01-19-2007, 01:22 PM
Something else I want to add is that when you start pvping, keep note of some tricks that you learn, or tactics if you may. Remember them and use them again and see if they work for you. They may work against some opponents but fail against others. Stock up on your tactics arsenal :>. Remember the fact that we use "spams" or fake power words to cover up our actions, so everything is unpredictable. Innovating possiblities are endless.
A good example would be how I explained the "silent FS" under the FS: NOS description. That "XUO Fake" can be used as a tactic. If you constantly XUO Fake your opponent he will not expect any other spell following that FS because you repeatedly use it. So, when your enemy is expecting a fake fs and nothing else from you he will be up for a surprise when you hit him with a following 'silent' NOS fs .
Some other tactics may just be basic. You could fake the use of a bandage, wait a second and gheal spell ur way back up to full hp. While you fake ur enemy might want to FS you because of the fact that bandages are very unpredictable, and you could fail using one or heal up very low. So if he does fs you, and you heal with no problems, then his mana is just gone to waste :] giving you the sudden advantage.
The list of these goes on forever so just experiment and see how it all goes for you! Have fun ;]
A good example would be how I explained the "silent FS" under the FS: NOS description. That "XUO Fake" can be used as a tactic. If you constantly XUO Fake your opponent he will not expect any other spell following that FS because you repeatedly use it. So, when your enemy is expecting a fake fs and nothing else from you he will be up for a surprise when you hit him with a following 'silent' NOS fs .
Some other tactics may just be basic. You could fake the use of a bandage, wait a second and gheal spell ur way back up to full hp. While you fake ur enemy might want to FS you because of the fact that bandages are very unpredictable, and you could fail using one or heal up very low. So if he does fs you, and you heal with no problems, then his mana is just gone to waste :] giving you the sudden advantage.
The list of these goes on forever so just experiment and see how it all goes for you! Have fun ;]