02-27-2012, 02:37 AM
stonychavez Wrote:So is this server no longer going to strive to emulate IN1...?
Are we going to be tweaking things here and there till eventually we have IN:X again?
The shard is called imagine nation, and ofc it has some features that resemble IN but I doubt it will ever be replicated completely dude stuff just evolves with time :/ I don't see how this is such a huge change that you guys are making it out to be magic arrow is a less cast time than paralyze the only thing paralyze does is stop them from moving..
Catalyst Wrote:You seem to be getting a little personal with this issue, I don't mean to offend anyone or disrespect anyone. And you don't know my UO history, so don't speak about things you know nothing of, assuming that I'm trying to change the shard into carebear central. All I'm saying is ganking is EASY enough as it is.. but it seems like all of the voices on the forum just want it to be easier to get the kill. Reds should have to work just as hard as blues, and since ganking is the norm it doesn't seem like they have to work very hard at all. Obviously if I see 3 reds come onto my screen while I'm hunting.. and I'm already at 70% health.. I know I'm probably not making it out alive. But that's ok, make it easier to gank.. I know death and losing items are a huge part of this game and ultimately it's up to Taran, and I'm sure whatever he decides to do will be good enough for all of us.
It's nothing personal and I hope you didn't get offended or will be offended in my future posts, but you're saying it's easy to gank but you haven't even tried or encountered the escape artists on this shard. When you assume that the ganking on this shard is easy you're going to get comments like that from me because you haven't tried it and your making these asumptions Young players have no idea what there talking about imo, I don't care how many shards you've played in the past this one is a different one. Believe me I'm not afraid to lose items.
Mael Wrote:I'm so not getting what this person is talking about....I mean the only one that acting like thief full of themselves is you....no offence...
And its like your trying to say everyone here hasn't played this game for Atleast 10 years..
Which a lot of people have...so I'm sure we all have plenty of experience with uo...
Anyways for the topic...I don't really see this being a big impact...but if all harmful spells already fizzle recall then why not para? It's supposed to paralyze you...
My point exactly