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Economy - How to Fix Discussion

we will bring in more craftable stuff and features once we go out of beta and our devs develop them , have patience guys

Altari Wrote:Oh, and by the way, the biggest problem with this server is the lag.

For example, us aussies (and there are a lot of us here) have a minimum ping of about 400 to pretty much anywhere in the netherlands. That makes PvP extremely difficult for us, and for many of us this makes the server not worth playing on.

Move to a US server. That way the pings are more "even" to people all over the world.

i live in sydney and me and duke pvp fine with the lag, and i dont mean ganking fine, u can even ask the best pvpers on the shard silverwolf, smoke and scarecrow we put up a decent fight even with our aussie lag and we are still learning to pvp also

This would be OK for those who only like to raise skills, you should consider people who like to actually PLAY the game and not raise skills.

Tiesto Wrote:we will bring in more craftable stuff and features once we go out of beta and our devs develop them , have patience guys

It is not that you have to make Special Items for crafts to be good.

You need to make Gm weapons crafted by Gm smithing worth buying... Make them just as powerful as say force, might, power. Change the damage table so people will use more weapons to pvp with. That will make all the combats useful. Good GM crafted weapon will give an affordable start to poor, new people, allow them to start hunting. Plus a chance to pvp and defend themselves if they don't have the "rich" stuff. Thats gonna start the loop of hunting..dying.. looting...loosing... buying...hunting and on so. Plus it will bring cost of re-equipping down for pvp.

Tailoring.. you need a use for it... like make leather armor like platemail. So it can be used.

If you add items that each craft can sell to the vendors for money... all that is going to to is add to the problem. You will have a bunch of people afk Macroing and spamming VENDOR SELL! We need players to interact with each other players, and carry the economy. Not items that just crate gold mines within NPCs for that skill

You need to encourage PLAYER to PLAYER market. We need to make where you save money buying from a player, players are making enough money selling to you.

Blank Scrolls.
Make it where if you have lj and carpentry you can make these... with no regs.
I lumberjack 1000 logs = 1000gp or if I can craft them into scroll
1 log = 1 scroll. (Then I can sell the scrolls for 3 gp to players....)
That is half of what vendor sells them for... 6gp (vendor)
I made 3x the profit then what I would of if I sold just the logs to a NPC... and they only paid only half of what they would of if they bought it off a NPC

Everyone Wins!...

I'm that Crazy Muthaf*cka named Ice Cube!

I think if this standard was held to all skills that we would have a fully functional economy... but that is just my opinion!

I'm that Crazy Muthaf*cka named Ice Cube!

Let’s do this for fishing now…
Fishing really has nothing for it…. Let’s add SOS’s and Special Nets.
60 skill = LVL 1
70 skill =LVL 2
80 skill= LVL 3
90 skill = LVL 4
100 skill = LVL5…. All these have random spawn %’s, they are not that hard to get, so they are so rare that you can fish for 8 hours and get 1.

So well in a LVL 1 SOS… loot is ok but not that good… maybe 1k gold 20 regs (random 2-3 kinds) Ruin weapon ( not every time but random %). Monsters a little tuff but can do it still with 1 person.

LVL 5 Need like 2-3 people… Loot is Great but doesn’t mean it will be Awesome every time. Maybe like 10-15k 100 of regs ( random 3 kinds) Maybe like 2 vanqs. (1 power, 1 vanqs. / 3 powers / 2 powers low piece of special armor./ 1 vanq. and 1 piece of high armor. ) The loot is all random on what you get and its not always there everytime. That is the RISK FACTOR! That means sometimes you will get no vanqs or armors and other you will get a JACKPOT! The spawns are daemons, dragons, hard stuff….

They all have prices depending on the LVL of the SOS or the NET. The levels will be depicted by color of the SOS or Special Net. Now… This is how the price will work.

Say a LVL 5 Map is for example 15k…. You are not guaranteed vanqs. But you have the chance. A better chance than you would have just randomly hunting. That is why Hunting is FREE, the SOS cost so much. You have that chance and the convenience of it. You might have bad luck and get nothing then again you might get lucky and hit the jackpot. ALL on risk!

So now Fishing has a purpose to be macroed…. It also helps player interaction and the transferring of money which in tales the help the economy needs to stay strong.

I'm that Crazy Muthaf*cka named Ice Cube!

MoustaxeOfVanquishin Wrote:Look, people aren't supposed to GM skills.
Harder skill gains = less people who are GMed @ those skills = more people in demand of let's say ARMORS, and then the people who wasted 30000 hours of there life GMing it will actually get a reward.
BUT here is a series of formulas :

Easy skill gain = everyone has GM all skills + no one needs anything = BAD BAD BAD

Harder skill gain = less people with GM skill = more people who need it = GOOD GOOD GOOD

They might find it hard to GM, but the people who GMed it, did they say a shit? NO cause they like it, if you don't wanna GM smithing, go hunt and buy your armor you monkeys!

