, you should be in a chaos aligned guild, and only then should you be able to wear/own one. You should only be able to wear/own an order shield if your in an order aligned guild. If you leave your chaos/order guild you should leave your shield behind for the next defender of the alignment.

Was like that on beggin , but we changed to the way it is now cause make it more usefull. I like the way it is now more, you dont have to buy 2 shields, Like on IN1 where you just had one and dosnt matter the guild you was to use it, or even if you wasnt in a guild.

Edit: BTW dont make much sense being a "protect of the order" since here same aligment guilds can atack each other, order atack order and such thing.

I prefer Alzheimer than Parkinson. Better forget to pay the beer than pour it all.

The Love Tent, all you need in PvP Suplys for a good Price! And some other things Big Grin!
[Image: Love_Tent_Map.jpg]

In Front Minoc MINES! In the TENT!

Accepting Carpentry orders!

Ryuuku Wrote:Was like that on beggin , but we changed to the way it is now cause make it more usefull. I like the way it is now more, you dont have to buy 2 shields, Like on IN1 where you just had one and dosnt matter the guild you was to use it, or even if you wasnt in a guild.

I think that once there is more players on at a time, and more guilds, that it might be worth trying the chaos/order shields as they were meant to be used. Like Chaos guilds get chaos shields and Order guilds get order shields. Simple really, and if you don't belong to either one you shouldn't have one.

Well if were gonna be using them the way they should be used. go back to IN rules you get to lord and you get a shield it was obtainable by everyone. theyre are alot of players that would like to have one but will never be a pvper and wont get the chance, this was something about IN that was different than any other shard. and I still remember when i got my first shield it was silver, and an order shield. and you were so happy to show it off recall into town and wear it around. I think we should reconsider the way we are doing things with the chaos order rule and I believe everyone should be able to have a chaos or order shield I mean youre already paying 250k for one you should be able to get it whether order nuetral or chaos, plus i was primarily a chaos player throughout my in career and i had that silver order shield and wouldnt of had it any different. Theyre are some thing's that shouldnt have been changed;].

I think you dont need to be in a guild to be an order or a chaos person, you can defend both sides even if you are not in a guild. Anyway I know the chaos/orden shield here not going to be same as was on IN.

I prefer Alzheimer than Parkinson. Better forget to pay the beer than pour it all.

The Love Tent, all you need in PvP Suplys for a good Price! And some other things Big Grin!
[Image: Love_Tent_Map.jpg]

In Front Minoc MINES! In the TENT!

Accepting Carpentry orders!

I see what you guys mean, someone can be a chaotic player but not want to be in a guild and I see why they should be able to have one.

I don't agree with house looting, but at the same time, don't let yourself get looted....

So ya!


smoke Wrote:nvm

Thanks you for editing that, it made you sound like an *******Cool

Epistemology Wrote:Thanks you for editing that, it made you sound like an *******Cool

I didn't say anything inappropriate.. I just edited it because it went off topic

smoke Wrote:didn't say anything inappropriate.. I just edited it because it went off topic

Taran Wrote:This hasn't really been a rule before, sometimes the person got their reward back, sometimes they didn't. That's why I felt I had to create a rule for this and I decided that skill rewards are not stealable.

But as I said, the shields are still up for discussion.

You made a comment about people from IN wanting the shields to be the way from IN, you told them to stop wanting things, that things had been promised to XUO players, as if basically if you are from IN take a back seat because this is a XUO show. Although, it is clear that Taran said the shields are up for discussion, unless ofcourse that doesn't include IN players, only XUO players and in that case I'm the *******.

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