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INsetup.exe set off virus scan

Hello all, When I completed the download of the installer from the link here my norton av went off and removed the file, It said something to the effect of Threat type: insight network threat whatever that means. I was wondering if that is a false positive that has happened to a few people or what the deal is.

I've been bouncing around on various shards and I would really like to give this one a go.

Ah what the hell I just decided to dl it with my av disabled, I hunted around and found nothing talking about a issue and the oldschool launch era customized idea just sounds too appealing. Either way wouldn't mind hearing from somebody on it doing what it did, could even be a deterrent though I could have went and got a fresh client and customized it I suppose.

Messages In This Thread
INsetup.exe set off virus scan - by Jtrainz - 04-03-2012, 03:11 AM
INsetup.exe set off virus scan - by Raziel_ - 04-03-2012, 04:49 AM
INsetup.exe set off virus scan - by tranith - 04-03-2012, 07:00 AM
INsetup.exe set off virus scan - by Eru - 04-03-2012, 06:11 PM

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