Well I am not going to flame you...LIKE YOU DID ME. just going to state a valid point.

Making skill gains harder and easier is not the answer to the problem.... It is so far off not even in the same area.

You have to make it more Convenient for players to buy the goods (Items.. Armor, Nets, Tables, etc) then to actually macro it themselves. That will help the AFK Resourcing too... hell you might not need a rule against. Why macro it if you can get the benefits of the skill already... for the price of gold of course. Gold is a lot easier to come by then skill, that is always true.

Why macro fishing if i can just buy the nets and go get the treasure.

I'm that Crazy Muthaf*cka named Ice Cube!

Joe Black Wrote:so u think u know it all... how do u play with 0 of every skill if u dont raise it? ohhh i get u now.. u mean role "play" lets role play every1 because thats the only way to play this game... OR! lets just stand around brit bank and have some chit chat...


Why not go there? Yeah, I see a lot of people around the bank chit-chatting. Yeah, I see a lot of RPers run up to me and strike a conversation, only to run away because we start attacking them and inevitably kill them. Then I res them, they ***** and complain.

This is UO, about 99% of you are going to ***** and complain. Making skills harder isn't going to fix anything. If you want some outrageous formula to work with to make one item, honestly, find a shard that has a stat cap of 700 and OSI style PvP.

Making items harder to produce and then adding MORE items in to make them is complete hogwash. The more items in should be for the crafted rares from IN and what not.

Jesus, I told you making the game harder isn't going to make it more fun, but you persist and persist.

"I don't want it to get boring, oh my god too many people are riccccch!!!!"

Guess what, skill transfers tend to make people richer than people starting out.

Those speculations on money gain are for the people who can sit ten hours and waste their lives into oblivion. Most of us these days can't do that anymore, but I imagine kids not in school with a shit job and no effort to better themselves can.

[B]ELCID EDIT: Smurtle this is first and last warning, stop with the name calling.[/B]

Ive only read a bit through the second page.

I think Galen is on the right track.

However, I think most all the skillgains are fine how they are. At the very least, they definately don't need to be slower. The only reason skillgain should be changed is if resources are significantly changed.

I think the only problems, or at least the main fixable problems are with items, and mostly revolve around PvP. If scrolls were harder to come by (either blank scrolls only craftable, or - my personal favorite - only allow scrolls to be found on monsters).

For scrolls, lets say you do this. Make it so that each scroll is almost .1 percent. As you get higher, maybe make it so you get .1 per few scrolls. On an average hunting trip, I might get 3-6 blank scrolls. Hell, lets say I get 20 blank scrolls per day, casually hunting. That is 2 points per day. You could buy them, but they would probably be worth a prety penny for their rarity. Some people might farm them, and get maybe 100 per day, but that would still take like 2 weeks + to GM. However, that is ALOT ALOT ALOT of time spent hunting to get that many scrolls per day, so they would deserve it. Id imagine that buying them would cost 500-1000gp each. If you compare buying 10 scrolls and spending 5-1k for one point, to spending 5k-10k buying 900-1600 blank scrolls for the same skill gain, that isn't too far off. Even at 100gp per blank scroll, that is well over 100k that someone might spend training inscription.

The result is that the important scrolls are far more rare, but being GM inscription still means that you can easily get 3X as many FS scrolls as you could hunting normally (find one FS scroll, and 2-3 blank scrolls, and make FS scrolls with those). And they would have far more value than just 100gp each (which, currently, means that most peope spend less on scrolls than they do on regs to PvP...).

And, of course, increases use of the spellbook.

The only reason to change the inscription skillgain along with the drop in resources is so new people could also train it. If transfers werent done, Id be more inclined to say screw it, make high-end scrolls only obtainable from monster loot. Still, though, that would make inscription useless, while with the above suggestion it still does have pretty good value.

Ive already made lots of suggestions that have gone essentially ignored, but Ill sum them up and add a few more:

1) Make the damage from most spells lessened by higher armor, probably by a more drastic amount than most of you are thinking.

2) That will increase the need for higher end weapons (which need lots of tweaking) to do damage.

Both of these will significantly boost the economy, from both craftors selling more items (BS - armor / weapons, Bowcraft - more bows, Tailoring - magical leather armor). This in turn will increase the demand for resources, which gives miners, lumberjacks, and even leather-gatherers more to do.

