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Jerek Stormgard raised an eyebrow as his old friend Kite rushed past him, seemingly hurrying out of Britain towards the Moongate. Why an alien with the powers to alter time would need to use the moongates still was beyond him.
"Ah Jerek. I want to show you something, let's meet up by the Shrine of Sacrifice, I have parked my... craft around that place so I won't lose it again!" he yelled as he ran past disappearing in the woods surrounding the circle of stones.

He stepped out of thin air, his mouth just stopped forming the word Por back in front of Bank of Britan, now he was standing on the plain, facing the old stone ankh that was the Shrine of Sacrifice. A source of troubles and despair, it was so long time ago. Kite stood by the odd blue box, grinning and showing him to get inside.
"I don't want to seem like a party-crasher, but the two of us won't really fit comfortably in such small a vessel."
"Ah indeed" Kite laughed "Just.. well, you see, just step inside"
"Well all hell be damned it can't be worse than that cave full of gazers and orcs you - last time - insisted we enter" Jerek laughed, and stepped inside the blue box.
And with the same speed, he stepped out. He ran around the box, touching the sides, knocking on the wood.
"It is.. impossible. That's... but it's just a small box. Not bigger than an outhouse. It's.."
"Bigger on the inside" Kite laughed "It seems to surprise just EVERYONE I ever met. Don't know the reason, seems normal to me" he grinned

The inside of the box was a spacious chamber of clean white colour, with hexagonal white panels all around the wall. Kite started pushing buttons and turning dials on a central column, seemingly running around randomly and modifiying some control on a whim.
"Well take a seat and hold on to something other than your hair because we're in for a rough ride. This old lady doesn't take the Time Vortex as smooth as she used to in the prime days." With that Kite pulled a large switch on the column, and the entire room was filled with a loud shrieking noise, and the console room started shaking. Kite held on to the console as the shaking increased.
"Don't worry this is normal operation. As normal as it can be on a planet with such an unstable vortex-field..."
A huge tremor ran through the chamber, and for a second all light went out and flickered back to life. The shrieking noise stopped, and so did the shaking.
"Ah, now THAT wasn't. Intentional, that is. Unforeseen, well that very well was. Let's go outside and see what made us stop. In the meantime keep hoping we didn't hit a world that just needs some well awaited saving, we already have one of those on our hands"

Kite pushed open the doors of the TARDIS, laid his eyes on the sight of a sandstone town, surrounded by the sea. It was none other then Magincia.
"Jerek can you check the number on the northwestern panel please? I only need to know the last two digits, if the others changed this place wouldn't look so... sandstone any more."
"I think it's... two"
"Just... two? Then maybe... just MAYBE we should leave right now." Kite said, but he already took his coat and scarf from the coathanger by the exit.
"Oooof course, we do that all the time running like headless chicken" Answered Jerek, picking up his sword and shield, heading for the exit as well

"Stop right there you two! The town's under martial law ever since Britain was taken over by chaos! Only members of the Knights of Virtue can walk this sandstone streets" said a booming voice as they climbed down the roof of the tailor shop, where the blue box landed.
"I apologize sir but I do not possess a weapon and this young friend of mine would be reluctant to give up a sword that comes from a family heirlom." Kite said with an angry look
"In that case, you shall both die!" the man in the plate armor raised a hand and yelled out magic words. With that a huge bonfire raised, enveloping Kite
"STOP, FOOL!" A tall blonde knight ran from the Hall of Virtue towards them "This is Jerek Stormgard, my old friend! Don't you dare continue this!"
"Sire I'm sorry so sorry. That other man might've already died though..."
Kite picked himself up from the ground, trampling towards the knight, his overcoat burned to crisp.
"For god's sake, was that - really - necessary? I mean, ouch. That hurt." He looked on himself, throwing pieces of his overcoat to the ground when he finally noticed. "Ah, lookie. Scarf. Gone. You might not know but that thing was at least five hundred years old and from another world." Kite seemed somewhat sad, albeit still smiling
"I am sorry for this loss, it was truly our fault sire..."
"Doctor. Just call me The Doctor." Kite grinned, bumping Jerek a bit
"Yeah, he's a mage from around the Magincia archipelago, kind of like a hermit, I just ran into him at Britain when one of his teleportation spells went awry and both of us ended up here." Jerek explained away quickly to his friend
"Well, that is indeed a justifiable reason for you to be on the island. Also come with me to the Virtue Hall, I just happen to have a friend present there who might be able to quickly knit you a new scarf. She just mastered the art of tailoring lately. Also have a drink, we just resupplied on grog and I know how much you fancy a good bottle of such poison Jerek" Dorus smiles and started walking towards the Hall of Virtue, motioning them to follow.

Kite closed the door of the TARDIS and tossed the remnants of his hat and the peach-coloured scarf on the coat hanger by the entrance, and turned some knobs and levers on the control panel.
"Well, it seems it didn't end up SO bad after all. Neither Dorus nor Fiona recognized you as Kite, thus we won't be turning future events upside down, I hope" smiled Jerek, tossing down his sword and his shield by the coathanger.
"Aye, but I think I - did - prefer my old scarf."
"Well not that this one looks any WORSE than that one, old friend" said Jerek accompanied by a loud laugh
"Now then, where were we heading before we got marooned here? Aaaaah yes! I wanted to show you Britannia as a whole from high up in the sky, then I need to go see that small library in Britain which is said to house some puzzling manuscripts written by an expert of ancient Sosarian history. Allons-y!"

*Vworp Vworp*

[ Ok instead of asking a GM for a roleplaying item, thus adding another player to the already long list of people they need to check, I want to know if anyone has a dye tub with a colour similar of that which Fiona Lifekiss had on IN1 ( if someone remembers the hue code... I don't ), and is willing to dye me a cloak in that colour. PM me if you fit such category and want to help ]

"He's fire and ice and rage
He's like the night, and a storm in the heart of the Sun
He's ancient and forever
Burning in the center of time
He can see the turn of the Universe"

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Time-flight - by imported_kitehimuro - 11-21-2007, 05:24 PM

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