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Hunting, Houston we have a problem

Rephlex Wrote:invisible tele pads

I *hate* this gimmick with a passion, unless there's some sort of clue to tell you where the pads are at. Hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it. It's lazy dungeon building, annoying as can be, and makes no logical sense. Why is it that if I step on this one tile of dirt that looks exactly like every other tile of dirt, I get teleported back 3 screens? Why do I have screenshots of this patch of dirt while I take one step at a time and mark the teleporters with an X? Why is it that every time I need to go through here, I need a screenshot to tell me where the pads are at because there's no other way to tell?


[Image: shamedungeon.jpg]


Herod[PoD] from IN1

Maximus[Nazgul] from Flint Hills

LMFAO!!!!! This $hit is priceless!!!!!


I give up, tried ice dungeon and a champion insta killed me with his insta spells...

Thanks but no thanks, this server is just not for me

That's too bad.

You should get someone to help you find out the good spawns. Some dungeons are very hard yes, but some are pretty easy. I do agree that Brit graveyard shouldn't be so hard though.

Taran Wrote:That's too bad.

You should get someone to help you find out the good spawns. Some dungeons are very hard yes, but some are pretty easy. I do agree that Brit graveyard shouldn't be so hard though.

Umm all dungeons are utterly hard, hell even britain GY is hard, someone thought it was awesome to put out spawns/walls everywhere and mess up dungeons so bad that no one even hunts there.

Monster spell casting is so messed up beyond all recognition, thats the problem in this case.

and not to mention when you die you have to run for 50 min just to get back to town and i bet thats really awesome for 99% of the players.

Im sorry but im so pissed because i thought it would be fun to get back to uo but hunting have never been this hard anywhere.

Well everyone have their own taste, but fighting these monsters doesn't have to be that hard if you know the tricks. Which is why I said you should get someone to help you, hehe.

It's always better to hunt with a friend than to hunt alone, that way your friend can help you if you die.

Hey Fallzone you could try to use an animal (bear,dog,polar bear,etc)to distract the monster or monsters then spam blades on them. Or get close enuf to where u can cast and the blade or ev will auto go to the monster and start attacking them. Or use summon daemon and say all guard me when u are attack the daemon will attack the one who is attacking you. The summon daemon can be commanded so it is a very helpful pvm tactic. Or have blade or ev ready to summon and summon fast as possible and hope u dont die. Peacemaking and provoke are the best PvM skills to have so train them they help trust me. Try hunting close to town to get the timing down on blades and evs scrolls and learn the monsters attack paterns. I know there are monsters close to town so they shouldn't be a problem to kill. Oh always reflect urself that way if a mage monster trys to dump on you the first spell will be reflected giving u a chance to run away reflect again and try to kill the mage monster. Have recall,reflect,Greater heal KEYS they are very helpful. It is just a matter of timing ur spells and tring not to get hit that way you can slay the monsters and get some loot it does take some practice tho and watch out for pks when out in the world. Try to have the monster life bar availible this helps when targeting them. Hope this helps you with hunting. Good Luck.

I been using peacemaking and sword them to death and its been working pretty good. Provocation is too hard to GM so I went the peace route. If you peace them they wont attack you even while you're bashing their brains out, works great!

Hunting is stupid hard on this server, that's for sure. But I still don't like the idea of when people say "you should hunt with a partner".

Some things yes, but other things u wanna hunt alone, u want the loot for yourself aswell...

But seeing how hard hunting is, there should be a STICKY post on the forums, labeled "Hunting" and explaining the different dungeons where your recomemded to hunt alone/with someone... explaining what skills are needed, what types of scrolls, etc...

because people will get fedup by this and leave, things like these must be stickied on the forums... not on the main page where people rarely look... on the forums where people will most likely be browsing.



Silverwolf Wrote:But seeing how hard hunting is, there should be a STICKY post on the forums, labeled "Hunting" and explaining the different dungeons where your recomemded to hunt alone/with someone... explaining what skills are needed, what types of scrolls, etc...

Thats a Good Idea.

I prefer Alzheimer than Parkinson. Better forget to pay the beer than pour it all.

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[Image: Love_Tent_Map.jpg]

In Front Minoc MINES! In the TENT!

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i agree hunting is hard espcially if you dont know your way around or if your alone and if you dont have the right resources.. you should be able to hunt alone

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