11-14-2011, 04:27 PM
AH i see, now that i think about it i forgot something from the key features on housing on the webpage :3 lol.
So to not make it not a hassel to staff, i could just use runUO with UOArchitect and just create a building simular to the one i have in game, and have that replaced? THat would seem much easier to you and more to my liking . There any catches to doing that then? if its more tiles than what i have originally, would it go by tile cost then? on the house itself that is.
altho some people in the future may want to turn a deeded house into a static but i dont mind either way
Quote:If that's not enough creative license for you, you can create your own static using RunUO and UOArchitect, then give us the customized file. We will load that file into the world whereever you want it, then freeze it in place for you.
So to not make it not a hassel to staff, i could just use runUO with UOArchitect and just create a building simular to the one i have in game, and have that replaced? THat would seem much easier to you and more to my liking . There any catches to doing that then? if its more tiles than what i have originally, would it go by tile cost then? on the house itself that is.
altho some people in the future may want to turn a deeded house into a static but i dont mind either way