04-27-2012, 07:36 PM
masterash Wrote:so the gms is saying even tho we yousede 6 mill its just gone and its bade luck? and the funny part is the gm that is righting hear is the gm that told me 2 go hear and right this question and stop talking about gamling inside a game like real gambling i dont gamble in real life never do and never will BUT the ruels for this machine wass like not real life gambling just a way 2 make gold for this game and if they remove the way 2 get the gold that aint fair they took away 6 mill from the realm and they cant tell us why we are people in this guild donation real life money so the realm can keep runing for menny month in the future are we gonna do that again ? i guess not why keep somthing runing with this bade service we just wanna know WHO WON IF ANYONE WON and why is
no one won it, And i think they wont put the cash back, This is a rip off.
I hope they put the money back inside the machine.