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Weapon system ideas.

Azzo Wrote:Just some numbers for you regarding supply of these weapons.

I am in the latter stages of mining enough ingots to GM blacksmith and then tinkering, and I'm definitely not alone in this. I have 1.5k blackrock ingots at the moment, probably 2k by the middle of next week. Weapon ingot costs run from 8 for a kryss to 20 for a halberd. So I could make off the bat, 75 vanquishing halberds with no accuracy. I don't know if these are the numbers you were expecting, or if you should adjust the idea to match these kind of numbers. Personally I think that those numbers would trivialise what you're trying to achieve here with the item wipe of magical weapons, so maybe upping ingot costs, or bringing in other ingredients, or something else entirely might be needed to be brought in.

Don't get me wrong, I'm in support of the idea in principle, I just don't know about execution yet.

Yeah I definitely overlooked that, if the weapons were made with the same amount of ingots as iron then they would be much too plentiful. Possibly make them cost some multiple of whatever it takes to make them in iron? like 5x the ingots or something?

Eru Wrote:What about lowering the number of weapons that spawn, plus I could remove the weapons from the Hunter/Slayer events. Then, as weapons wear out and are sold/trashed, there's more need for smiths and weapon prices rise again. I think a lot of people would object to us wiping the weapons, or any items, really. Maybe if it was only non-custom and non-vanq weapons that got wiped and if they were replaced with silver in the owners' banks somehow. That would need to be scripted, but having a way to delete an item and return silver for it through commands would be nice.

Yeah if it was a non-customized and non-vanq loot table weapon wipe then I think people would be much less opposed to this idea. The wipe/silver return is a very good idea, I like it.

Messages In This Thread
Weapon system ideas. - by Habibi Jones - 03-02-2012, 06:55 AM
Weapon system ideas. - by Venos - 03-02-2012, 11:23 AM
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Weapon system ideas. - by Carding - 03-04-2012, 10:59 PM
Weapon system ideas. - by Venos - 03-04-2012, 11:51 PM

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