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stronger warforks and battle axes

Tweaking weps is really hard because if you tweak it too much you will just make a new favorite wep. And that's half the trouble of tweaking weps the right amount. For example a war fork might be made to be really fast but lower hits to balance out the super speed.

I think the problem here is if the staff tweak a ba to make it faster/stronger, everyone will b*tch saying now its too strong, so the staff lower it a bit and other people will b*tch saying it's too weak, etc.

I think to balance the weps would be a very long process that nobody has the patience for.

OMG...first of all, my main concern wasn't battle axes. Even though they are a BIT weak. My MAIN concern is warforks! I've said it a few times already. I know how strong warforks/battle axes/bardiches/halleys are! I didn't just get "unlucky" hits in one duel and complain about how weak or strong a certain weapon is. Why do u think EVERYONE uses a bard? Because all these other weapons don't even come close!!! I don't understand why some people think that tweaking one or two weapons a tiny bit will make it the "new bard" and hence faze out the bard. That's not my objective here. If you cant figure out what my main objective is from reading my first post then don't post saying something stupid like...."you probably got unlucky one time using a BA" or "tweaking a weapon will make it a new favourite" like the bard. Hence fazing out every other weapon. Even IF that did happen. What's the difference? Every single weapon is already fazed out except the bard! But like I already said, that's not my objective here! Now I remember why I don't bother posting...because it's a waste of my time. Just a bunch of fools trying to debate when they have no clue what they're even talking about in the first place.

Hey man, I wasn't saying that it's bad to tweak weps at all or it's bad to tweak a wep and that turns out to be the new best wep. Like you said it would be the same as the bard being the best now.

I'm just saying that I can see it happening where staff try to balance the weps so there is a variety of them being used and 1 wep turns out to be too good making it the favorite wep that now everybody wants to use. And I mean as in 10x better then the bard.

Balancing weps so you see different ones being used and giving some variety to the pvp is what you were talking about and this is the tricky part. And I said I can see this happening because it has happened before on the XUOs I played.

weapons are optional, speed won't be changed because you can't modify a weapon to make it a pvpers new best friend. Although if there is little enough damage the staff/admin can choose to raise it's attack power in this case: the war fork. I agree it does hit very little but it also hits very fast so it's hard to balance it out.

Remeber guys weapons are optional at any time in a duel if you would like to use a ba or bard you can do so nobody is stopping you =/

What do you mean you can't modify a weapon? Of course you can...

Yea smoke you're 100% right when you say nobody is stopping you from using a different weapon. If you want to use a dagger instead of a bard nobody is stopping you, what is stopping you is the common knowledge that a dagger is horrible compared to a bard and you aren't helping your chances of winning a duel using a shit weapon.

Same reason as why somebody wants a superduper accurate bardiche of vanquishing over a regular bard; harder, better, faster, stronger, kanye.

THANK YOU Eighty Swords!!!

Shifty Wrote:THANK YOU Eighty Swords!!!

Was that sarcastic?? :eek:

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