12-03-2011, 06:16 PM
Yep, only spell you can interrupt here is recall. The fizzling you guys are thinking bout is one of the other playstyles UO had at some point. 51a PvP was like our PvP here. Spells weren't interruptable, scrolls gave an advantage. A different version had the spell fizzling PvP I believe, I do really miss it though... Lots of fun 
edit: Taran I know what you mean when you said "I remember it being quite buggy." I remember it happened a lot, when I was casting an FS at someone and I got FS'ed by someone else in the meantime, it would fizzle my FS. Good old 51a
The bugs were the best part IMO.

edit: Taran I know what you mean when you said "I remember it being quite buggy." I remember it happened a lot, when I was casting an FS at someone and I got FS'ed by someone else in the meantime, it would fizzle my FS. Good old 51a