03-02-2012, 08:32 AM
Hello, I have an idea for your consideration eru or taran. PVM Arena. Theres multiple ways you could set it up. You could go for singles. Which would be multiple arenas each with 1 player in it running on a timer that is the same for all the players. In this style you could either do it by who kills the mobs the fastest or have a progression style. The progression style would be the player killing waves of monsters and whoever gets the farthest without dying wins. By doing it whoever kills the fastest you could have a set amount of waves with a timer in between each wave and whoever gets through all the waves first wins. Or you could do it as a group survivor style. In this style you could do waves of monsters and if you die you're out. Whoever is the last standing wins. Obviously pvp should be made to be impossible otherwise it wouldn't be fair and would defeat the purpose of this arena type. There are a ton of possible ways for this to go and I think it would be a fun idea! I would make this a more coherent paragraph but I'm tired and its late.