3) Give food a purpose. Make GM-crafted food give you bonuses like faster health / mana / stamina regen (which is perfectly logical). Not by a huge amount, but by enough that it is worthwhile to do it. Make cooking hard to GM. The enabling of cooking will make finishing itself more valuable, especially if you add special fish that themselves add bonuses to the meal. The affect should not last long, and shoud require you to eat a (500gp?) meal every 5 minutes to maintain it. Try to balance the effect timer with the cost so that it is both profitable for the cook, and worthwhile to use.

If it is balanced well enough, GM-made food could actually be a reasonable profit when sold to players. Even during training, if you catch all the fish yourself / obtain all the ribs yourself, you should be able to create certain types of meals and sell them to appropriate vendors. Think something like "gourmet" meals could be sold to taverns (where people would tend to sit down to eat), and "traveler's" meals could be sold to provisioners (where people stop in, grab what they need, and are back on their way). Both would have the same player bonuses, but they just add another "RP" aspect to the skill / system.

If it is made profitable enough, it might even become worth it to start cutting monsters / animals and taking their ribs when hunting, if you could come back and sell ribs for like 5GP each (or whatever). That would make it pretty easy for newbs to start up, if they could make a "survivable" living killing mild-mannered forest creatures.


BTW, I think it should be resonably profitable to train a crafting skill, even if you buy the resources. However, it should only work with nicer pieces.
For blacksmithy, one should only make a profit after buying resources if making something like plate chests / legs / arms. That way, you burn through ingots like crazy, and you spend alot longer GMing it, but you can still make enough to keep buying ingots, as well as support yourself. By the time you reach GM, it isn't unreasonable to have made 100k profit (which, over several weeks, isn't all that much). This further increases interaction and trade between players.

Tailoring would probably be left alone, since most everyone gets their resources free.

Bowcrafting should also follow the same pattern as blacksmithy. Maybe have little to no profit after buying logs, as long as you are still making bows or crossbows. However, when you get your skill high enough that you can make crossbows, you should be pretty self-sustaining. This, again, increases demand for logs, which further boosts the economy. Also, similarly, it means that you can make smaller items and gain more per amount used, but you will need to be able to spend money doing it.

Carpentry and Tinkering should follow a similar path.

Here are also some potential additions to carpentry and tinkering to make them more useful:

Maybe even make it so that you can use carpentry to add tricks to bows (like if you know both carpentry and bowcrafting, you can make bows out of thicker wood that are thus stiffer and shoot harder, or anything along those lines).

With tinkering, maybe make it so you can "infuse" gems or even ores / ingots into weapons to give them bonues. Like, infuse one type of gem or ingot into a weapon and make it poison you (think Tetnis, heh). Or, infuse a blade with diamons to make it hit harder. Or "infuse" materials into the handle to make it swing faster. Or anything like that. For simplicity, it could only work with plain iron weapons. If you wanted to add another economical feature, make it so only GM-crafted iron weapons could be used for this (meaning, a tinker couldn't just buy a bunch of store-bought weapons). Of course, there would need to be a balance between cost of material for the "upgrades," the failrate of said upgrades (succeed; fail without loss; fail and lose additional resources; fail and lose entire weapon), and the effectiveness of the upgraded weapon to make it both profitable to the player, and worthwhile to use in battle.

Another way to keep that tinkering feature simple would be to only have a short list of custom "infusionables" (I should patent that). Like, you add one type of item to make it hit harder. You add one item and it is the equivalent of a ruin weapon. You add five of those items and its a vanquishing. Either increase the number of required items, or the failrate, to give similar (or slightly higher) prices to their monster-loot counterparts. The same system would apply for the "poison" feature and its item, and the same system would apply for the speed / tactics feature (maybe make it so you infuse some ultra-light material into it so that it swings faster / more accurately).

dvlsmnd Wrote:the most retarded solution ull enjoy playing with 25 peeps online left

Heh, it seems you only pick and chose what you wanted to disagree with. So.... What do you think about the rest of my ideas? Or did you just look for that one?

I think you're all scaring off the new folk by complaining so much on these public boards.

A high voting rank means nothing if they click to the forums and see nothing but "Oh noes fix plox."


Makeing skill gain slower.. Is not the answer. That is just going to make people quit cause it is boring.


Got you make it better for players with crafting skills.... so they can profit, then you have to make where we buy from players for CHEAPER!
FINALLY.... you have to make where I fill I shouldn't have to macro the skill cause I CAN BUY THE BENEFIT FROM THE SKILL FROM SOMEONE ELSE... that has to be there and seem easier... then me macroing it myself


I'm that Crazy Muthaf*cka named Ice Cube!

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