03-13-2012, 02:51 AM
Quote:So long story short were jailed for killing you because staff didn't listen to players in the first place testing it out once again today to see that it still works you ended up dead and us jailed. In the end you still died huaaiauhaih
Yeah that's right, 5mins earlier you, silverwolf and goldbond got pwned in 3v3 vs me cubix and shocker. The only way you can kill me when u gank is by using bugs you idiot.
Quote:Because he deserved it harassing goldbond I said this in my previous post we didn't even get the loot we did it too justify what they did because there was no GM's around. I had a page up for half the day then boom one shows up and says "they'll look into it"
Can you stop with that... If you got killed, and you come back 3-4 times to run around us for sure i will attack back... Res killing is when u just don't stop killing someone. We didn't trash talk, we didn't run after him and in fact he didn't say a word. You are AGAIN the only one complaining about everything...