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I know that resource gathering while away is forbidden and punished by the gump. But what about macroing the skill itself?
I mean, just getting skill gains without the resources connected to them. To most, it won't make much sense, since you need those ingots to macro black anyway, but pratically for someone who just wants mining to be done, it means sitting in front of computer hours and hours for days/weeks doing something else and answering the gump.
Gathering while afk will *surely* disrupt economy, but what about making a tool that justs raises mining skill, i don't know, like a prospector tool, with the same skill gain of normal mining.
I'm doing it, and not complaining about it. I'm just asking if it's possible, and if it's not, why.
My example is that if i'm in need of GMing blacksmith, i think just like everybody else, i can't find the utility of it before GMing mining first, but in order to accomplish that i find myself sitting for hours watching movies or doing something else while my char just digs digs digs. Can't even smoke without the risk of finding myself dead Smile
All that time "wasted" I could've spent hunting and collecting the tons of gold needed for the ingots to train smithing.
I'm asking (with a twisted english, have pity of me) the feasibility both in terms of scripts and the impact on the server of the introduction of an alternative way to raise the gathering skills without, in fact, gathering.

Messages In This Thread
[Mining] - by Desolacio - 02-29-2012, 12:22 PM
[Mining] - by Ramza - 02-29-2012, 03:17 PM

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