12-01-2011, 04:34 PM
Considering that newbie information should be more disclosed to new players to get started doesn't make it necessary for there to be no other guidance besides the player guide. Sure it's great discovering things on your own but newb information shouldn't have to be one of them and there is plenty more rewarding stuff after the Merc Camp to discover. Even IN1 had in game help directing new players to newbie dungeons,mt kendall, and the dangers of certain unguarded area's even tho only thing they were able to do were to place signs. What i mention before isn't gonna require a huge amount of signs/NPC's to help nudge new players along. Rather to help them have multiple ways of obtaining newbie information on their own beside a book that "could" be overlooked. One example is the Training Weapons at the Merc Camp. There no indication of it in the player guide and the area can be mistaken for just deco and be easily overlooked. Hell i even overlooked it till Atlas told me when i started lol. Anyway, a few tweeks isn't gonna harm anything and will only help to give newbie information that new players need