02-18-2012, 01:09 AM
Gang Wrote:I wanted also to suggest FS/Light damage increcement. Right now it's just too hard to kill players. If you focus on healing only it's sooo much easier to stay alive than to kill you.. You'd need 3 FS to kill an AFK guy! While you can cast only six! How many times would you hit GH macro if you were active? You can even remove regular GH from your macros if you don't PvP. It's useless! You can heal up with just GH scrolls. These are twice faster than FS scrolls and intake 30 mana, as much as FS. Yeah they don't cover all the damage FS dealt, but they cover enough. Hell, even if you have only bandages and full hp in the beginning, you can heal up from 5 FSes with just aids in 60% of cases. You have pretty good chance of staying alive vs best dump the opponent can throw at you with just bandages!!! Thats crazy.
Thats exactly why I sincerely have no idea what Galdor was talking about. The server he refers to had 46 FS damage and 18 Lightning damage, 100 maximum hitpoints and you also were able to cast FSES 5 times.
So here goes suggestion, but I'll still make topic for it later:
FS/Lightning damage increcement by like 30% of it's current damage.
Also adding another type of Lights/FSes with less mana intake but with HP intake. I mean to not replace the current FS/Light, but adding one more type of each...
Now, I know that majority here is not for PvP, thats why I'm not going to suggest removing Invis pots/Recall scrolls but i'll still describe how I look at it...
Very simple macros that pretty much everyone can make - invis pot+recall scroll guarantes you're safe. Our recall is just as fast as the fastest intercepting spell, so I mean harm, magic arrow, clumsy are 1 sec cast delay, so is recall scroll.
Only one guy chasing you and you don't stand a chance, too many items or just don't want to fight?! Reflect yourself, press your recall scroll macro and you'll be safe. If theres a lot of followers , then insure yourself with invis pot+scroll macro...
So, yeah, Soma, there is a problem with killing someone. Though it has nothing to do with my idea. Wear as good gear as your target wears and you'll deal as much damage as you can. My idea just equals the risks...
Edit: P.S. if you're looking for players with HH , high-end armor and BW in pack - thats what I usually wear, the thing is that nobody fights, not to mention is hard to find players here if you red and can't access Britain
Edit: P.P.S I still against the shields to be in there because the weps are balanced right now, good 2h weapon worths a lot , so I don't see how would it help the economy, and the thing you'd have add shield equiping to every macro of yours definitely doesn't add any interesting PvP aspect..
Great Idea Sir.