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Why is this ?

oki, but how about if u kill some dragons, u might find a dragon egg in its loot. then u gotta keep it with u for a few weeks or so, then u get a dragon,weak, but trainable, then ppl can have dragon fights Smile

- regards, Fable

No, I think we'll stick with ****s.

Yankovic - "... Oh Nasir, sorry, you are teh greatest. I'm a fool, you were right all the time. please forgive me. ..." (possibly out of context)

I also like **** fighting

Fable Wrote:oki, but how about if u kill some dragons, u might find a dragon egg in its loot. then u gotta keep it with u for a few weeks or so, then u get a dragon,weak, but trainable, then ppl can have dragon fights Smile

I think that would be pretty cool, actually, heh.

Game-wise, you could basically make its figure a Chicken or a Harpy or something.

RP-wise, however, you could say something like how it is a baby dragon, and that they don't grow without their mother's milk, which is why they stay small instead of grow.

fable maybe you remember we tried having evo drags on xuo... that really messed up the version before maka's (this last one).

****fights = yes
drags = no (even if they are stuck as babies)

nasir, the Michael Vick comment was probably lost on everyone but me Smile lol

btw, he was an american football player (not soccer/calcio) who was running a dog fighting ring and got caught and sentenced to something like 5 years in jail i think.

GM Pande

oki, it was just a suggestion.. i got plenty more... give me some time to figure out them to be flawless :p

- regards, Fable

how about you let us create mutants, i would create a human with horse legs, chickens head, and a dog attached to his arm............

mutant fight events.. yeah


Pande Wrote:fable maybe you remember we tried having evo drags on xuo... that really messed up the version before maka's (this last one).

****fights = yes
drags = no (even if they are stuck as babies)

nasir, the Michael Vick comment was probably lost on everyone but me Smile lol

btw, he was an american football player (not soccer/calcio) who was running a dog fighting ring and got caught and sentenced to something like 5 years in jail i think.

Why not? Wouldnt be any different than if they were special colored chickens that were used for the same thing. It would just be cooler, heh. Basically just another rare item to get, except its existance actually makes more sense than many rares out there.

And I knew about the Micheal Vick thing Wink .

While I would normally be racially obligated to say he is innocent / doesn't deserve extreme punishment, this is an exception in which I say **** em!

Lindenwood Wrote:Why not? Wouldnt be any different than if they were special colored chickens that were used for the same thing. It would just be cooler, heh. Basically just another rare item to get, except its existance actually makes more sense than many rares out there.

And I knew about the Micheal Vick thing Wink .

While I would normally be racially obligated to say he is innocent / doesn't deserve extreme punishment, this is an exception in which I say **** em!

Would be cool to make it for a special event, but we are not putting drags in for long time. If everyone wants them in the future in the future, then i guess it might be done if they are nerfed down.

maka Wrote:Would be cool to make it for a special event, but we are not putting drags in for long time. If everyone wants them in the future in the future, then i guess it might be done if they are nerfed down.

Or just can only used inside a special dragon-fighting pit.

[Image: Cole_Green.JPG]

riding dragons and bettles and all that shit I always thought was uber lame...

we aren't talking about being able to ride dragons Smile

on the version of xuo before maka's, you could buy a dragon egg for i think it was 20 prizeballs. you needed GM taming to be able to control it, and you started with a little snake that died really easily, then it turned into a bigger snake, then a crocodile, then a drake, then a fully grown dragon.

by the way, this dragon came back to life all the time, and was bonded to a player. once it got to the dragon stage, it would be able to pound the hell out of any monster and you basically sat back and smiled.

GM Pande

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