02-24-2012, 12:16 AM
Brandon Wrote:Step 1: Google UOAM - Find download link
Step 2: Download UOAM
Step 3: Install UOAM & update maps
Step 4: Use UOAM
The first three take less than five minutes. The program is NOT hard to use. I really do think you're grasping here.
It's also not seen as a serious shard if you hand them everything.
At this point I really think you're just wanting to make it as easy as possible for you and your friends to run around killing people.
Thanks for pointing out the steps I clearly said I know what UOAM is you also proved my point that it takes 5 mins to download rather then just .add portal and fix it's props.
EDIT: You're pretty much saying you want every player to download and use UOAM when it's optional it shouldn't be like that it's a necessity on this shard and that just isn't right..
As for the 2nd part everything being handed to us? Do you PvP? It's quite impossible with a timer on the casino let alone ganking in general if someone wants to get away they will get away. All they have to do is invis pot and recall scroll in a matter of 1 second there gone good luck trying to get them then.